18-year-old Karate Master!

At the end of the day, you still forced me to give you what you thought you deserved.

If I gave you reward, I would be wronging myself.

Because I didn't get the apple I wanted to eat, but I still have to give you reward.

But in your eyes, giving you reward was necessary, you deserved it.

After all, you had worked so hard to send me so much hard liquor.

If I didn't give you the revenge you wanted, you would hate me and see me as your enemy!

But you had neglected the fact that I liked eating apples and didn't like drinking liquor at all!

In fact, hard liquor was like poison to me!

And after you had neglected my basic needs, you were still crazily sending me hard liquor.

While feeding me hard liquor that is like poison, you still asked me why I was not moved by your hard liquor?

Why should I treat your hard work as if it didn't exist?

Why couldn't I dislike your hard liquor?!

Why? You had worked so hard and, yet, I still didn't like you?

How could I answer that?

So, Pax was caught in this kind of mistake and strange circle.

He kept sending his hard liquor to Rebecca, hoping to impress her and get her "reward".

But what he didn't know is, what Rebecca needed was not a bottle of hard liquor, but an apple! A sweet apple!

Pax didn't notice this.

But Bach Allen did!

In class, Bach Allen had long seen that Rebecca didn't have the slightest interest in Pax!

All of this was just Pax's one-man show!

After Pax had done all of this, he could only moved himself!

On the contrary, after Pax announced that he liked Rebecca and wanted to pursue her, the male students in the class couldn't help but stay away from Rebecca.

They didn't even dare to say a word to Rebecca!

It was because they were afraid, afraid that after talking to Rebecca, they would be targeted by Pax!

Maybe one day on the way home from school, they would be beaten up by the hooligans that Pax called over!

Just like that unlucky guy from last time!

As for the female students?

They had not been getting close to her due to Rebecca's noble status and her beautiful appearance.

After Rebecca was publicly pursued by Pax, she became an oddity in the class!

Or rather, the oddity of the oddities!

Therefore, even a female classmate would hardly chat with her.

This indirectly caused her to have almost no friends in class!

And this was Pax's hard liquor for her!

Bach Allen saw this.

But this matter had nothing to do with him.

Even if he admired Rebecca, she might not admire him.

So, Bach Allen had been watching silently, acting as a bystander.

But, when Pax targeted him...

When the whole class didn't dare to stand up and help him...

When the whole class didn't dare to lend him a karate suit for fear of offending Pax...

Bach Allen understood at the moment Rebecca stepped out and lent him her karate suit.

He already had the need and reason to help Rebecca.

"No need to talk nonsense. Pax, if you want to fight, just come at me!"

Bach Allen said to Pax, whose eyes were red and face was full of anger.

"I, I will break all your bones!!!"

Pax gritted his teeth and said the most vicious words.

"Humph, then come on!"

Bach Allen made a starting pose.


Mr Garde, the PE teacher who had been watching silently for a long time, let out a soft "Eh" when he saw Bach Allen's posture.


As a black belt in karate, he could naturally see that Bach Allen's action contained something extraordinary.

If one hadn't practiced karate for more than ten years, they definitely wouldn't be able to perform this action!

In other words, one could display the appearance of this action, but not the inner nature of this action!

Bach Allen's action seemed light and airy, without any force.

But the PE teacher, Mr Garde could already see that under this light and airy appearance, there was a huge amount of energy hidden!

He was ready to explode at any moment!

Just from this posture alone, the PE teacher, Mr Garde could feel that Bach Allen's karate skills were not inferior to his!

However, what kind of concept was this?!

At the thought of this, the PE teacher, Mr Garde could not help but feel a deep shock in his heart!

The realm he had reached now was the result of his visit to Japan and studied under the hands of a master teacher for several years!

Then, he traveled around the world to spar and temper himself with experts from all over the world. It took him nearly ten years.

It was a skill he had honed!

Even among his peers and his batch of disciples, Garde could be considered outstanding!

However, today, he could actually feel the aura of a karate master that was no weaker than himself from Bach Allen!

What was the reason?!

Was his eyes playing tricks on him? !

Mr Garde rubbed his eyes again, then looked at Bach Allen carefully.

This posture, this way of exerting strength...

He could launch an attack in an instant, but he could also immediately defend himself.

The tense muscles all over his body were waiting for his master's final order.

As long as their master's order was given, they would be able to burst out with the most astonishing strength in an instant!

How terrifying!

"This, this is actually real!"

"Bach Allen really has such strength and skill?!"

After confirming it a few more times, the PE teacher Mr Garde finally confirmed that everything he saw was real!

Bach Allen really had the skills of a master in karate!

At least with the current posture he was in, it was completely like this!

"He, how old is he?!"

When the PE teacher, Mr Garde thought of Bach Allen's age, he couldn't help but was even more shocked.

All the students in his class were around seventeen or eighteen.

In other words, Bach Allen was currently at most 18 years old!

"18 years old, 18 years old..."

The PE teacher repeated Bach Allen's age, his eyes filled with shock!

An 18-year-old karate master!

What kind of concept was this?!

When he was 18 years old, he had just stepped into the realm of karate elite!