
It's warm. It feels like I'm in water.

What happened at the pet shop? What about Cera? And what about... the cat...

I suddenly woke up. Being hugged from behind by Cera and sitting in the bathtub together.

So it was water.

"Cera, what happened?" I leaned my head against her shoulder because I had a slight headache.

"You passed out after helping the little kitty and I brought you home." I started recalling what happened.

"Is it alive?" My hopes were high. I remember putting it back together.

"No. It didn't survive." My tears began to fall.

I wasn't even attached to it. So I don't understand why I'm crying.

Cera hugged me and pressed her lips against my ear.

"It's okay, we'll just get another one." I don't want another one. I felt scared to get another one now that I've seen it die and lost it. I'm not ready to face the loss of a pet I actually grow to love.

"No. I don't want a pet anymore." I turned around and put my knees between her thighs, facing her.

"As long as I have you, I don't need anything else." I hugged her tightly and silently asked for her to comfort me.

She began running her fingers through my white, wet hair and I got goosebumps from how good her fingers felt running down my scalp.

That's right. As long as I have Cera, I don't care about anything else. She's all I need. She suddenly began biting my neck, leaving me with a few hickeys and a sense of pleasure.

Eventually we made our way out of the bathroom and into our room, where she had laid out our clothes for bed. I looked outside to see it was a bit early still, but I didn't mind. I wanted to be comforted right now and Cera seemed to have planned for it already. I was grateful.

"Thank you." I once again started sobbing in the middle of our room, exposing my feelings, just like my naked body.

She hugged me tightly and we changed into our pajamas before going to lay down.

I cuddled up next to her, wrapping both my arms around her and pressing my face on her chest. The smell of shampoo and soap still in the air soothed me.

My head still throbbing and my neck feeling a sense of abandonment since we left the bathroom.

"Were you scared?" She asked.

"Yeah, I was scared when it died. I wished so badly for it to not die." I wish I wouldn't have put it back together. It feels like I'll never forget what happened and I don't like it.

"Is this the power of the demon you mentioned?"

"I think so. I'm not sure what the power itself is, so I can only assume that's what it was." I've never heard of a power turning things back to how they used to be. Not only that, but the reincarnation is a big hint. The power of time.

I'm still afraid to tell Cera about my past life, so I will keep hiding it. I can't bear the thought of her ever leaving me. I don't know what I would do. It absolutely cannot happen. I'll make sure of that. I'll do everything in my power for her to stay with me forever.

"Don't worry, I'll be by your side forever." Cera suddenly said, like she was reading my mind.

Once again, I started crying. This time, until I fell asleep. My body embraced by her warmth.