The World Knows

Julie's POV

"And, he is my son's right?" He asked without a moment making me look at him in utter disbelief.

"What do you mean?..." I barely whispered.

"…I am not like your son…how could you?" I don't know what else was left to see.

"He doesn't treat you well, and women your age do look for solace in other men's arm. My question isn't very strange…it is…" And before he could say something I knew I had to finish this conversation.

"It is…Matteo's. I know that." I gritted the words making him inhale deeply as he looks at me. For one this family didn't have any kind of morality. And, I wonder in what kind of world they think they are?

"Does Matteo know about your pregnancy?" Mr Lucca asked making me gulp hard. Now, was the moment? I don't know why, but I could see he won't be of much help.

"No, he doesn't. He has told me earlier that…he doesn't want to have kids with me." He only stared at me for a few seconds before he said, "What have you done woman? You had all these months to win his heart but it seems you hadn't done anything at all." I pierced my nails in my palms.

"Nothing can win his heart. And, you know that…" I was trying my best to not leave my control.

"…and, the least I can expect from you now is to help me save my baby…because he won't blink killing this innocent soul."

He looked at me for a few moments and took off his glasses to pinch his head before looking back at me. "First…congratulations. If I could see this baby in my lifetime it will be a pleasure. But convincing Matteo and letting him see how much he should care about his blood should be your responsibility."

"He will kill me. I know that. If I tried to fight against him for this baby he will kill me. And, the moment I signed up to marry your son…" I didn't want to think about how happy I was to start my journey with him.

"…I didn't find myself ending up here."

"But you two…are family. And, there shouldn't be anything that you two can't overcome." It was enough for me to realize he won't be any help. I couldn't help pitying him.

"You do know what he will do, right?" I asked and only find him looking at me straight. I don't know what he was thinking when he proposed me the job. When…he out of the blue saw that I should marry his son and be part of their family. But I know one thing…either my baby will get a chance at life or I will die with him.

"Just…don't tell anyone about my pregnancy right now. I will show you what I am capable of."

I didn't have any plan when I walked back to my room. And, I wonder how for any fraction of the moment I actually believed that he will be of any help. He was the very reason that I was in this mess.

I had hot tears streaming on my cheeks but this time these were out of anger. I got a green see-through dress out of the closet and tried to get it on but one look at the mirror had me thinking of where I was trapped. The moment I got my conscious the dress was torn in my hands and was everywhere.

"Stay calm…Julie…stay calm. You…will get through it. Something will happen somehow and you will be…" I looked around the closet that seems to narrow down on me. "…you will be out of here. Happy, free and safe with your child. You will have everything once you are done with him. He…will never be able to reach you or harm you."

I wore the perfume on my neck and looked at my face one more time. And, what stared back wasn't me anymore. I recalled how I have lied to him that I love him. I know I have become a wrong person and I wonder what other things I will be able to do if it comes to saving my child.

I inhaled sharply before coming to still as I listened to the door being opened. I stood up from the bed and gritted my teeth as he approached, "You look ravishing…" I stretched the right corner of my mouth before asking, "How was your day?"

"What do you think it was like?" It was easy to take notice of his smile. I smiled back and got my hands on his tie that he held before coming to raise my chin with his other hand.

"The mornings are very important for me. And, today…it was special." I tried to stay put waiting for him to continue. Was he going to get into details about what he did with Sasha or would let me live with my dignity?

"Your breakfast…no, it was finding my wife standing beside me…at my service." He got his hand on my shoulder.

"I wonder why this fact that I have…" His thumb was pressuring against my neck. "…sole authority on this beautiful territory doesn't leave my thoughts whole day." And, the moment his menacing gaze became a lot for me as he leaned in I closed my eyes. His warm breaths were brushing my face.

"It excited me even more. The thought that you love me and my actions hurt you…tell me…how much it hurts…knowing I am with someone else." His mouth was so close to my ear. I didn't have much time to figure out what he wanted to hear.

"A lot," I answered softly. The way he seemed content and calm. I knew this is what he wanted to hear. I hear a chuckle before I felt him against my mouth sucking me slowly. I felt his tongue roaming my mouth as he holds my waist tight and just when I was about to take my hand on his coat to unbutton him he held my hands again.

"We have somewhere to be," He said making me wonder.

In two hours we two sat in a showroom where luxury cars were displayed. In front of me, there were three Sedan cars in black. It was Rolls Royce, Bentley and Maybach. He had chosen three without asking me in just three minutes as we entered.

"Tell me which one you liked most among them." He asked making me look at him. I do recall his conversation from the island. I pressed my lips before looking at the cars again. All of them seem intimidating. Definitely, something that would suit him and not me.

"This one." I pointed to the one that was most near to me. And, it seems a lot less flashy. And, only when he smiled looking at me I turned to see it was Maybach. "I want it customized just like my other cars. And, it has to have our logo…" He was talking to Peter and I walked to that car. I could see my dress that reached my knees. It fits perfectly all over the place and I could see my little baby bump.

I looked back at Matteo and wonder why it didn't pass him ever. We walked out of the showroom with three guards, Peter and the assistant we met in the showroom. I only realized that someone was taking our photo when Matteo got his hand on my waist and the guard right beside me came to stand at my right side. I noticed three other people taking photos too before I noticed how we were gathering unwanted attention from many. Of course, he was a known face because of his status and fake philanthropist tag.

