
Chapter 02: Duke Bradbury's Threats

Three days before the wedding.

Eliana stood below the maple tree, the shade covering her body from the heat of the sun. An army of ants was working beneath her feet; the little creatures formed a uniform line to carry their food which they stole from the leftovers thrown away in the kitchen.

Markus, her cousin, came up from her view. He was running with bated breath and flushed face toward her. Three years ago, Markus' parents died from a beast that tore their bodies apart when they went up the mountain in the middle of the night. When Eliana heard of their passing, she couldn't believe it, especially when she saw the state they were in after people got their bodies back.

Her father had always warned everyone in Ashbourne Castle to never go up the mountains when the night was up since beasts and wild animals would prowl everywhere. But no one knew what possessed Markus's parents to climb up the mountain that night and didn't return until someone saw their bodies mangled when morning came.

When Markus had no one around him, Eliana was there for him. They were literally together every time and wherever. He would always look for her with a big smile on his face and bring the game he hunted from the forest.

But the Markus dashing toward her right now didn't have his usual bright smile blooming on his face. Desperation and fear-filled it instead.

"Markus!" Eliana called out to him even before he could reach her. "What happened?" her voice sounded tense.

If only Markus were acting like his usual bubbly self, Eliana wouldn't feel so worried right now.

Markus braced his feet to stop. His exhales came short, and he inhaled longer as he tried to catch up to his breath.

"You… ha... Your father..." Markus tried to speak, but he had a hard time forming his words when the effort of his running around the whole castle looking for Eliana tired him out.

Hearing her father from his mouth, Eliana found myself frowning. "What happened to my father?"

Markus took one hard gulp and finally said what he wanted to say, "Your father collapsed!"

Eliana's body grew still as soon as his words landed. She could feel the tip of her fingers growing colder as his words transmitted inside her brain. Her father hasn't been in his best health, and adding that he was already too old, sickness seemed to weaken his body, and he no longer could walk without being helped.

But he collapsed? Eliana thought to myself as she wore a shocked expression on her face. The Healer in the castle would take a frequent visit to her father to check on his condition and her father collapsing was never what all of them expected, and it never happened to him before.

She rushed forward, forgetting whatever she was doing, and wanted nothing but to reach her father's side and know if this was a dream. But as Eliana passed Markus, she felt hands gripping her forearm, stopping her short.

Eliana looked back at Markus, "Let go. I have to go see my father."

"You can't. There are still things that I have to tell you before you go there." she heard him say.

"My father's condition is much more important. I hope you know that." As much a brother could Markus be to her, she could be rude to anyone when it comes to stopping her from seeing her father.

Knowing what shew was feeling, Markus nodded. His face was still grim, and he didn't let go of her arm, "I know. That is why you need to listen to me before you go see your father."

Eliana still wanted to say that shew don't have time for this, but she knew that Markus was one who wouldn't give up. So, Eliana decided to put her feet down and stared at him, ready to listen.

Markus turned around to face her. He was slightly smaller and younger than Eliana, but his eyes were intensely staring at her with all the seriousness he could muster. "A herald came to the castle. He's one of Duke Bradbury's men. He came to meet your father and told him that his master is expecting our surrender to their empire. Of course, your father refused. But the herald told him that his master would invade the castle after ten days."

Duke Bradbury came from Delos Empire. From the moment they stabilized the situation within their empire, the emperor of Delos Empire started to order his most trusted lords to take the lands surrounding Delos Empire. And that includes Ashbourne Castle.

"Ten days..." Eliana repeated. "No wonder my father collapsed after hearing this from the herald." She looked up, only to see him shaking his head. "It's not? Then why did father collapse?"

"The herald once again gave an option to your father to avoid the castle from being invaded." He told her, and the suspense was making her nerves twist inside of her.

"What did he say?"

"The Duke is willing not to invade our lands if the daughter of the Lord of Ashbourne Castle marries the Duke." He shifted on his other feet and watched her face.

As expected, an outrageous expression bled into her face as soon as she heard him finish speaking.

The daughter of the Lord of Ashbourne castle was no one other than herself. That explains why not only did father collapse from anger, but even Markus ran to her in panic and upset at the Duke's words.

Eliana's heart started to pump faster, and chills began to climb up from her spine to the back of her neck. Just imagining herself marrying Duke Bradbury was enough for her to forget about sleeping tonight.

Every young girl who wished to marry a good husband and have a beautiful wedding with flowers all over would think that marrying a duke would be a great thing. But they would reconsider it if it were Duke Bradbury. That man was vile and evil.

And at the moment, that man was just right outside their walls threatening to invade their lands, preparing to plunder the castle.

Markus worriedly glanced at her. But Eliana stayed silent, so he said, "You don't have to worry about what the herald said. Your father, the Lord of Ashbourne Castle, will surely do something and prevent them from invading our walls."

Eliana knew he was trying to reassure her and not make her worry too much. But it was already too late. Eliana knew what was coming. The Delos Empire wanted to swallow every land owned by Lords of every state across the land and make it theirs. It was unfortunate that this event came too soon that they had no idea how to protect themselves from the forces of Duke Bradbury.

Forcing a tight smile, Eliana said, "Let's not worry about this for now. We need to see father and worry about him first."

And if any Gods were hearing her, let this be the case for a very long time.