Chapter 15

Rob felt like he was floating on a cloud as he showed Ethan around the ranch. The staff were understandably curious when Rob introduced Ethan to them, because all week he'd been bugging them with so many pointless questions about the logistics of Ethan's visit. He knew everyone there must be sick of him talking about Ethan, but he couldn't help it. This was the longest they'd ever been separated so far, and he'd missed his best friend dearly. If there was one person he wanted to share his happiness with, it was Ethan.

As for Ethan himself, he looked much the same except somewhat messier and unruly - his clothes were wrinkled, his normally neat dark hair now longer and curling at the ends. He also seemed more exhausted and listless, thanks to the heavy bags under his eyes. Something was clearly bothering him and giving him many sleepless nights. Of course, no prizes for guessing that reason was Ethan's shocking break-up with Julia.

As they explored the ranch, Rob decided then and there to take Ethan out for a walk later tonight. If Ethan needed to vent or drown his sorrows, Rob would be there for him - no questions asked.

Despite his lacklustre mood and quieter manner, Ethan at least seemed extraordinarily happy to see Rob. He also kept sneaking glances at Rob whenever he thought Rob didn't notice, his expression full of amazement and pride as his eyes roamed all over Rob's new physique.

Rob knew he was only halfway through his weight loss goal, and he still had about a hundred or so pounds more to go. Since he saw himself in the mirror everyday, it was hard to gauge just how much he had changed. But he knew it must have been drastic once he saw the way Ethan's jaw dropped upon seeing him for the first time. Hell, Ethan had not even recognised him at first!

As they approached the reception, Rob waved down one of the staff to get a security pass for Ethan. "Hey Sarah, this is my friend Ethan, he's the one visiting for a week," Rob said by way of introduction as the receptionist made her way over.

He didn't miss the way Sarah's eyes widened when she saw Ethan up close - it was the dreamy, giggly look all girls got whenever they were in close proximity with him. Rob was horrified at the surge of bitter jealousy that rushed through him when he saw how Sarah was practically devouring Ethan with her eyes. "Oh, hello Ethan!" Sarah said with a smile, tucking her hair behind her ear before she offered her hand. "Rob didn't tell me you were so handsome."

Ethan laughed, shaking her hand with grace. The little green monster of jealousy in Rob's stomach did an even worse dance. "So I take it Rob's only been saying bad stuff about me?" Ethan joked, his clear blue eyes twinkling with good humour.

"As if!" Sarah said with a laugh. "Rob's been going all 'Ethan this' and 'Ethan that' all week, he was driving us crazy!"

Even though Rob knew Sarah was only joking, he couldn't help his cheeks heating in a blush. "I hate both of you," he sighed as Ethan and Sarah only laughed harder.

At least Sarah helped to settle all the administrative stuff Ethan would need, but Rob wrenched away his gaze when he spotted her hand lingering on Ethan's bicep. He tried not to grit his teeth when he overheard her telling Ethan to come find her anytime at the reception desk if he needed help. Sarah had always been perfectly nice and kind to Rob, and she was well within rights to flirt with Ethan if she wanted to. It wasn't as though Ethan were his boyfriend.

Rob ignored the butterflies in his stomach at that very thought. No, Ethan would never be his boyfriend.

"Hey, you okay?" Ethan's voice stirred him out of his reverie. Now Ethan just seemed concerned about him.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry." Rob sighed. Ethan had travelled all this way to visit him, and Rob was repaying him by acting all needlessly jealous and moody. "Come on, I want you to meet my friends."