Ch. 3 Entangled

[8 years later]

I am not feeling good today.

Because today is the last day of the Stark Expo, 2010 and I am now at the event with my mother.

Living in this universe is not easy as I had thought and after Tony revealed his identity, this world even started to change exponentially.

With man new scientific advancement and even many supernatural events that were happening all over the world.

And it feels as if I am always pulled in these events.

Many things have changed after I got my power, I have been using my power without showing it to anyone and I can say that I have mastered them...well somewhat.

And to be here in this Stark Expo event with my mother when I know that this place will be destroyed...


But who listens to a 13-year-old, I had tried using many methods but couldn't stop my mom from coming and at last, I also had to come.

Well, she had to come because now she is a famous businesswoman.

This was also where I got benefits from my memories and had mom invest in almost all the new starting business that was going to become famous in future and because of this she had more than 5% share in almost all major companies even in Stark industries.

"Well it will be starting now...sigh"

I was in the middle of the crowd, sitting beside my mom, while the whole crowd was cheering for the Iron Man who just landed on the stage.

Ugh, Even my mom was also cheering loudly, but suddenly everyone became quiet.

I quickly stood up and saw all the Robots aiming toward the Iron Man.

"What's going on?"

Mom asked in confusion as Iron man flew in the sky while all the Robots were firing at him and commotion started to occur in the crowd.


Everyone was screaming and running here and there.

"Alex, run"

My mom also stood up and pulled me from my seat while I was watching the war machine and the robots flying toward Iron Man.

Many big chunks of glass were falling all around us but we didn't stop running but even then we were slow.

Everyone we're pushing each other to save their life, it was...chaotic

I also saw the robots firing missiles toward the people and was thinking, I should go and help them?

"Oh no nononono"

Suddenly mom starter running back, I looked in the direction she was going and saw a child wearing an ironman mask and in front of him was a robot Aiming a gun at him.

Just then Iron Man came and fired and beam on the robot, destroying it.

"Thank God"

My mother said and started running toward the kid, I also followed behind.

As we came in front of the kid, mom grabbed him and asked

"Are you fine did you get hurt?"

The kid slowly removed his mask and said "I am fine "

"Ok, then let's get out of here."

Mom then pulled both of us and started running again.

I don't know why but I was happy about this event, it could be because I knew who the kid was or because of how my mom cared for others.

But suddenly I felt something, I looked back and saw many missiles flying toward us.

"Really, now!!"

I was seriously irritated now, why am I dragged in everything always?

But even then, I confirmed that mom was not watching and slowly waved in the direction of the missile with my right hand.

We were still running, and if anyone would have seen it they would have thought that I was casually waving my hand but the magic was happening above as a big blue spectral like hand-formed in the sky and slapped all the missiles exploding them in one go.

It was like big fireworks and even mom looked back.


After some time we entered a building that was full of people's, mom pulled me and the kid toward the corner and asked us

"Are both of you fine? Did you get hurt somewhere?"

"No, we are fine."

Both of us answered, then mom relaxed and asked the kid

"What is your name?"

I looked at the boy with eagerness who shyly said in a low voice

"My name is Peter Parker."

I smiled and patted on his head while my mother smiled seeing this but suddenly


A scream came from behind, I looked and saw a woman standing behind me.

"Aunt May!"

Peter yelled and hugged the woman, they were in a world of their own as my eye fell on a robot outside the building with a red light blinking on its chest.


Then the robot exploded covering the area around it in flames.

"Looks like it's over."

While all people around me were scared from the explosion, I sighed in relief.


Next day,

We were sitting in a Restaurant with Peter and his aunt.

I think mom was not really shaken by all the things that happened last night. She was happily talking to Aunt May, while I was enjoying the food with Peter.

And from the news, we found that many were injured but nobody really died.

But, I am still anxious because the Iron man 2 event is over and now Thor and Hulk will be coming out in the light.

And I know that Thor fight doesn't happen in New York but I am not sure about Thor's fight with Abomination.

I think It happened in New York but I don't know where and I don't want mom to be dragged into this event.

I was still eating but suddenly my eyes went to the news on the TV screen, a man was standing in a desert and was trying to pick up a hammer from the ground.

I don't know why but I suddenly felt chills all over my body.

Damn, that hammer...

"What happened Alex? "

My mom asked as she saw me looking at the TV.


I answered and concentrated on eating again.


In an old building,

Nick Fury and Natasha Romanoff were standing looking at the pile of many destroyed items in front of him.

"We could only collect this, everything else was destroyed."

Natasha said to Fury giving him a paper with a list of all items.

Fury looked at the paper and said

"Ok, you can go now."

But then Natasha said

"Sir, I think you should also see this."

And gave Fury a tablet.

Fury played the video on the tablet a was confused

"Is this video edited?"

"No sir, there were some witnesses who saw the missiles blowing up in the sky and some even saw the hand."

"What the fuck is happening to this world? Sigh... Send this video to the experts, let's see what they can find."

"Ok Sir"
