
I heard knocks on the door and I unconsciously flinched. It's not that I'm ashamed to be seen with Cera, I just don't want people to see the way she looks at me or how she treats me, that's only for me to see.

I tried to regain my composure but I couldn't. I was still fazed by all her actions that I couldn't even release myself from her embrace. I weakly tried to push away but was drawn back in to her immediately. She pulled me into her chest and I was in no position to go against her. I was still thinking that she would punish me somehow because I didn't give a proper explanation and I also didn't want to leave her side because every time she deftly caressed my back or head, I felt amazing. I decided to stay burrowed in her arms while nudging her to take care of whatever the person knocking wanted.

"Come in." Without hesitation, Cera spoke as if she owned the place. I knew she was always confident and unbridled, but how can her behavior be so natural? Even if she did come from a wealthy family and knows how to act as proper nobility, isn't she still super arrogant?

I should have thought this through a little more, why did I let her respond? As soon as the maid came in, a serving cart topped with amazing looking dishes strolled in.

"Miss-" Even though I was barely watching, I was still able to see the maid freeze while looking at us with a bewildered expression. It took me a few seconds to realize that I was clinging to Cera as if my life depended on it. As I was trying to pull away from Cera, she forcefully pulled my face into her chest while giving directions to the maid that just walked in.

"Cut up the meat into small, bite sized pieces and hand me a fork."

I couldn't see the maid as Cera buried me into her arms, but her voice sounded scared and confused.


I could hear the nervous trembling of the knife screeching against the plate. After a minute of stalwart ear damage, I heard the wheeler slowly ruffle against the ground and come next to the bed.

"Food is here, I had it cut up for you." Unable to resist, Cera moved my entire body effortlessly and placed my back against her left arm while subtly stabbing a piece of meat with a fork and bringing it to my mouth.

"Eat up, my little princess."

My heart started beating feverishly and I felt my face getting hotter and hotter. A passing thought hit me as the fork entered my mouth and I bit into the juicy piece of meat.

'Would I be able to handle these situations if I had better Alm control?'

Before I could pledge myself to train harder, Cera swiftly grabbed a napkin from the cart and dabbed my mouth several times.

'yeah, no way.'

I knew my Alm was being released with every single one of her affectionate actions toward me. I wasn't in control at all, and I really believe that training wouldn't do me much good. I'm at her mercy. Shit… I knew that nobility grew up quickly, but isn't she a little too mature to be able to apprehend me like this? She even called me her little princess…

*** (Maid's point of view)

I felt my Miss's Alm go wild earlier but it seems she's okay. I thought there would be some sort of problem when I heard Miss Chantel caused a raucous, but it seems to be needless worry. Not only that, the head maid also sounded extremely worried when she said that Miss Zara picked up a homeless girl to be her future bride, however, watching these two in front of me, how I could I doubt my Miss's judgement? She looks completely infatuated in her arms. I have no clue what's going through her head and since I've known the miss ever since she was a baby, I know that she's always been annoyingly selective about everything.

I can say for certainty that the Lady she chose, is no pushover. She must've been a noble from some family that my Miss was interested in. A homeless girl? No way. The girl I know would never pick some boorish woman like that and on top of that, from the way she's speaking and handling the cutlery, I can tell she is a high-born noble. Something must've happened to the young girl's family that forced to become homeless, but my Miss rescued her because she liked her. I'm extremely impressed with my Miss's judgement. Even if it is unconventional to marry a girl, she picked an extremely cute one.

The head maid said she was just some ugly girl from the slums, but how could anyone believe that when watching her refined movements and caring nature toward Miss Zara? She should be around the same age from the looks of it which makes me believe Miss Zara met her at some convention recently and started to fancy her. This girl will definitely become a beautiful girl in the future. Her light blue eyes alone indicate that she comes from nobility. No commoner would be allowed to have such beautiful eyes.

Miss Zara, I'll be rooting for you! Even though it seems that you're already completely submissive! Please try harder!

*** (Cera's point of view)

This maid is smiling happily and her Alm seems relatively calm… Does that mean she agrees with our relationship? Rather, I feel a bit creeped out by her smile… I'll keep an eye on her-

"A-are you not hungry?" Zara pulled the hems of the pajamas she gave me and forced me to look at her as she tossed a concerned look at me.

Ah… not this again. Every time you do this, my heart starts to ache. I have to stop her behavior before I become addicted to the warm Alm she's releasing. I've been treating you the way my parents treated my brothers, I would always see my mother kiss my brother's forehead and tell them she loved them. I always wondered how it felt, but Zara's Alm went out of control when I did that. I know she didn't dislike it and that's what makes it a problem. I felt her emotions through her Alm. At this point, I can't bring myself to leave her… her emotions are so pure that it hurts. I never thought that this would be a bad thing. I always thought my ability to read emotions was a blessing…

"I can't eat anymore." I had to come up with an excuse to stop her from looking at me at like that. Since she's a noble, a high born-noble at that, she should understand what I'm trying to say-

Huh?!!! Her fingers brushed against my bottom lip as she pushed a piece of meat against my mouth.

"Don't lie to me."

She almost put one of her fingers inside my mouth and I barely controlled myself. Why would she do that?! My heart was pounding, but I remembered that she wanted to be a lady so I tried my best to retain a calm composure and placed a fork in her hand.

"Use a fork, it's unbecoming of a lady to use her hands."

With an embarrassed look on her face, she looked at her oily fingers while holding the fork and clutched them as hard as she could against her chest.

Watching her trying to hide her embarrassment under her honest, orange blazing eyes, made me unconsciously speak out loud.

"Why are you so cute?"