
It's been a week since Cera told me about her family. No, it's been a week since I cried uncontrollably in her arms. Even thought it was her story, she didn't cry, and it seemed like she didn't even care. In the end, I was simply consoled and she pampered me until I relaxed. Since then, she's been a little more aggressive. Well, she was always a bit aggressive, but now she doesn't even hide it and pretty much took over the house, servants, household duties, pretty much everything. I haven't been able to do much since she has been taking care of everything.

Not that I care. Rather, I like this. She doesn't seem happy or sad to do all these things, but since she looks entertained, I think it's okay. I'll stop her if it looks overwhelming. Wait… can I even stop her? I think she'll get mad at me if I forcefully make her do something else. I'm already forcing her to do a lot of useless things and I didn't even explain why. If I get on her bad side again, she'll definitely punish me.

But her punishment… was kind of nice…

"My lady, please get ready to leave." Noire finished helping me get into this fluttering dress and left to finish preparing the carriage.

If I'm going to the palace, wouldn't it be better to run there? I've been questioning this kingdom's customs for a while now and I can't seem to understand them. Cera said it just how it is and to accept it. I understand it conceptually, but why the hell do I have to use a carriage? This thing is the slowest and most uncomfortable thing I've ever been on. Should I just run there?

"My lady, please stop stalling and head to the carriage." When did Noire come back? Was I that obvious?

"Okay…" Since Cera isn't coming with me to meet that bitchy queen, I'm a little worried to leave her home alone. I know she'll be fine since the queen's personal guard is here, but still…

I turned toward Cera, who was slowly walking to me with a few books in her arms.

"I'll be back soon." I ran and hugged her.

"Don't cause any trouble." Cera didn't let go of her books and looked at me sternly.

"I won't. I'll just go there and pretend to listen." I don't have to get involved with the queen's dumb political issues anyway. Since we have a strict business relationship, getting involved in her squabbles will only affect our lives.

"Make sure you listen. Not listening will cause more trouble. Pick up the money she owes us and don't stir up the other girls that will be there. Since it's a meeting with her faction disguised as a tea party, you'll probably meet some annoying girls there. Control your temper, don't just attack them because they said something stupid or if they try to provoke you." I listened to her lovely nagging and just kept smiling while I hugged her. Why does she always smell so nice?

"I won't." I stopped hugging her and kissed her cheek before leaving.

After riding the carriage for half an hour, I realized that maybe they use carriages to prevent their clothes from getting wrinkled. If I were to run with a dress, it would rumple. I feel like I just found out one of the kingdom's secrets.

"My lady, please control yourself. No matter what happens, you shouldn't cause trouble with the other ladies. It will only give you a headache later." Noire has been trying to warn me since we got on the carriage. I told her to stay with Cera, but Cera told her to come personally. What kind of person do they think I am? I'm not some violent deviant.

"Yeah, yeah." I shrugged her annoying bickering off and looked out the carriage window.

"Why is the palace so big? Why did they trim it with gold? What a waste of money. It doesn't even look good. It just looks tacky and dumb." Honestly, why the hell did they make this place so obnoxious looking?

"M-my lady! You can't say stuff like that! Please don't say those type of things when you're inside the palace!" Noire is nervously looking at me like I just said something insane.

"You worry too much. I only shared my opinion. It won't cause any trouble even if I do say it inside." Noire looks even more worried. It looks like she's about to start another annoying lecture.

"Just wait for me in the carriage. I don't think it'll take long. Just help me get out and wait for me. Seems like I'll be escorted by those butlers over there." I pointed my finger toward the entrance of the palace and signaled Noire get ready.

"Welcome, lady Zara Valentine." The two butlers spoke in unison and bowed at the same time.

"Just wait over there with the carriage and be prepared to leave as soon as I come out." I spoke to Noire and ignored the butlers. I know they're being polite and following orders, but why should I care?

After leaving Noire at the entrance of the palace gate, I walked down the concrete path and realized that it wasn't just the palace they wasted money on. Even the entrance and garden are extremely luxurious. They have some very rare flowers planted along the two marble fountains. Both sides along the path are symmetrical with a fountain in a middle, a bench near it, trees near the inner walls of the palace gate, and many small, golden fairy statues insignificantly standing on the well-trimmed grass.

