Spartacus: "Yes, question, why you girls out her all alone? Where is your pack? It's not like for female wolves to leave their packs unless something horrible happen to their pack."
Vitalis: [Started to tear up once more.] "We was--." [ She started to cry.]
Spartacus: [ Feeling bad.] "Hey now, no need to cry Vitalis, whatever has happened is now in the past and no longer can hurt you." [ He spoke with a loving attentive voice, he pulls her closely to him and comfort her.]
Vitalis: [ Put her head into Spartacus chest, which comforts her.]
They lay down together, looking at the deep vast blue lit starlight sky.
Vitalis: [ Curled up to Spartacus and fall asleep.]
Spartacus: [ Gazed at the sleeping beauty before him.] "Night, Vitalis." [He lays his head on her and went to sleep.] Morning sunshine arose across the sky, turning night into day, beautiful dew collected on the flora around them.
Spartacus: [ Woke up and still seen Vitalis sleeping next to him, he smiled, then got up.]"
Vitalis, wakie wakie."
Vitalis: [ Her eyes open, her yellow aurora eyes looked straight into Spartacus eyes.]
Spartacus: [ Blushed than stopped and clear his throat.] "It's morning Vitalis."
Vitalis: [ She didn't notice and stretched.]" I can see that Spartacus." [ She stands up and walks gracefully down a path beside the cave.]
Everyone soon enough woke up from their dreams, yet Spartacus and Vitalis was nowhere in sight.
Asciayl: [ Looked concerned.] "Have any of you seen where my sister ran off too?"
Raugvar: [ Bear fangs.] "I can't find Spartacus either!!"
Kaliska: "Well last night, I seen them cuddling one another, but that was because Vitalis was upset."
Than wrestling behind them, then appeared Spartacus and Vitalis with a wild boar in their mouth.
Vitalis: [Notice everyone looking upset and concerned.]" Why does everyone look so upset? We just step out to get some breakfast for the pack."
Grissle: "Mhm…" [ He glared at them.]
Spartacus: "I promise we did nothing you guys except hunt."
Asciayl: [ Growling at Spartacus.] "Don't go anywhere with my sister without letting us know first, what happen if one of you got hurt --."
Vitalis: "That's why two wolves are better than one sis." [ Being a smart ass.]
Kaliska: [Giggles.] "Stop fighting, it's obvious they went hunting and brought us all food, be thankful they thought about us." [She smiles.]
Everyone realized how silly they were fighting over something little and laughed it out and sat down and ate the nice juice fat boar. They went on their way doing they own thing, after eating.
Spartacus: Hey! Vitalis wait up!"