Chapter 2

"Yo, Rob! Open up!"

Rob wondered if he could get away with not opening the door and pretending not to be home. But it was useless; Ethan would just know that he was in anyway. Rob gave an exaggerated sigh before trudging over and opening the door, revealing a grinning Ethan.

"Hey! How did the hot date go?" Ethan wiggled his eyebrows, striding into Rob's apartment without waiting for an invitation. They had known each other too long to bother with formalities.

"Y'know, I should really kick your ass." Rob shook his head as he closed the door. He had intended to use a menacing and angry tone, but instead he just sounded peeved. "What the hell did you do that for, man?"

"Do what?" Ethan looked up from where he was raiding Rob's fridge for beer. "Didn't you find her hot?"

"No- I mean, whether she's hot or not isn't the point!" Rob was frustrated. "Dude, you told her that you were coming? She was asking me why you didn't show!"

"What?" Now Ethan was frowning at him. "What are you talking about? I never told her I was coming!"

"She said-" Rob held up his hands in surrender. "Y'know what, it doesn't matter. Because apparently, I'm not her type."

"Fuck." Ethan came over, rubbing his shoulder apologetically. "I'm really sorry, bud. I think it must have been a misunderstanding."

Rob closed his eyes. Ethan's strong, warm hand on his shoulder was soothing, sending tingles down his spine. Almost letting himself lean into Ethan's touch, Rob quickly realized what he was doing and moved aside slightly, shrugging off Ethan's hand. He did not miss the slightly hurt look in his friend's eyes. "Y'know, it's okay," he mumbled. "I knew you wouldn't do this to me. You didn't know, right?"

"No, I didn't." Ethan sounded cautious. "Hey, you sure I didn't piss you off?"

"No, it's just-" Rob caught the beer bottle that Ethan tossed to him. "I'm sick of this. I'm sick of not...getting what I want."

"What do you mean?"

"Everything, man. Like, a cool job. More friends. More...women." Rob looked down at the floor. "Just more than this, y'know?"

Ethan arched an eyebrow at him. "And you think that losing weight is going to be the answer for everything? Come on, man! Not everyone is as superficial as Anna what's-her-face."

"It's not just about losing the weight," Rob countered. "It's about my self-confidence. I know that once I lose the two hundred pounds, I'll feel more like myself again."

"But dude, you've always been yourself." Ethan was frowning. "At least, around me, you have. I wouldn't want you to change. Don't ever change to please someone else."

"Don't you want me to have a better life?" Rob pointed out. "The chance to apply for a better job? A relationship, for once? No more high blood pressure? Less chance of getting a heart attack or a stroke?"

"Course I do. I just-" Ethan shrugged before taking a swig of his beer. "I just think you're trying to fix the outside when the inside is perfectly fine."

"You don't get it, man. I'm trying to fix the outside so the inside can fully come out." Rob belatedly realized the poor choice of his words and winced, but thankfully Ethan seemed too engrossed to notice. "Ah hell, I don't expect you to get it."

Ethan looked up sharply. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Rob shrugged. "It means what it means," he said with a sigh. "I mean, dude, look at you."

Ethan folded his arms rather defensively. "What are you talking about?"

"You're the top sales rep at the company. You have Jules, a good, smart woman who adores you to no end. You have so many friends that I've frankly lost count. And you're in great shape. You don't have to worry about diabetes or heart disease." Rob sighed. "I know it sounds sick. But I want your life, Ethan."

Ethan turned away, then took a sip from his beer bottle. "You don't want my life," he said dully.

Maybe not, Rob thought sadly, looking at his friend. But I sure do want you.

He couldn't remember when these feelings for his best friend had started growing, realizing that his body and his heart seemed to be responding to Ethan's every touch and laugh and smile. They had been best friends for years, ever since they started working in the same company, Rob in IT and Ethan in sales. Four years later, and Rob was a hundred pounds heavier, even though Ethan still looked the same, all twinkly, deep blue eyes, dark brown hair that complimented his natural tan, and a fit, gym-toned body that drove the women (and some men) insane.

By contrast, Rob was pale and blonde, with sharp green eyes that people always complimented him on, especially Ethan. He really didn't think that much of his looks, but he would be lying if he had not wondered what he would look like without the extra weight. Still, it had never bothered Ethan, and Rob didn't really care what anyone else thought.

"Look," Ethan finally said, after some consideration. "You know that all I want is for you to be happy. And healthy. So why don't you go for a full health screening? Just get a check up and see what the doctor says. Then we'll figure out your options. How does that sound?"

"Good idea."

"Of course, my ideas are always the best." Ethan patted his chest proudly.

"You're so full of it, man." Rob was laughing, tossing a dishcloth at Ethan who neatly ducked the flying arsenal. Putting down the beer bottle, he walked over to where Rob was standing, his eyes serious now.

"Y'know I love ya, right?" Ethan said, slinging an arm around Rob's shoulders comfortably, since they were around the same height. "I would always back you up, man. No matter what you wanted to do."

Rob tried to swallow the lump in his throat, but it was useless. He knew Ethan had not meant 'love' the way Rob wished he did, but the last thing he wanted to do was be a pervert and ruin this moment. "Course, man. Could never get rid of you, no matter how hard I try."

"Bastard." Ethan grinned, before hugging him close, and Rob savored it as much as he could.