On the Run,

"I am…I am pregnant." This got his attention finally. His eyes bore onto mine. I have imagined thousands of reactions he could offer me. But this one didn't surprise me too. His solemn attitude was scaring me without any failure.

"Ask David to make an appointment for you." He said and my shoulders finally rest.

"…you are not keeping it." And, there it was. I was living my worst nightmare with the only difference that this time it was all real.

"Matt?" My voice only got hysterical. I looked at David before looking back at Matteo. The prior surprise was completely gone from his face. There…there was no excitement…no joy of becoming a father. I winced on the thought of having to expect it from him.

"Why?" My throat was beyond dry. I know he was going to suggest something like this. But...even the thought that I am supposed to go against him to keep my baby was scaring me. No one could fight him.

His carefree face didn't have any concern and my hands couldn't stop shaking."You aren't going to destroy this figure for anything…" I looked at him in disbelief. "…if I want an heir I will get one. You are not needed for that…you have to look like a billionaire's wife all the time." A tear escaped my left eye.

"…my wife all the time," He added and I rubbed my tear away in the lightning speed before gulping hard. His words were like a stab in my heart.

"I…I promise to stay perfect. I…swear. I…I will get any surgery you will ask me for. But please…I can't lose my baby. Matteo…this is my only blood relation. You…don't even know what it means for me." My voice came out in a crack in the end. I was frozen in my seat looking at him. At that moment he seemed like the only option to save my child. And, I would literally do anything for this.

"You know how important mornings are for me? Stop making it sound like a big deal." We found Peter coming into our space and Matteo got out of his seat. Other times, I would help him get into his suit jacket, but Colombo came forward to help him this time.

"It's…" My throat felt dry. "…it's important for me. And,…it's already here. It's our blood, Matteo. I can't do this. I..."

But he turned to give me a very cold gaze. "Don't you dare disobey me in front of my staff? You get it?" I could see his disappointment. But…I couldn't give up on the only thing that matters to me. In my whole life, it was the only thing that was mine. The only person that I have blood ties with. I got out of my chair and walked to him as he started taking long steps.

"I can't do this. Please…Matteo…please, it's innocent. I won't kill it…" But the moment I found his walk nonchalant I couldn't help reaching him with more pace as I cried out. "…You can't ask me something like this. I will die if you forced me."

It was as if finally his ears worked and he turned to look at me. A smile spread on his mouth and he took his lower lip in his teeth shaking his head. "Believe me, I won't let you die. I am not done with you, yet." His icy gaze and cruel face were enough to tell me I was done for. He left and I found the walls narrowing on me.

I heard his car going away and walked to my room without wasting a minute. My whole existence was trembling when I dialled for Mr Lucca. Several rings went but no one picked up. I dialled for the third time and my view was getting blurry.

I got my knees on the floor and couldn't help sobbing. I couldn't help but recall the day when I refused to get the tattoo and he forced his decision on me. And, his eyes from moments ago tell me that he will have his way this time too. I knew I was going to fail this time too if I didn't take the necessary measures any soon. But what to do…what to do? Oh God, please help me. Just for this once help me. If you don't care about me please do it for my unborn child. This child shouldn't be punished for his crimes and my poor decisions.

I gasped when I heard my cell phone ringing. It was from Mr Lucca. I picked the call and didn't wait for him to say anything. "I want you to get me out of here. He…he is going to kill my baby. Do you hear me? He wants to…?"

"Mrs Lucca?" A strange voice met me and didn't wait for my reaction.

"I am Mr Lucca's caretaker. He got a paralysis attack and is hospitalized. His son is not picking up. I think his family should be here."

I blinked realizing the opportunity. "I...I will be there." I cut the call and got to my closet to look for my bag. I stared at my trembling hands as I took the third load of clothes to throw in my suitcase. Taking in a long breath I tried to relax. I need to calm myself if I wanted them to believe me.

I looked for my passport and dabbed a little compact on my face as I talked in the intercom. "I want my driver to get ready. I have somewhere to go. Also, send someone up. I need some help with stuff." I knew a lot of staff already knows what it is about from the encounter in the morning.

Taking out my suitcase I gave the suitcase to the woman who came up to attend. I got down before walking to the entrance.

"Where are you going?" I heard Colombo say and turned to reply.

"Why don't you call Matteo and ask him?" He seemed reluctant for a moment but the moment he was about to dial I added, "Seriously Colombo? You don't know? Mr Lucca had gotten a paralysis attack. We need to leave for the US right away."

"Yes…I received the news too. But I haven't received any orders to arrange your departure." I huffed looking at him.

"Fine, go ahead and ask Matteo. I can't care." I smiled and gestured to David to get my suitcase into the car. Colombo didn't stop me and I didn't try to get my feet fast before I left for my car.

David didn't say anything and started the engine the moment he settled behind the wheel and I couldn't help but look at the door to see if at any moment Colombo will come out to stop me.

The moment our car passed the huge iron gates I wonder if I was saved and looked at David. "Now…do you believe me? They are…"

"…Animals." He completed for me and I couldn't help but got my eyes misty.

"I am going to leave from here," I said and tried not to break down.

"And, then what? I am sure he will be able to track you. You…you should go and ask help from police."

"And, do what? File a case against him? He…he will kill me David and this report won't be of any help when I am already six feet under with my child."

"But…you going to the US? How it will help you? He knows where ever you will go. How? Will you be changing your identity? Let me tell you it's hard and I won't allow you that. You have a whole life, your own family back at home, friends and now your own kid."

I couldn't help but recall all the times I live with my family or friends. Of course, I wanted to live life freely where I don't need to hide my identity. But going back to my old life meant falling easy prey to my husband.

"If I reported against him he will kill me. I…I know one day he will track me. All I need is time. Enough time to bring this life into this world…"

"And, you are sure he won't do any harm to this baby after its birth." I bit my lower lip and looked at the completely unknown roads. I was still his wife legally. And, knowing how cruel or insane he could be with his power I didn't want to go against him.

"I…I can't say anything. For now, can you please help me find a place where I can stay away from his eyes? Please…?" I know I was getting him in a difficult position.

"I guess you know him better and I…I really don't want to report him if you think he will kill you both." I exhaled realizing he is trying to understand me.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"I think I know a place where no one will ever doubt your presence." He said lessening the tension in my body.

"Where is it?" I asked but he shook his head.

"It's his car. We…can't use it to get there. It is bugged. You will be caught in no time. And,…this whole city has cameras. He can trace you. You should go to the airport as you have told Colombo and from there you can change your get up and…" I was still listening to him when my cell phone started ringing.

I got frozen looking at the screen. "It's him," I said and David pulled the car.

"Don't cut the call. Pick it up. Act normal…as if you are fine with whatever he says…or just act the way you act ok?" I looked at David and nodded. But inside I knew nothing was right. He had never called me before at this time of the day. It was still very early in the day. I gulped before picking the phone.

"Hello," I said,

"Exactly when did you come to know about your condition?" Matteo asked making me narrow my eyes. I wonder what was bugging him.

"What happened?" I asked. I could feel the edginess in his voice.

"You lied to me. Didn't you?" He chuckled but my heart skipped the beat knowing what it meant.


"You never loved me, Julie. You lied to me." He gritted the words and I cut the call realizing he had caught my lies.

"What happened?" David asked and I looked at him.

"Drive the car. I…I can't go back. I can never go back." He started the car but I couldn't help but imagine the wrath he would want to bring. Even the thought that he will get his hands on me with all this raging anger was enough for my soul to leave the body. I grazed my hand on my belly knowing I can never be caught. I can never afford to be caught.