Ever since Zara brought back our marriage document, she has been getting more and more selfish. Her requests are getting a bit extreme and needy. At first, I thought it was just her trying to celebrate or do something nice since we got an official document from Celest about our marriage. However, she hasn't stopped.
It started with simply making me wear different clothes and accessories that were very expensive. Then the fancy food and expensive ingredients started to take over the meals along with her wanting to personally feed me from time to time. Oddly enough, the showering together and sleeping together seemed to have become normal for me, that I'm not sure if I even want her to stop being this way. Even now, it bothers me to be putting on so many different clothes, being dressed up and played with as if I were a doll. But I cannot bring myself to stop her. I know I told her I would spoil her, and I have been, but I didn't realize how much I'd like the attention. Knowing that she is paying full attention to me, that all the things she is doing is to make me happy, makes me want to always keep her by my side.
Her radiant smile every time she dresses me up with a new dress, a causal outfit, new pajamas, or even just a simple hair style, is intoxicating. Her orange eyes are lustrously shining with happiness. The happiness I feel from her Alm is impossible to ignore. I want to stop prying into her emotions, I want to stop using my ability to sense her mood, but I can't.
"We're going to wear these two outfits to the tea party. I thought about it a lot, and I wanted to go in white dresses, but there's a chance that we'll attacked. We'll have to be ready to move at any time. Last time my dress got ruined 'cause all of the blood." Zara was looking over two everyday outfits that were luxurious enough to wear to a meeting, but comfortable enough to move around in.
"Lady Zara, we've been doing this for two hours now, we should take a break." Noire interrupted our quality time together.
Zara turned and looked at me with pleading eyes. It looks like she wants to continue playing.
"Just a bit more." Zara happily jumped at me and hugged me before getting a new dress from the rack.
I'm happy that I get to try on clothes I would never get to wear when I was with my worthless family. I wouldn't be in this situation if Zara hadn't found me. I would have never experienced the warmth of being held.
Zara rushed back to the rack to look through the dresses. I walked up to the jewelry box that was on the bed and pulled out a ruby teardrop pendant with a platinum chain and walked up to Zara, who was busy deciding what to make me wear next. I walked up behind her, ready to tease her.
"Turn around." As she turned around, I placed my arms on either side of her neck and clinched the pendant together behind her.
"It matches your eyes." I smiled and pulled her face close to mine. Making her emotions skittish has become one of my priorities since we kissed. I don't understand why she feels scared and excited, but it makes me thrilled when I feel her conflicting emotions. I can't stop myself anymore.
"I changed my mind." I grabbed her left hand and placed her palm slightly above my heart with my hand over hers, while placing my other hand on her waist. With our faces still next to each other, I put her in a closed dance hold.
"Don't step on my toes." I slowly started leading her in a rotating motion in our bedroom. I could feel the bashful heat coming from her face, making me laugh a little.
"Don't laugh… I don't know how to dance." She shyly looked down in embarrassment before I placed my lips near her ear.
"That's not why I'm laughing." I whispered in her ear and continued leading her back and forth.
After a few minutes of slow, terrible dancing, my heart was pounding.
"Can you feel it?" I slightly stepped back and forced her to lock eyes with me.
"You've coveted my heart, it only beats like this for you." I smiled and she let out a sweet, silent gasp before gently pulling my head onto her chest with her left hand.
"Me too. You're the reason my heart beats. You're the reason I'm here. You will always be the only one my heart belongs to." I don't understand. Why are you sad, Zara?
I'm the reason you're here? I know you're not lying, but what does that mean? Why is this making you sad? This uneasiness that I feel whenever I cannot understand her, like she can leave me at any moment. I just can't understand what goes on in your head, why are your emotions always so perplexing?
I could see Noire smiling from the corner of my eye. Zara, I don't think I can ever tell you how I feel. Even the fact that Noire can see you, makes me upset. You are the family I always wanted, I won't let you go, even if you beg.
"Do you think Celest's daughter will be just as bad?" We stopped our swaying and moved onto the bed.
"According to the kingdom's most recent history book, she has two daughters. One is two years old and the other is 15. I assume she wants us to meet her eldest daughter." Thinking about it, if I were to assume Celest's personality, she probably hates her eldest daughter. She isn't a candidate for the throne and for as strong as Celest is, she must feel really disappointed in her.