I guess it looks nice? Maybe a bit overboard with all the fairy statues, but it looks nice if you just see it from a far. Isn't a garden meant to be used as a yard? I might have the wrong idea of what a garden is. Is that why the gardener at home looks upset whenever I train outside? It's not like I destroyed the whole garden… it was just a few flowers and bushes. If we're splitting hairs, isn't it his fault for making the garden look nice and comfortable? I wouldn't train there if it wasn't nice. Yup. It's his fault. Since Cera didn't get mad at me, it's probably fine. My conscience is clear.

"This way, Lady Zara." One of the butlers opened the door and the other escorted me inside.

The inside is more normal that I thought. I thought it'd be just as bad as outside. I wonder if it was the queen who decorated the place… no way. Maybe I'll take a few ideas from here and decorate our home. The blue carpet and silver wall fixtures look really nice together. It isn't minimal, but it isn't overly decorative. A few paintings here and there to make it look a bit sophisticated. Looks pretty nice. I would have liked to keep looking around, but I was guided to a large dining room with a similar atmosphere. A few girls were already sitting down and chatting. Even though they look pretty and calm talking amongst themselves, they're probably just as catty as the queen. Where am I going to sit down though? Should I just sit anywhere?

"I'll guide you to your seat." I followed the butler and expertly helped me sit down on the right side of the queen's chair. Isn't this the seat reserved for honored guests? Well, the seat next to me is probably for Cera when she comes with me in the future. I can already feel their annoyed glances. I should act friendly.

I looked at the girls sitting a few seats away and across from me and waved slightly.

"So you're the new girl? I heard the queen recruited two new girls, but I didn't think it'd be you." Did she just scoff at me and bitchily try to aggravate me? Is it because the queen isn't here yet? I don't even know who she is and my plan to act friendly already went out the window. Time for plan B.

"Forgive me, I don't know who you are, but I hope we can get along. I'm Zara Valentine, it's a pleasure to meet you." I was going to stand up and follow proper introduction etiquette, however, forget that. This bitch is just asking for a fight.

Why is she just looking at me? Wait, is she serious?

I instantly created an almost invisible, thin reddish ice sheet to block her long flashy lightning sword. Is it still causing trouble if I was attacked? If I attack her, Cera will probably get mad at me… If I attack her, Cera will punish me again… But inversely speaking, was what she did to me really a punishment? Hmm…

"Settle down girls." The queen walked in and everybody but me stood up to greet her. Why are they all being so formal? Isn't this an informal 'tea party'?

"No need for such formalities. Please enjoy yourselves calmly until everybody arrives." The girl that attacked me flinched when she said 'calmly'. This woman just threatened that poor girl. The queen slowly walked to her seat and kept making eye contact with me.

"Hey Zara, seems your new teacher is doing a good job." The queen sat down and started talking to me.

"I have you to thank for that, your highness." I'm sure she already knows that she's not actually training me. Ever since I had that little demonstration when I first met Chloe, she hasn't really taught me anything. Rather, it seems like she doesn't want to and just talks about this and that. Well, I've gotten a lot stronger thanks to her tips, but still, I would have liked a sparring partner.

"No need for that, just call me Celest." She waved her hand up at me. What is this woman up to? I can't just call her by her name, but I also can't ignore her. Is this vexing woman trying to get all the girls here to hate me?

"Okay, thank you for sending such a knowledgeable teacher, Celest." She smiled brightly at me and I felt the room's atmosphere being filled with bloodlust. So that was her plan. Should I kill a few of these girls to try and deter any future problems? Seems this 'tea party' will end up being a bloody mess.

"Right. I just wanted to host this to introduce you to the others. Just like you, they're simply here to enjoy themselves and take a few snacks home." So these girls simply receive orders and share their 'snacks' with their parents? This woman is so cunning that it's impressive. She's so careful about everything that it's commendable. From her words it sounds like I'm the only one here with a business relationship with her. 'Just like you' was intended to fool them and to let me know that her faction consists of their family or parents. Whew… she said so much with a few sentences.

"Now that everybody is here, I'd like to introduce the new household that will be joining us. She is Zara Valentine, heir of a scholar household, and soon to be Marquess." Celest smiled brightly at the head of the table and nonchalantly announced that I'll be given an exuberant title.

"Even though she won't be granted land for her title, she has enough money to buy land that coffers her title." So she wants to give me a title to keep me in the kingdom and nominally boast her status of having another marquess household in her faction. I'm getting the title, not my parents. What a clever move.

"Nice to meet you girls, I hope we can all get along." I turned slightly and waved at all the girls exuding bloodlust. I wonder which ones will attack me before I leave.