New Friend

I waited for Cera to come home and I was lying in bed, listless. I wanted to see her already. She left me yearning for her. Upset at what she did to me before she left, I decided to distract myself by talking to Viv.

"You'll be attending school with me Viv. I don't know if you will also have work to do, but be prepared! We'll try to have a fun school time!" I tried my best to sound cheery.

"My lady, this is a great chance for you to make friends, so please don't worry about me and focus on yourself during your stay here." Viv shamelessly said I didn't have any friends!

"I'm sure my liege would be happy to hear that you made friends." So she said, but I wasn't convinced. I'm not sure if that's true.

Hearing her talk about Cera reminded me once again of what she did this morning and I started getting upset.

"Viv! Cera is so mean to me!" At this point, I had given up on appearing like a lady in front of Viv. I consider her a friend and I hope she did too, but I was scared to ask.

I pouted and hugged Cera's pillow tightly while squirming around in bed.

"We both know that's not true." Viv replied with a serious face as Noire walked in with a cart and breakfast on it.

It's true because Cera knew I wanted more and still left me, but I can't tell that to Viv without being embarrassed!

"You'll be eating breakfast in your room today because we haven't finished setting up everything in the dining room or the kitchen." Noire told me with a smile.

"Okay!" As I was about to get out of bed, Viv stopped me and started setting up a table tray, so I could eat in bed.

I figured Cera told them something so I didn't bother asking them why they were being so attentive.

I ate breakfast and then started concentrating my Alm. I hadn't trained in a while and I was feeling itchy. Maybe I'll ask Viv to spar with me. We do have a large backyard.

"Your uniform was also delivered this morning, my lady." Noire brought out a pink and silver one piece dress with a collar on it and a tie. Viv sent a smile to Noire and happily took the tray off my bed.

"Oh my god! The uniform is so cute!" I got out of bed and took the uniform and ran to the bathroom to put it on.

After I got out, I spun a few times and showed off my dress to Viv and Noire who happily complimented me and I spent the rest of the day trying new outfits to wear on my days off. Trying my best to keep my mind occupied, waiting until Cera came home.

I wanted to ask her what she would be doing during my stay at school. I couldn't hold back my anxiety anymore. I wanted to know what she would be doing and making sure she was okay.

"How about we go sightseeing?" Viv suggested.

"Yes, that's a wonderful idea." Noire encouraged.

"I'll get the carriage ready." Viv ran off before I could protest and it was decided that we would be going sightseeing.

Well, I guess it would be nice to look around the city and we would be staying at. Even though I tried new outfits I ended up with my uniform back on and I decided it would be best to wear it while we're out strolling, so I didn't change.

I made my way out of the house and looked around the yard, looking for a good place to train later. I've been slacking.

After being invited in to the carriage by Viv, we set off.

I looked around through the carriage window and noticed that in the alleys, there were a lot of kids. While the stores and restaurants looked clean and extravagant, most of the alleys had at least a few orphans.

I looked at my purse and saw I had a bit of silver leftover from something, so I decided to tell Viv to stop the carriage near an alley.

"Viv, let's stop by that alley over there. I want to give the kids there some money."

"As you wish." Viv responded and the carriage quickly came to a stop and she opened the door for me.

I walked out and saw a young blond girl and decided to walk up to her.

"Hey, little one." The young girl looked at me with a desperate and sad face. The face of someone who has given up.

"Here. Take this." I offered the girl a few silver and she looked at me with a confused expression.

"Why?" What do you want for this?

Her question made my heart ache.


She kept looking at me with a weird expression and she looked like she wanted to give it back.

"Just keep it you brat." The voice of a girl came from the entrance of the alley. A girl with the same uniform as mine.

"You shouldn't be giving them money. They'll only ask for more." For some reason even though she was saying some heartless things, her expression and demeanor were warm and gentle. Like she was thankful that I gave her the silver.

"You must be a new student. You're not supposed to help the kids here. It's part of the school rules."

"Oh, I see. I didn't know. Thank you for telling me." I replied, but I didn't listen to her and still gave the little girl the silver coins because she reminded me of how Cera used to live in the streets and I wished somebody would have helped her like this.

She clicked her tongue at me as she watched me ignored her.

"My name is Paisely. It's nice to meet you."

The little girl took the money, looked at me weird, and ran off.

"My name is Zara. It's a pleasure to meet you." I greeted her like I would greet someone in the Lunite Kingdom.

"Since you're new to the school, would you like me to show you around?" She was still showing this very gentle side of her that seemed like she wanted to thank me for helping the little girl.

"I'd appreciate it." She led me out of the alley and walked me around stores.

She explained a few things and rules about the academy that I would be learning soon and she also told me she belonged to house AImo. She told me there were four houses in the academy and that I would be assigned one when school started. And we spent a few hours talking about clothes and shops, I gave a few silver to some kids that I saw on my stroll and she kept telling me I shouldn't do that, but I ignored her.

Eventually Viv told me that it was time to go back.

"Sorry, Paisely, it's time for me to go back. But I really enjoyed spending time with you." I casually smiled told her I'd be leaving.

"Me too! I hope you're put into house Aimo! I think we'd be really good friends!" She smiled with her bright, violet eyes and saw me off.

I got inside the carriage and Viv was all smiles in the front.

"You already made a friend, my lady. Aren't you excited?" She told me.

"Yeah, she seems really nice. I just hope I get put into house Aimo. Maybe if I ask Cera she'll be able to do something about it." Knowing Cera, she could probably do whatever I asked her.

When we were on our way back, I saw that an extra carriage was stationed near the house and figured Cera had come home. I quickly got out and went toward the house, ready to tell Cera about my new friend.

Before I could open the door, Cera poked through it and quickly hugged me. Throwing me off guard and kissing my neck.

"I missed you." I told her before she unraveled my tie and bit me where she kissed me this morning.

"I missed you too." She told me before my knees buckled and she sent shivers down my body. Making feel an unbearable high.

She caught me and carried me while still biting me, gently pushing her tongue to soothe the pain she was causing with her teeth.

"You smell like another girl." She pushed me down onto the sofa in the living room and I couldn't help but let out a moan.

"I made a new friend today."

"Is that so? Tell me all about it." She pushed her soft body on mine and started kissing me all over my shoulders, chest, and neck.

Unable to resist, I gave in to her lips.