New job

Deep in thoughts, without knowing where I am walking, I bump into someone.

My head is on his chest then he points out his finger and pushes my head away from him.

"I can't lie... you are everywhere I come in the hospital, but too bad for you, I am leaving this hospital today." he puts on his sunglasses proper.

I don't have time for your nonsense today. Move! I walk away

"Wait! EEWW!! What is that smell? Oliver, take me out of here as soon as possible!! You know I hate its smell!" He reached out his hand for support.

Is it me? Does my hair smell this bad?

I smell my hair.

Euw!, it really does smell bad. In embarrassment, I quickly run away before they could say something.

I am relieved now that I have washed up. When I come out of the bathroom, I hear my phone's vibration. I loop up to check and see that Mia sent me a message.

Mia: Hey, I find a place near to your house. They are looking for someone to hire straight away. It's just a waitress in a bar, and you get paid quite good. Here, I will send you the address, go straight away.

Love xx.

Thanks a lot. I don't know how I can live without you. Love you too xx.

I changed quickly and went directly to the restaurant. I wanted to work as soon as I could so that I could support my dad.

When I arrived, I saw many people in a row waiting for everyone's turn.

The first thing I thought of was how am I going to get inside? Because I was not here for the food but to work here.

Oh, god, help me.

I looked around to see if any of the workers were there. I was relieved when I saw one of them. I went straight to her and told her that I came for the interview that Mia had planned for me.

She took me inside where her manager was. They were talking and discussing something, but I couldn't hear them properly.

I looked away when I saw them staring at me.

For sure, they are talking about me, but why though?.

"Can you serve the customers?" says the manager in a rush tone.

Yes, sir. I know it very well. I was wondering why he asked me that.

"Well, that is good. You are hired, starting from now. Get ready quickly. I hate lateness."

Anna, the girl who brought me inside, showed me the changing room and gave me her clothes to wear for today.

Hours have passed, and I was trying to catch my breath walking from here to there. It was harder than I thought to serve the customers.

"How is your first time here? Do you like it?" I look at who was talking to me.

It is a boy around my age smiling brightly towards me.

Is it always so busy here? I ask him

"Sometimes, but it is not that busy like today. It is a fancy restaurant. All these people you see book their bookings one week in advance. To show off their money to their friends. You know most of them to come here just to take photo's."

And where do you spend your money? I raised my eyebrow, looking at him.

"To my sister and my studies." His face was now serious and pathetic.

They have no worries. That is one of the reasons why they are spending their money on useless things like showing off. They don't know that there are people out there that need that money they are playing with."

Looking at you, it feels like you know what I am talking about."

Because I was once like them spending my money on useless things.

"At least you have learned something from that. I am saying you don't look like a greedy person, but they are."

Should I be grateful now?

We both laugh out.

"By the way, how did you get hired so easily? The manager is really strict."

Is that so? Maybe because they needed me so badly. I grin

While we were chatting, I saw the manager walking in our direction.

"Come to my office! I need to have a word with you." the manager says to me.

Why is he calling me? Did I do something wrong on my first day?

I followed him and closed the door behind me as he ordered me to.

"Take a seat" He pointed to the chair from the opposite of him.

"I was keeping an eye on you the whole time to my surprise, you are well mannered, and you know what you are doing. Here is the contract. Are you willing to work for us?" His tone was rough, but I was happy to be hired.

Yes, please. Thank you very much. You don't know how much this means to me.

"But don't get ahead of yourself.

If you do something wrong, you will still get fired! I don't go easy on people.

Well, here, read it carefully. Here is all the point we expect from you and sign it in my office before you leave." He left me after he spoke to me.

What is wrong with him?

I open the paper and look at what they want from me.

Why are there soo many agreements?

Am I supposed to follow all of them?

I will just sign it. I don't have time to read all of this.

After signing it, I place it on his table and go out of his office closing the door behind me.

"What did he say?" asks the boy from earlier.

Well, I got the job. But the manager told me not to get ahead of myself, and he told me not to make mistakes or else I will get fired.

"I told you he is strict. He is always like this."

But then, doesn't that mean that he cares about his business?

"Yeah, he does, and that is why many people respect him."

Ohh, I forgot to ask for your name?

"Ohh, I forget to introduce myself too. Well, My name is Nathan, and I am 25. You?" he says while scratching the back of his head.

I am Alice, and I am 25 too.

Nice to meet you. I hope you will help me a lot around here since I am new. I smile at him.

"It is nice to meet you too. Don't worry about that. I am working here for 1 and a half year, so I know everything about this bar. If you have questions just ask me. Oh, and look out for the boys that are sitting on that table near the window. They are playboys, and most of the girls quit because of them."

What do they do? I ask him

"They ask them to drink with them, and sometimes they even go out the line."

That is disgusting! Because of bastards like them, the girls can't work comfortably or even go out at night. What were their parents teaching them!! I say, anger visible in my voice.

" Since they are rich, they think they can do anything because their parents will back them up anyways. No matter what the case is, they will always win."

Well, I am not like most people. I can fight for myself. If I can't do that with the law, I will do that with my fists. I say while fake punching him.

"You are one of a girl," he says while acting like I really punched him.

You don't have to worry about me.

I can look after myself. I say while giving Nathan a reassuring smile.

"That is good. I would like to see what you are capable of."

"Beautiful girl! Can you take my menu?!!" one of the boys Nathan told me about shouts.

Do you mean ME!? I say to him.

"YES, do you see another girl around here that are beautiful as you?" he says

I will be back soon. I have to take his order.

"Okay, Just be careful!" Nathan says to me.

Don't worry about it. I can take them. I say while going to them.

What can I do for you? I say while giving them a full smile since that is a part of my job.

"I want a whiskey, and I would like some of you too if you don't mind." He says to me while looking at me from up and down and giving his friends a high five.

Well, does it seem like I am on the menu? I say to him.

"Man, she got you with that one." says one of the boys who was sitting across me.

I smirk while the boy's face became red tomato!

I walk away while giving him the look of "You found the wrong one tonight!"

It was already evening when I finished working.

I was curious how my father was doing. I have not seen him all day. He is doing well, right?. I worry a lot about him lately.