We quickly finished getting dressed and made our way out to the front yard.
When we arrived, king Dico was at the front gate with shining golden flames surrounding his fists and two of the mercenaries we hired were confronting him.
Avsi and Viv came rushing behind us and then Kali and Cross came out as well.
They quickly got in position and surrounded the king.
The king didn't seem to acknowledge them and continued standing there after he broke the metal gate.
We were in our pajamas and slippers so I didn't think fighting was a good idea. I didn't want to ruin my brand-new pajamas.
The king made eye contact with me and then looked at Cera for a long period of time.
"You!" He screamed while releasing bloodlust.
He began running towards us and Viv stepped in and punched him with all her power and dropped him to one knee. It seemed like he didn't notice her and simply took the punch head on with his body.
Then Viv backed up and came next to us.