It was around seven in the evening when our car was pulled in front of a coffee shop. And, that was surprising. I got out of the car when the driver held it for me. But I was surprised when we passed the coffee shop to get into the building that was standing right beside it.

The lady behind the desk met us cheerfully and got out to lead us further. She talked about how she loves reading about the foundation running by his father. And, also participates as a volunteer to teach little kids.

"The doctor is waiting for you," She cheered as she held the door for us.

"It was really nice to meet you, Ariana. Thank you so much." Matteo said while I found myself walking in, where the first thing I noticed was the pictures of some models on the wall with their face close up.

"Welcome, Mr and Mrs Lucca." I found a man in his late forties welcoming us with a woman who probably was his assistant and though I did pass him a smile my focus was the picture where it was shown how the model got the nose job.

"My name is Dr Maddox and please feel free to whatever magic you want."

"Well, I wouldn't like to change anything…but if she wants to have fuller lips and natural sharp brows…I am going to stand beside her in the process."

"That's lovely…" The assistant standing behind Mr Maddox commented making me look at Matteo. It took everything in me to not show my surprise. I clutched my hands on my purse while I seemed unable to focus on their conversation. Why on the earth I was supposed to go through this?

"You tell me, Mrs Lucca. Will you like a bow over it or not?" I felt as if my mouth was paralyzed, even opening it to make an answer was taking a lot.

"Well, she always wanted to get rid of this cute persona of hers and seem hot. So,…"

"…without a bow." The assistant wrote on her pad.

"Are you pregnant?...or had been trying…or on some medication or have some allergies...this process can't be performed if..."

"No…we aren't. Why I would let her take the surgery if she was pregnant." He said making me look at him.

"So, what seems good to you we can decide on the date." The doctor said, and before I could say something I found Matteo say, "We have a gala this weekend. What about Tuesday after that? Mondays are a little busy for us." Matteo said as if we are two inseparable entities.

"Well, Mrs Lucca. You are very lucky to have a husband like him." I tried my best to stretch my mouth. They did talk about some matters related to the foundation. It turns out this doctor makes the donations to his foundation too.

Now, I only have a few days to tell him that I was pregnant and can't go with this stupid idea of his. The realization that he wanted to customize me to cater to his preference was sickening.

I had my eyes wet the moment we got into the car. I got my face to the other side when I found him appearing in the car.

"Did you hear them? I am the most supportive husband ever. You are lucky to have me…" His mocking tone had me cringed while our car started leaving the building behind.

"…you are in disbelief. Aren't you? I am sure you too wanted to get change your face the moment you first looked at the mirror."

I looked at him and tried my best not to break. Now, I recall how all of his mistresses do have fuller lips and sharp brows. And, he wanted me to look the same. He..has chosen his woman according to his preference and I was the only one that he had to take in. Am I this repulsive to this extent?

"Why are you doing this to me?"

The smile on his face disappeared as anger took place instead. His face came closer to me before he held my mouth up. "I have bought you. You should be happy that I am showing interest in you…" His thumb grazed my skin. "...loving you."

"You don't love me… you are doing it for you." My voice breaks as I tried to stand against him looking right into his heinous eyes.

"Well, I customize the things I want to keep." I wonder what he meant. Why he would want to keep me when I am so unattractive to him?

I woke up in the morning and the routine was almost the same until I asked, "What would you like to have in the breakfast?" He held my wrist and made me turn to look at the mirror. We stared at each other in the reflection. I was underdressed in my panties only. My hair was undone but he looked ready to take on the world in his expensive suit and perfume.

"You seem like a good option for the breakfast." He said taking his mouth on my neck taking me by surprise as I leaned my back to him.

"Today…you will sit with me to have breakfast. We have a gala in three days. It is better to have you comfortable with me."

I hissed when he pressed a soaring spot on my neck. I opened my eyes to look at my face. And, I found myself very unattractive. I wonder if I have started seeing myself with his eyes.

I had my robe tightly fastened around my body as we two sat across the table. I found one of the helpers setting a plate in front of me while Matteo asked for his iPad from the other. It was not every day that I found him with the iPad at the breakfast. He usually doesn't start his day until Peter comes.

"So, want to hear the talk of the town." He said while my helper poured me orange juice. I nodded my head to the helper before looking at Matteo. In our middle beautiful pink flowers adorns.

"It reads…Mr. Lucca was spotted walking with his pretty wife. Such a bunch of blind people…And, there is another one, Finally, we have a look at Mrs Lucca…and, we can't stop talking about it. I don't know what is there to talk about you. And, here it reads,…Mr. Lucca was seen walking with Mrs Lucca who seems…pregnant?" I hardly managed not to choke on my drink as I continue to look at him. The lines on his forehead tell me his mood was destroyed but the moment he looked at me for the explanation I was stunned. No, I wasn't prepared for this right now. And, I ask for a miracle to happen here.

I.n.s.t.a.g.r.a.m: theashlehqueen

T.w.i.t.t.e.r: AshlehQ

F.a.c.e.b.o.o.k page: Ashleh Queen