Ch. 7 Black in Disguise

We had already come back to the waiting room.

I was happily eating pizza, while Happy was outside on a call.

Just by looking at him, I could tell that he was being scolded by someone, I was sure he had told Pepper that we had gone outside and was now being scolded.

I looked at him wiping his sweat and mumbled

"Sorry, Happy"

Then I focused on the main thing, the status screen and as I thought of it, it appeared.

[Power Status]

1. Devil Bringer

• sleep

2. Aero Hand

3. Excalibur

4. Rewind

"Rewind...Is this from My Hero Academia?"

I was excited after seeing this power and quickly clicked on it.

Then another screen appeared

[Rewind:- user can rewind the time of objects of non-living things and non-sentient living things.

From: My hero Academia world]

After seeing the details, I got confused and asked

"rewind the time of non-living thing... Isn't it living things? Did the power was changed?"

Then a reply appeared in front of me

[Power was modified for the user.]

It was a small massage but it gave me more questions than answers

"Why was it modified?" I asked again while looking at the screen. The screen was silent at first but then the words on the screen changed and a new message appeared

[Power was modified to clear out the side effect like horn growth, weak Constitution, health degradation, erectile dysfunction and many more.]

Reading the reply, I had a complicated expression on my face and said

"Just tell me that you don't want to give me powerful abilities, why do you make so many excuses?"

Then a new reply came

[User is very Intelligent.]

"Fuck you"

I angrily said and closed the status screen.

And after that, I looked at the next thing. It was a small red colour ticket with some symbols on it, I had found it in my pocket when I was in the car.

"What is this?" I asked looking at the ticket only to see another screen appeal in front of me. It was different from the status screen and was in bright red.

[Universal Train Ticket]

[Destination is set to Earth-96283]

[Train time:- 24:00, Friday, 5 June 2010]

[Please have a happy journey and thank you for using our services.]

" this real!?" I was shocked and also amazed, I didn't know that there was such a thing.

My body was filled with excitement as I read all the details again and saw that the train time was at midnight.

"Looks like the train arrival time is at midnight, I..."

"Alex, let's go!!"

I was in a zone of my own but was taken out by a loud shout, I quickly placed the ticket in my pocket and looked at four people walking toward me.

They were my mom, Pepper, Happy and another beautiful looking woman.

My mom looked at me and then toward the pizza boxes asked

"what the hell are you doing?"

I looked at her and started thinking of an explanation, just then Happy replied

"I ordered them, I thought that he would be bored so..."

"Yes, he had asked me."

The Pepper also clarified while staring at Happy with an 'I will kill you' face.


Mom let out, I also sighed in relief and tried to distract her

"Mom, is the work done?"

She then nodded with a happy face and said

"yes, we can go home now, where is your backpack?"


I replied happily and ran to take my bag, I was not fast but suddenly I felt my back foot slip and then my whole body became weightless and started falling, even the sound of my mom came from behind in slow motion.


I quickly moved my hand in front of my face and braced for impact, It was not that I couldn't jump or backflip, Its just that didn't want to make a 'respect' moment in front of so many people.

But who would have thought that I would be stopped before I hit the ground? I was pulled back by a hand, and then the next thing I saw was that I was standing in front of a women's chest.

Her things were in front of my eyes and it can be said that they looked perfect, not much big and also not much small just perfect to fit in the hands and the cleavage was also clear as if giving fan service to me.

My eyes were somewhat glued to them and as I removed my sight from them I saw the ID card that she was wearing.

It had the picture of the women and many other things but what attracted me was the name

'Natalie Rushman!!'

I was so shocked that I instinctively moved back.

Mom also came and started checking for injuries and after seeing that I was not hurt she sighed in relief and said

"Don't do that ever again."

I nodded at her and then looked at Natasha, till now I had not looked at her seriously and had thought that she was some side character but now that I looked at her, she was very beautiful.

She had long red curly hair and a cute looking face, she was wearing a white shirt with two top buttons opened that was showing her cleavage and somewhat tight black trousers that revealed all her curves and figure to the max.

As I was looking at her, mom asked

"Alex, are you ok? Why is your face red?"

This question bought me to reality. I said nothing and this time walked to take my backpack.

As I walked away a peculiar thought came into my mind, why does she look so young?

Pepper was fine but Natasha looked very younger compare to the movie, as if she was in her early twenties. It was the same for Aunt May that we had met before, she also looked very young.

I couldn't understand this, so I stopped thinking about it and as I was returning I saw that mom and Pepper were still talking and Happy was still silently standing at the back but Natasha was not there.

"Good thing she left"

I just sighed in relief because I still wanted some peace in my life.