
Zara had protected Celyce, Mandy, Shinri, and Avsi from the powerful blast that blew the mountain sky high. 

I didn't want her using her power but there was no choice. 

The top half of the mountain was covered by sunlight while the inside of the cave was splattered with blood of the dragon. It's beautiful white and light blue scales dripping red blood as Mandy sucked in the blood through the flower buds on her vines. The petals dancing as if the blood was an incredible feast. The vines only growing stronger and bigger as the dragon was held in place. 

Viv was clashing with Varcez behind me and the roaring pains of the dragon reached the sky. 

My attacks had created a lot of small wounds on it but nothing fatal. The dragon looked up at me from its bindings and opened its mouth before releasing a frosty blast of ice.