First of Many

I woke up to a white pillow and a slowly suspiring stomach. Cera was fiddling with my hair and reading some document with her other hand.

"mm" I tugged the document away and cusped her hand between mine. I nestled my forehead on her stomach, pretending to be a cat.

"Good morning. You slept for three hours." Cera slid her fingers from the top of my scalp all the way to the end of my hair, sending waves of comfort down my spine.

"It's time to get up. You got me and the couch all dirty. Noire is going to be upset. It's hard to remove blood stains." She continued moving her hand and it made me not want to get up.

"Just a bit longer. Please?" I tried my best to sound miserable and convincing.

"Nope." She pinched my cheek.

"We're going to go shower and then it's time for your punishment. I told you not to cause a scene and what did you do?" She took her hand back and forced me to get up.

"It wasn't my fault though…" She dragged me by the hand and into our temporary room.

"Did you have to kill them?" She asked me without looking back.

Well… technically I didn't have to. They were a possible threat to your well-being and because of that, I was forced to kill them. There's no way I can say that though… I think she'll get even more mad… I stayed silent as she helped me out of my bloodied dress.

After a quick shower, we went back to living room to find a brand-new couch. I could see Noire burning the old couch in the yard thanks to the living room window. I guess she really didn't want to clean it… I'll have to keep that in mind. I don't want her to get angry and go around tattling on me. She probably already told Cera about the bloody walkway I left at the palace… Why didn't I use ice to cover the ground and walk on that?

She handed me a book, turned me around and pulled me down onto the couch. My back was against her body, her hands reaching around my waist. I could feel her damp hair slightly tickling my cheek and neck.

"Read it out loud for me." My heart started pounding. I was anxious yet thrilled. Scared, but excited. This is that dangerous feeling that she always gives me when I do something bad or if I try to trick her. As I was about to start reading, I noticed the ice box was placed on the coffee table in front of us. I placed both my hands on top of hers and rest the side of my face on her collar while looking up at her.

"We're officially married now." I happily smiled and looked into her beautiful husky-blue eyes.

"We won't have our official wedding for a few years, but we're now considered a family." Cera blinked a few times and looked at the documents inside the transparent ice box.

"Then we should do something to commemorate our newly wed life." Cera leaned in and gave me a puckish peck on the lips. It was extremely short, barely discernable, but it was enough to leave me shocked and speechless.

I couldn't even feel my own heartbeat. All I could do was stare at her, smiling at me. I couldn't feel her warmth, I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't smell anything. I could only concentrate on the lingering feeling she implanted on me.

"Did you like it that much?" Her soft, natural smile brought me back to my senses.

"Um…" I couldn't look her in the eye.

I shifted my body and put both my legs over her thigh while snuggling my head on her neck.

"Don't do that…" I whimpered while slightly crumpling her shirt with both my hands.

"I really liked it, but not yet, okay? We… we're still kids…" I was too flustered. This felt wrong, but under normal conditions, this could simply be kids playing house. I know in this kingdom, children tend to get engaged at an early age and learn things they shouldn't before they're old enough.

"Nothing wrong with a kiss. We've both killed so many people already, isn't that much worse?" She raised my head with both her hands on either side of my face and planted another lingering memory.

"I…" I couldn't say anything back. I didn't have a way to refute her words, and I didn't want to.

"It's okay. Since we're married now, these are simply the first of many kisses that I'll give you." I could feel my face heating up her hands.

Instead of replying I simply put my head down and limply laid my body on her. Her words made me feel lightheaded and loved. Her lips made my body feel light and relaxed.

"I'll take care of all the household affairs. I'll make sure to spoil you like you wanted. I still have a lot to learn, so until then, we're going to study together. Be prepared to read a lot." Cera grabbed the book I placed on the couch and started reading by herself.

"Thank you…" I choked before I could finish my words. I felt too emotional. This was the first time I've ever felt so protected and loved.

"Thank you for making me feel loved." I heard her slightly giggle before she kissed the top of my head.

"Thank you as well, my spoiled little wife." She continued reading in silence and I just concentrated on her rapid, rhythmic heartbeat.

I'm so lucky.