After walking for who knows how long, she slowly got into better spirits before realizing she was in unfamiliar territory.
"Oh, right the minimap." Adrianna pulled it up to see the star west of her current location. She pouted and was frustrated with herself for making such a blunder. She smiled and slapped her cheeks to wake herself up. If she wanted to stay by Jax's side, she needed to focus and push through whatever obstacle comes her way.
She felt stupid but it was her fault for not checking where she was going. Having traumatic thoughts stuck in her mind must've distracted her and now she was in a clearing with a meadow of red flowers.
It was a beautiful landscape and she literally stopped to smell the roses. Their bright red color contrasted well with the dark green canopies of the trees of the forest. She took her time walking through the field of flowers, making her way to what she assumed was the center of the area.
She found some gentle rolling hills at the center. They weren't much higher than their surroundings, but they stood out like a sore thumb.
"My spidey senses are tingling! This smells like an important place." Adrianna looked proud of herself even though the hills were the only spot in the meadow to have golden flowers instead of red... and a golden rabbit was staring at her. She had yet to notice it, but it didn't go to attack her, it just stared with its beady little eyes.
When she finally noticed the rabbit, she jumped back in fright and equipped her gauntlets. Even though she had gotten a shield as one of the loot she somehow grabbed, she refused to play as an actual tank. Now that she was a different class, however, she no longer had to worry about that.
The rabbit only cocked its head and Adrianna finally saw how adorable it was! She carefully made her way towards the golden bunny whispering sweet nothings. She got right up in front of it and squatted down to pet it.
Its fur was soft and made her feel comfortable and a bit sleepy. She yawn and was about to lay down to get more comfortable so she turned off her concealment to reveal her horns and seductive armor.
Once her new Radiant form was revealed, the bunny bit her.
The bunny gave its version of a warcry as Adrianna yanked her hand away from its pointy buck teeth. She was startled as the bunny's fur slowly changed from golden to blood red and the surrounding golden flowers did the same.
"Wait! This actually is an important place!" She was surprised and quickly got into a fighting stance. Although she wasn't as experienced as Jax in games, she had been playing non-stop for almost 5 years. Even as a casual player, she picked up a technique or two when it came to fighting monsters.
She felt something warm moving down her arm to find that there was blood inside the gauntlet. She looked at her stats to see she had a bleeding effect on her! And it had a 5-minute duration! Her face paled. Would she even survive this?
This effect would kill anyone without enough health potions to counteract the bleeding. She only had 4 health potions after all that had happened with Jax, so she would have to finish this quick and hope she could survive to make it to the village.
The village had a double regeneration rate within its walls, not that it mattered much since most players wouldn't run all the way back to the village just to heal up a few health points.
"Is this a boss?! I thought they were only in Dungeons!" She had used Analyze to see its stats.
[ Gold-blood Rabid Rabbit - Uncommon - 1000/1000 ]
Adrianna hadn't thought about a field boss, only thinking they were in dungeons.
"Why is it in such a low level area? People could get hurt." Although she was away from the low level forest near the village, the area she was in only had rabbits and a few wolves in the area. She couldn't recall a monster over level 4.
Her health reached 30 out of 50, so she quickly drank a potion. She wanted to be as close to full as possible since she didn't know how much damage it would do.
"I should probably leave. I don't have enough potions for this." She was debating whether she should stay and wasted even more time. The bunny didn't wait for her though.
It screeched again and ran towards her. Although it was a boss, it wasn't very fast. It was only about as fast as a level 7 wolf and she had gotten used to fighting them. The bunny jumped off the ground with its mouth open wide. Even if its movement wasn't fast when it jumped it suddenly sped up.
Adrianna furrowed her brow and reacted quickly, sidestepping right and swinging to meet it head-on with a left hook. Her fist became engulfed by a light blue flame-like it was on fire, completely unaware of it herself.
She took it by surprise and landed a direct hit to the face. Despite its small size, it felt like she punched a wall. Her left arm was numb but she continued to pursue her opponent, taking advantage of its slight stun.
She wasn't aware of it, but she dealt a good chunk of damage to it. She had unknowingly used a technique that wasn't supposed to be used until later in the game. Even Jax wasn't aware of it.
She was dealing damage with her attack and her magic power.
It could be something related to her new race, her new class or some unknown factor, but even she didn't notice since she was only fighting through instinct. Just like how Jax saw her sidestep a Goblin professionally, she had once again done it but counterattacked as well.
She was slowly getting better at fighting, her only downside being that she never thought about her actions when she swung her fists. She only acted as how it naturally felt to her so she couldn't make the best of decisions.
In a fight against a smart player, she would be beaten, but against the rabbit, it was enough. The rabbit had flown to the side and Adrianna followed up. Her eyes were intense as she struck the rabbit again with a right punch as it bounced off the ground. The rabbit flew further towards a tree, but it turned its tiny body and jumped off the tree towards her. The truck of the tree cracked as the rabbit shot forward at an unimaginable speed.
Adrianna reacted and put her Gauntlets up in front of her like a boxer. The rabbit's head struck the metal fists with a dull *gong* and sent Adrianna tumbling backward. The wind got knocked out of her, and for the second time since starting the game, realized how realistic it was.
'First pain from the class change and now this. Is this really just a game?' It felt way too real to her but she decided to think about it later.
The hit helped her mind clear up, and she realized that she was really low on health! She had dropped below 10hp so she quickly took a potion leaving her with 2. She dealt good damage, maybe about a third but she had to be quick if she wanted to survive.
Her instincts kicked back in again when she felt danger. She rolled away as a rabbit's head struck the ground. It kicked up dirt and flowers and Adrianna was now on the defensive. The rabbit kept going for headbutts as it realized its teeth wouldn't pierce the metal, but the force traveled through Adrianna's arms with every hit, only exhausting her more.
"If only Jax were here..." She mumbled to herself. She admired his strength and his ability to keep cool in any situation. "No! I can't rely on him. Although I get tingly when he yells at me, I have to get strong so he relies on me instead!"
She bumped the metal fists clumsily together and charged ahead. It was time to let all her pent up anger out on this poor bunny.
[ID: Sucky Succie]
[Level 12: Exp - 3700/7000]
[titles: Horny, Dungeon Buster]
[Race: Succubus {error: faction conflict} - Succubus has evolved into {Radiant Succubus}
racial skills: Charm, Physicality]
[class: Monk {error: faction conflict} - {Monk} has evolved into {Demonic Monk}]
[Money - 1 gold]
Health - 27/50 {bleeding}
Mana - 30/30(+60/60)
Attack - 20(+55) (-5)*
Defense - 5
Speed - 5
Magic Power - 20(+75)]
[Items equipped:
Old Gauntlets - Uncommon grade
Demonic Hairpiece - set item 1
Demonic Lingerie (Bra + Panties) - set items 2 & 3
Set completion effect: Race change - Succubus {error: faction conflict}
Common attack boots (Broken)*
Bound items: Victim Necklace]
[Skills - Fortification, Shield Bash]
[Spells - Muddy feet]