Rootin' Tootin' Lootin'

The recoil was hard to get used to, as his arm flew back, while the wolf's head also got knocked back, but it still stood. He quickly looked at the notifications to see how much he did.

[ {Headshot!} {Critical Hit!} You dealt 75 damage! ]

'Guess Anna really will get a helmet, this kinda luck is like a webnovel mc.' Jax joked as he waited for the wolf to go down.... but it didn't.

'Fuck did no one really hit it!?' Jax was shocked, but didn't bother to look back at the mages who clearly weren't paying attention anymore. The rogue was too far away and the healer couldn't do damage. The mages also had a charge up time for their attacks so he couldn't trust anyone to do damage in the next second.

The wolf quickly got its footing and growled at Jax ready to lunge at him.

"Fuck it!" Jax yelled as he threw his weapon at the wolf. There was nothing else he could do, as he wasn't fast enough to dodge, or tanky enough to take a hit. the woes of being level 1. The weapon hit the wolf in the head and bouncing off. The wolf continued forward, tackling Jax to the ground.

Everyone held their breath until they realized that they got a notification.

[Level 5 Wolf has been slain! You have gained exp!]

It worked! The rest of the party was surprised that it actually did damage.

"I don't think I've ever seen anyone do that." One of the mages said. The priest looked at the party interface, able to see the health of everyone.

The health of Jax said 1/10.

The body of the wolf slowly turned to pixels as as Jax's body was revealed. He groaned and rolled over on his side.

"Holy shit the pain in this game." Jax complained. The full weight of a 5 foot dog just tackled him. It was almost like getting hit by a truck, but he wasn't knowledgeable about getting hit by trucks to know how it felt.

He slowly got up and saw his own health, '1 hp huh, that's some luck right there.'

[Level 5 Wolf has been slain! You have gained 250 exp!]

[You got 1x {Wolf pelt}! You got 2x {Wolf Claws}! You got 1x {Common Padded Boots}!]

[You got 80 coppers!]

'Oooo that's some good stuff.' Although he didn't know exactly how to use the pelt and claws, the boots were good. Now he didn't have to walk around barefoot.

[Common Padded Boots]

[speed - 5]

They were simple but effective. He didn't know what other stats boots could have, so he made a note to check out the blacksmith shop when he got back to the village.

"Wow! That was amazing damage! Are you sure you are level 1?" The second mage asked. Everyone was amazed at how much damage he could do at once. Normally it took a few minutes to take 100 hp from a wolf with a normal rounded party of 5. They had no true tank so it took even longer.

"Well I'm level 2 now." Jax said, looking at his stats. He now had an extra 5 stats to put where ever he needed. He was unsure how he wanted to proceed with his build, as marksman had a really big issue with cooldown. For now, he would wait.

"What did you get?" The rogue asked.

"A pelt, claws, and boots. Also 80 copper."

"That's pretty good for a level 5. I heard that its normally only a pelt or claw and then money. Equipment is really rare." The priest added. Everyone looked happy at the results, even if they didn't get any goodies, they got good exp.

"How's the exp curve?" Jax asked since it was a concern of his.

"Not too bad," the preist answered. "So far for under level 10, its been an extra 500 exp each level. I'm level 3 so I have to get 1500 exp."

Jax nodded it was alright. However the exp gained from PKs and monsters was really low.

"Do you know if you get better exp from quests or monsters?" Jax asked one more question.

"Quests for sure," the first mage answered. "It's almost double what you would get from a monster like the wolf but it's really long and boring." It was valuable information. If he really wanted to rise quickly, he needed to focus more on the quests now, meaning doing the long-chain quest.

Just as he was in deep thought, he felt a rush of danger next to him, without a second thought, almost by instinct, he put his new stat points into health, and tried dodging. The mages and the priest all had looks of shock as the Rogue attacked Jax. Almost as soon as Jax acted, the priest cast its one heal skill, [instant heal].

Almost as if in slow motion, the blade of the rogue's short sword hit Jax as the [Instant heal] hit Jax. It would suck if Jax died now, but he didn't care if he did, but he would make sure he took the rogue down with him. He fired and hit the rogue half a second after he got hit.

The rogue disappeared into particles with a look of shock as he looked at Jax still standing. Jax held his heart as that was a serious rush just now.

"Ha. Haha hahahahaha!" He began laughing manically lightening up the mood a little.

"That was surprising. I thought we were all good about this." The second mage said with a sigh. Everyone nodded at that. The rogue was good at hiding his intentions and didn't even give off any bloodlust.

"Thank you for that." Jax told the priest. The priest chuckled and smiled. "It was mostly just a reaction after all the gaming I've done, but you're welcome."

The rogue ended up dropping a pair of [Common Leather Pants]. The pants apparently gave 5 speed and with this, he could have a full set armor but...

Jax picked it up and handed it to the priest. As it was a universal item right now, priests could still wear pants that a warrior could wear, although their torso had to be covered by a robe instead, the same with mages.

The priests eyes widened but he shook his head, "Don't worry about it, I don't need it at this level since everything is easy as long as I have a party."

"Then do you want any of the materials? The money?" Jax asked. He didn't like being indebted and was willing to give this stuff up since it was still the early game. The priest still shook his head, "Don't worry about it, I'm good, It was mostly you anyways, you acted quicker than I could."

It was definitely an excuse, and even the mages realized this since without that heal, Jax would've been sent to the graveyard.

[Player KENNYYYYYY sent a you a friend request!]

The notification popped up for the priest who snorted. "What the heck is this name?" Jax just shrugged his shoulders not giving an answer.

"If you need anything just let me know and I'll help you, I won't question it." A favor was the only other thing Jax could think of. The priest chuckled again and nodded. With that, Jax decided to head back to town. He finished the rabbit killing quest, and even finished one of the harder quests he got, "Kill a monster in one hit." Because he found out about headshots and crits, he was able to finish it as well.

When he got into the village, he went to turn in the quests, getting a whopping 1500 exp for the 2 quests. The rabbits were 500 with the headshot being 1000. He also got a good amount of money for it all. It seemed there were class-specific quests since only a marksman could complete this quest. Being now level 3 he got 5 more stats. Unfortunately, he had to use 5 points on health thanks to the rogue, although it wasn't bad. It was more breathing room and most people wouldn't expect a marksman with any points in health. Every level you gained 5 hp, so now he had 25 total, which was now more than that arrogant warrior and maybe even the warrior who acted as a tank for the party.

Looking at his stats, he saw he was pretty standard for a marksman, with high power and speed. The only difference was that he also had higher health. He finally caved in and decided to put the 5 unused points into attack. With his reload speed, he needed to deal as much damage every 20 seconds.

He didn't know how many people knew about headshots and the crit chances, but he still wasn't 100% sure about crit chance being up when hitting the head. Either he was really lucky, or he was right. Either way, he would still be aiming for the head as it dealt double damage.

[Father Francis has accepted your friend request!]

Jax saw the notification and smirked. Swiping it away, he went ahead to finish the analyze quest.


Current Character info


[Level 3: Exp - 620/1500]

[titles: none]

[class: Marksman]

[Money - 385 copper]


Health - 25/25

Mana - 10/10

Attack - 10(+20)

Defense - 5(+5)

Speed - 5(+10)

Magic Power - 5]

[items equipped:

Common flintlock pistol

leather armor

Common leather pants

Common padded boots]

[Inventory - lucky rabbit foot, rabbit skin, Old Flintlock Pistol, wolf pelt, 2x wolf claw]

[Unique - N/A]