The constant alarm and light alarms stopped when everything was clear. Strangely students were incur-raged to move on with there day since there time was limited. It was also to teach that even under pressure they must keep themselfs level headed. "Bendy. Can you help me find classrooms that I will be in to increase These numbers?" Lucian showed Bendy his incredibly low status. "Of course! In fact I have already found the classrooms you need." Bendy replied. At first he thought Lucian would be good in an edgy. Vampire class however Lucian was abnormal on how actually shy he was. The twin creasent moon sword also ment Lucian would be incredibly in fighting with double bladed weapons. So the teacher that help him out before would be of greated help. "We won't be able to talk to each other in classes but I hope we can talk to each other during lunch times." Bendy became more exited. Lucian did not know why his friend was getting exited. Never the less he would evoid prying into his friend business. "I will." Lucian smiled while scratching his head. "This is the class of Double hundred meele weapons." Bendy showed a class to Lucian. Inside the classroom were many swords and even viriatys of weapons were displayed. Teacher Damian was the one demonstrating his move and how he would cut down his aponents he would also give helpful advices to the male and female students who were listening to him. Teacher Damian had the same hair black hair as Dimelias and the same yellow eyes as He too however his skin was tanned and even his looks were everage. His voice had the effect of making it more clear to hear as he had talked to the students at the right time and he showed that he cared for the progress. In the end Lucian had a good opinion for Damian. "He is so thoughtful." Lucian managed to blert it out. "I know right! Unlike Ms. Demilias who is the opisitte of him. However I can't say she is worser then him in there techneque." Bendy exclaimed. "Who is Mr. Demilias?" Lucian asked not knowing who she was. He could unstand that Demelious was related to Mr. Damian by how Bendy talked about them. "Oh yeah. Its the female teacher that almost killed us. But at least it tought that Arogant Elve a lesson." Bendy replied while laughing in a hiss at every end. Not long after they were talking Damian called up to them. "If your not going to come in then leave." He explained. "N-oo! i was just thinking of comming in." Lucian managed to say with a bit of stutter from his nervousness. "No. I am Not finished showing him the rest of the other classes." Bendy held onto Lucians hand stopped Lucian from getting any further in. "Is that so? I guess he is new. Huh?" Damian asked. "Yep, he will come back when I am done showing him all the classes that his good for him." Bendy replied before pulling Lucian out of the classroom. "See that! That was extremely close However were escaped somehow." Said Bendy, which made Lucian look in confusion. "As you can see he was luring you in to his class, which ment he as something to gane from having more students." Bendy explained which made Lucian more confused. "It means he want to get rewarded for how many students are in his class." "But isn't that good?" Lucian asked. "No! It means he will try his best to make you stay in his class for the rest of the months. Remember the tornamint I was talking about before?" Bendy reminded lucian of the talk. "Yeah!?" Lucian replied with the face of someone who had no idea. "This torniment won't only be about swords and spears. There will also be physical and mental test and even how good your skill at building and many other viriatys will be. Students have many options and the best students will even be rewarded. There are even partnership in this tornament." Bendy explained. Lucian was dumb founded, he was a fool however knowing the tips and tricks from someone more experienced made Lucian smile. There next class was the class of languages. It was cleary learned from Lucian that he was an iliterate to be more prosise he was a person who was born with aducation in his life. This was amberesting to Lucian, never the less he will need keep comming to this class if he wants to exell in this Acedemy. Lucian thought of his aunt who was always so kind to him, truthfully Lucian had the feeling that he needed to impress her if he wanted to spent more time with him. "Dont worry, I did not bring you here because I think you dumb but its to help you." Bendy explained while he was carefull with his words. Lucian notted sinserly, honestly he did not want Bendy to feel bad about his desition. "There are many bookworms who are in this class and I am sure they will help you out if you asked them nicely." Bendy showed Lucian the students who were quietly reading there books. Unfortunately Lucian could see them more focused on there books reither then them. He did not feel confident about himself. Frankly Lucian was a shy person and he did not want to disturb people. He imagined them giving him death stares which made him shiver continuously. Bendy could see his friends unclear expression and he had to assure him that it wouldn't be too much.