Rebecca Liked Bach Allen?

Pax's tone was extremely arrogant, but no one present could refute him.

It couldn't be helped. Pax's family was too powerful.

Moreover, Bach Allen hadn't come over after a long time. This was also a fact.

And even if Bach Allen really came over, no one would think that he could beat Pax.

Although Pax was unbridled and arrogant, his karate rank was a real purple belt.

Some of the students in the class saw with their own eyes that Pax had punched someone into the hospital when he was fighting outside.

According to following news, that person had two broken ribs.

Therefore, even though Pax was crazy and annoying, he had real abilities.

"Hey, I say, hurry up and go to the locker room to look for that guy Bach Allen."

"Don't let him run away, hahaha..."

Pax said as he laughed mockingly.

"Who said that I'm going to run away?"

A voice sounded, and everyone quickly turned to look.

The owner of the voice was Bach Allen!

"Bach Allen really came? I thought he took the opportunity to run away!"

"To be honest, he might as well have run away. Although it's a little embarrassing, at least he doesn't have to be beaten up!"

"Is that Rebecca's clothes? F*ck, I'm so envious!"

"He actually wore Rebecca's clothes. It's over now. Pax is going to be even angrier!"

"Sigh, let's pray for Bach Allen..."

The students began to discuss among themselves.

However, most of the discussions were not optimistic about Bach Allen.

There were even some students who started to bet whether Bach Allen would have one or two broken ribs today.


Bach Allen walked to the front of the crowd and said to Pax:

"I'm here."

I'm here!

A simple sentence made Pax fell into anger once again!

"You b*stard, you actually dare to come?!"

Pax stared at Bach Allen's eyes, his eyes flashing with endless anger.

"Why don't I dare to come?"

Bach Allen smiled, his smile was filled with confidence.

"This guy, why is he different from before..."

Pax looked at Bach Allen's expression, as well as the faint vigor emanating from Bach Allen's body.

He frowned.

He could feel that Bach Allen had more confidence than before.

Although Bach Allen had accepted his challenge before, Pax could see that Bach Allen had bit the bullet to accept the challenge during that time.

In fact, Bach Allen wasn't confident that he could win.

Pax could see that.

That was why Pax had looked down on Bach Allen.

But it was different now. Everything was different.

Bach Allen's body began to exude a wave of confidence.

It was the confidence of being able to win this match!

The change in Bach Allen made Pax feel a little uneasy.

But, this uneasiness was quickly suppressed by him.

"It should be an illusion."

Pax said to himself.

After all, Bach Allen still had no confidence and was waiting to be beaten up before this.

But after going to the changing room and coming out for more than ten minutes...

He had the confidence to defeat him?

What kind of joke was this?!

Did he think that he was filming a television series or writing a novel?

Thinking of this, Pax calmed down again.

"Soon, you will regret your choice!"

Pax said coldly to Bach Allen. 

"I never do anything that I regret."

Bach Allen also replied indifferently.

Then, as if to deliberately stir up Pax's state of mind, Bach Allen raised his right arm and took a deep breath, revealing an intoxicated expression:

"Hmm, it smells good."

After seeing Bach Allen's action, Pax's eyes instantly widened, and his eyes turned blood red:

"How dare you?!!!"

This fellow, Bach Allen, actually made such an action in front of him?

Didn't he know that Rebecca was the woman Pax liked?!

Didn't he know that his family background was incomparable to Pax's family?

How would he dare? Wasn't he afraid of Pax?

Regarding these questions, Bach Allen's answer was - not afraid!

What a joke. I already had an item in the game store that could project its ability in real life.

Why would I need to be afraid of you?

And after Bach Allen made that action of sniffing Rebecca's clothes, the students in the class collectively cried out in surprise:

"F*ck! What did I see?!"

"Bach Allen! How dare he, how dare he make such an action!"

"How dare he? How dare he sniff Rebecca's clothes in front of Pax?"

"Crazy, crazy. Bach Allen is absolutely crazy!"

"I bet Pax will definitely break three of Bach Allen's bones!"

"Hahaha, three is too serious. I bet two!"

"Hehe, I'm afraid you don't understand the power of Pax's karate. I bet four!"

"Stop scaring people. No matter how powerful Pax is, would he dare to kill people in class? I bet nothing will happen to Bach Allen. At most, he will be slightly injured!"


The students continued to discuss, and the content of the discussion was also about Bach Allen's action.

But no matter who it was, they all felt that Bach Allen was going to be taught a lesson today.

After all, even if they didn't talk about Pax's family background, Pax's karate training was many times better than Bach Allen's.

Bach Allen wouldn't be able to beat Pax no matter what!

On the other side, after seeing Bach Allen's move of sniffing her own clothes, Rebecca's little face turned red. 

She lowered her head and her eyes sparkled.

No one knew what was going through her mind.

In short, she looked very shy.

There was no anger, nor was she angry.

She was only shy.

And when her classmates saw her like this, it naturally caused a new round of discussion!

"D*mn, that look on Rebecca's face, that expression, she's obviously shy!"

"How can that be? Shouldn't a normal girl be angry after encountering something like this?"

"That's right, that's right. Could it be..."

"Could it be that Rebecca likes Bach Allen?!"