"Do you think it'd be a good idea to become friends with her daughter?" I wasn't expecting Zara to ask about having friends. This isn't something I considered.
Friends? Such useless people don't need to be around us. Binding them to a contract will guarantee their loyalty.
"I didn't think about that. Would that even be a good idea? If she's anything like Celest, she'll just bring us trouble." I need to try and convince her out of the idea of friends. She doesn't need useless baggage.
"Killing royalty will definitely get us in trouble. The other nobles are dangerous too, but royalty we should avoid angering. There king has three wives, right? All those kids should be dangerous regardless of how strong they are. Wouldn't it be better to be on good terms with them?" Well, she's not wrong, but we can't be double agents at this point.
"No. We're already considered to be in Celest's faction. We already made enemies out of all the other royal children. Celest has no reign over the next king or queen, but she has a lot of power because she is the first wife." At this point, it wouldn't be surprising if we got attacked by the other royals. Zara already caused a scene; she is definitely on their radar.
We kept chatting until nighttime about what we should do tomorrow, and it was somehow decided that we would just kill her daughter if she got in the way. Noire looked like she wanted to say something throughout our conversations, but I ignored her and let her worry by herself.
We put on some pajamas and went to bed like we've been doing for the past few months. At first, it was Zara that took the role of the big spoon.
I'm not exactly sure when it happened, but one night I tucked her in before bed and took advantage of her by making her the little spoon. The night after that, she daintily squeezed herself into my arms and I have been cuddling her every night since then.
Morning came and I was feeling somewhat anxious about the tea party being another disaster. Even though the queen took care of all the ramifications of the dead girls, there's no reason to infringe on her again by killing some more. We'll end up owing her a favor if we do.
"No killing unless it's absolutely necessary, okay?" I shook Zara awake and dragged her into the shower.
After having my hair washed carefully washed by Zara, we got out and I saw the comfortable clothing she suggested yesterday laid out on the bed. Honestly speaking, it seems like something a female knight would wear on the field.
"I went with black just incase we get drenched in blood." So she was planning on getting bloody?
"I told you, you're not allowed to kill anyone." I guess that's why I woke up feeling anxious. My troublemaker wife is planning on making another mess.
After breakfast, I took care of some documents in the living room couch and Zara lazily laid down next to me until we had to leave. I haven't been on the carriage since the day Zara picked me up from the slums.
"It's uncomfortable. Let's just run there." I pulled her by the arm and pushed her into the carriage for suggesting such a stupid idea.
"Noire, please give me a run down of what you did last time you came with Zara."
After talking with Noire and coming up with a few exit strategies for emergencies, we arrived at the overly exalted looking palace. The two butlers from last time greeted us and walked us to the palace door. As Zara told me, the garden really is a waste of money. If I put any decorations at home, Zara will break them from training outside or just from playing around like she sometimes does. I looked at Zara as we were entering the palace.
"Why are you such a troublemaker?" Her confused and sad expression made me somewhat happy, so I intertwined our fingers together.
"Be nice to the other girls, okay?" I smiled happily but she looked a bit scared.
Celest was already sitting at the head of the table when we walked in.
"Little Cera, your seat is over here." Celest pointed at the seat right next to her and waved at us.
"Hey, Celest. It's been a while." Zara sat to my right and agilely grabbed a few cookies at the same time.
"Hi, little Zara, there's more than just cookies, save some room for the other snacks." Celest smiled and I could feel the two girls currently in the room feeling annoyed.
I considered greeting them when we walked in, but now I think it was good that we didn't. I don't think they're hostile, but they're definitely not friendly.
"Your cookies are my favorite. I don't know how you make 'em, but I always have Chloe bring me a box when she comes over. I don't let her in unless she has a box for me." I feel sorry for our teacher sometimes. Zara is such a handful.
"She was really angry when you forced her to come back." Celest laughed and didn't look like she was sorry or cared about Chloe at all. Chloe has it rough.
"Please don't encourage my wife's bad behavior." I sternly told Celest while I sophisticatedly sipped my tea.
"Chloe tells me you've already manifested. Congratulations." Celest sipped her own tea and greedily smiled at me. She really can't hide her emotions. I don't even have to use my ability to feel them.
