Talutah Blackwell

After Dakotah had disappeared amongst the throng of hyperactive girls and bored-looking guys, I anxiously sat in my seat as I watched the others fill rapidly. The stadium didn't look too empty, or quiet, anymore. As I was shifting into a better position to see the rink, I heard a girl shriek from behind me. Turning around, I caught a blonde staring at me. Her brown eyes reflecting horror and curiosity in equal measure. "Yes?"

"What do you think you're doing there?" The girl asked, her voice so shrill that it instantly annoyed the hell out of me.

"What do you mean? I was told to sit here."

"You're sitting in his spot. You should move—" She was saying, now frantic and on the verge of tears before a shadow loomed over me and seem to have frozen her lips shut. Thank god, I thought before turning my attention away from her and towards my unexpected savior. I almost jumped at the sight. If Dakotah had been a girl, I swear to God, he would've looked just like this person: an exact replica.

Her skin had the same warm undertone as Dakotah's and instead of hazel eyes, her piercing blue ones stared at me with interest. Her hair, black and smooth, was intricately tied into a French braid that curled around the base of her crown. It was decorated with what looked like Baby's Breath and some jade hairpins. She also seemed to be wearing some kind of Grecian skirt/bodysuit with an armband around her left arm for decoration. The whole thing seemed like an interesting combination.

The lady looked from me to the girl behind, "Angelica was it? I'm sure my brother told him he could sit here."

The girl tapped me on the shoulder then, leaning in close before whispering. "Did he really?"

"Yeah, why?"

The girl didn't bother answering me and instead leaned back into her own seat before letting out a 'huff' sound. She looked pouty to me but I didn't have much time before my rescuer sat down in the seat that Dakotah had previously occupied.

"Sorry about that, Angelica is one of Dakotah's fans. Her group, the "Skate Mates" are avid followers. More like stalkers really, but they're about the same."

"It's alright…and um, thanks." Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, "I take it you're Dakotah's sister?"

"How did you know?" She beamed, flashing a beautiful smile.

"Because you and Dakotah look a lot alike. You could almost be twins—fraternal of course." I hastily added, feeling the heat rising to my face. I prayed that I hadn't made myself look like a complete idiot. I'd already gotten myself lost on campus, late for orientation and I definitely didn't need a bad rep on my first day.

She laughed pretty loudly before noticing my embarrassment, "Sorry, yes. I'm his older sister Talutah." Reaching over the armrest, she took the hand that was resting on my leg into her own and shook it. "I've heard so many things about you already William."

After an uneasy pause, "What kind of things?"

"Oh, like how your grandmother is the famous Elizabeth Grant; your mother was the famous figure skater Elicia and how your father Teryion is a pro skater."

I knew people had known about my father, but as how they had known about my mother and grandmother surprised me. Even I wasn't supposed to mention anything about them, especially my mom. She had died in an accident and everything had been quietly taken care of: no public announcement and no funeral, just a small shrine placed in my father's house. My grandmother even told me not to say anything to anybody at the school. She didn't want the other kids to think I'd rode on someone else's coattails to enter this academy, even though I had done just that.

"How do you know? I've never told anyone about my mother or grandmother, I did tell what's-his-name about my dad though. He didn't seem to care though."

"Because my dad knows. He's the Director and your grandmother told him. Also, I only know about your mother because my dad was pretty devastated. They were the best of friends."


Talutah seemed to notice my downcast expression then because she said, "Look, I won't tell anyone. Only my brother and I know, plus, it sucks to be ostracized because of family." Placing a gentle hand on top of my own, she smiled. Then without another word, she got up and left. I was alone once more.