"Yeah, I also brought you the document you asked me for last time. I hope you can make a bit of time after the tea party." The new Alm contract she wanted was for some foreign noble with a lot of money. It was a bit specific, but the pay from it was tremendous.
"I'll take you to my office after." Celest went back to her relaxed and cunning demeanor.
"So how old is your daughter?" Zara suddenly interrupted our conversation with an out of the left field question.
"She's 15. Stark, bring her in." The smoky guy Zara told me about materialized and headed to the back room.
A few moments later, a 15-year-old girl with black hair walked in with Stark following behind her. She looks nothing like Celest. Is that really her daughter? Celest's platinum blond hair, green emerald eyes, and feminine facial features are all missing. Her daughter isn't ugly, but she isn't anywhere near as pretty as her mom.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Cera, Lady Zara. My name is Darlene Lunite. Her highness has told me so many good things about you both." She didn't address Celest as mom or mother and she greeted us first even though she's royalty. Guess the rumors were true. She's not wanted.
"it's nice to meet you." I simply made eye contact and greeted her politely.
"I was looking forward to meeting you since your mom told me about you a few months ago. Glad I finally have the chance to meet the daughter of the kingdom's celestial star." Zara stood up and walked toward Darlene while extending her hand out. I can't tell if Zara is being passive aggressive or complimenting her. There's no shift in Darlene's emotions though.
"I heard you were a bit scary, but it seems those were just baseless rumors." Guess she took it as being passive aggressive. It does look kind of comical how small Zara is compared to her. In 5 years we'll be as tall or taller than her.
"Rumors?" Zara looked back at me with a dumb grin on her face.
"You hear that Cera? I'm famous!" You're such a cute airhead, Zara. She just made fun of you.
"Your infamy isn't a good thing. Come back here, you're being rude to the other girls and Darlene by showing her courtesy." Did you think I'd let you make fun of Zara without saying anything?
Zara came back and sat down next to me. Darlene stood there with her anger furnacing inside. I purposely avoided eye contact and simply sipped my tea while analyzing her emotions.
"I'm so glad you were able to make it this time, little Cera. The others should arrive soon. It won't be a long meeting, I have something for them to do, but you two can ignore it if you guys don't want to participate." I assumed this has to do with the upcoming candidate trials. Since Celest doesn't have a candidate participating, she doesn't get anything out of winning or losing this.
The last girl walked in and the meeting could finally get underway.
"The candidate trial this year is a simple fighting tournament with rules. As long as you don't kill or cripple, anything goes. Breaking the rules is instant execution by the referee. If you can kill the referee however, you may be pardoned for breaking the rules. My useless daughter Darlene will be participating this year. I want you guys to aid her in any way you guys want. Any help will be appreciated, no matter how small." Wow. I knew she was ruthless, but holy shit. She openly said she wants our help, but told us that even just our verbal support is enough. I didn't know she hated her daughter this much. To make fun of her in front of all these people who will report to their families is cold-hearted.
I could see Darlene clenching her fist and tensing her body. I'm not surprised Celest didn't give her a chair to sit at on this table. I don't particularly have a problem with Celest's way of doing things, as I was raised the same way, but I can feel Zara's anger.
"Thank you for your help." Darlene bowed and painfully spoke.
"Celest, do you get anything out of the competition if I enter it and win?" Zara asked while putting a cookie in her mouth. Hmm… She's so cute.
"No. You'll get some worthless title and the scorn of the other candidates though. It isn't not worth it and it's a waste of time. If you could take out the other candidates and kill the referee along the way, that would help me. However, Stark here will be the referee this year so you can't kill any of the candidates." All you get is a title? Why not just give out money?
"Are they strong?" I'm not letting you participate.
"You're not allowed to enter the competition." I stole the cookie from her hand and ate it instead.
"Why'd you take my cookie! There's a lot more right there!" Even her surprised, angry voice is cute. I could feel the other girls looking at us, but I didn't care. I sort of understand why Zara killed everyone last time, I'd kill them too if I was being observed like this for a long time.
"You already ate 10 of them. That's enough for today." I grabbed her hand to prevent her from moving and reaching for more cookies.
"There's only two other candidates participating since there's an age restriction. Just send my daughter a sword or something, there's no reason for you to participate." There's a high chance Darlene will end up dying in this tournament, Celest probably rigged the competition already.