Fermentation Started

"What, what, what video?"

The students quickly came over to watch.

"That's it. Come and take a look."

As the student spoke, he showed the screen of his phone to the students.

"F*ck, karate duel. Famous expert Pax was defeated by an unknown student?"

"Pax? Why do I seem to have heard of this name before?"

"I know, that guy is a third-year high school student from class two. He's very arrogant!"

"Oh, now that you mention it, I remember too. Isn't that guy quite strong? I heard that he has a purple belt in karate, the standard of an elite."

"That's right, that's right. A purple belt in karate. The standard of an elite can be considered an expert in our school, right? How could he be defeated?"

"Aiya, stop talking nonsense. Hurry up and watch!"

Thus, a few students immediately gathered together. While eating, they looked at the screen on their phones.

They clicked to play.

At the beginning of the screen, it was Bach Allen and Pax confronting each other.

"It's really Pax! He actually went on stage for a duel. Who's the person opposite him?"

"I don't know him. He shouldn't be a famous person."

"That person actually dared to fight with Pax. He really has guts!"

"Why do you say that? What's so great about this Pax?"

"F*ck, don't tell me you don't even know about this?"

"Hurry up and tell me. I really don't know. Tell everyone in detail."

"That's right, that's right. Actually, I don't know who this Pax is either."

"Hehe, I really didn't expect that you guys would be so shallow. You guys don't even know Pax."

After that person said those words in disdain, he took a sip of his drink and began to explain to them, "Pax, that's one of the heirs of our City Z's Leicester Family!"

"F*ck, Leicester Family? One of the top families in City Z? I know about that."

"I know about Leicester family. They almost monopolize the bar and nightclub business in City Z. Almost all the nightclubs have to buy goods from them. They are the wine tyrants of City Z!"

"I heard that the Leicester family has donated a lot of money to City Z High School for the sake of the children in their family to study comfortably. They can even be considered as the shareholders of our school!"

"Wow, according to what you guys said, this Pax family's background is extremely awesome. They can do whatever they want in City Z High School?"

"They can't do whatever they want. After all, no matter how awesome the Leicester family behind Pax is, there are still a few more powerful families above them. The young masters and young ladies of those families are also studying in our City Z High School."

"However, he is indeed very powerful in school. There is already a big gap between him and those ordinary students."

"Moreover, it is said that Pax has been very fond of karate since he was young. After all, he reached the purple belt of karate at the age of eighteen after professional learning. It was the realm of the elite!"

Hearing this, a person beside him immediately let out a cry of surprise. Even the food in his mouth fell to the ground, "F*ck, he's that good?! I've practised karate before. I've practiced for two years, but I've only just started!"

"That's how good he is!"

The student commentator took another sip of his drink and said, "It's said that Pax had an argument with two hooligans outside the school, and they got into a fight. He beat up two hooligans by himself."

"Guess what happened?"

"What happened?"

The other students asked curiously.

"In the end, one of the two hooligans broke two ribs and the other broke a bone in his hand!"

"You should know that the two hooligans had knives in their hands, but Pax didn't have anything in his hands. He was empty-handed!"

After hearing his words, the students immediately cried out in surprise, "F*ck, how is this possible? Two knife-wielding hooligans can't beat an empty-handed person? This is too ridiculous!"

"That's right, that's right. You just said that one of the two hooligans had a rib fracture and the other had a fracture of his hand. But you just said that Pax was empty-handed. How did he break the bones of these two people with his bare hands? This is really too ridiculous!"

"Hehe, what's so ridiculous about this? To people like them who practice martial arts, these are all normal."

The person who explained said with disdain, "People who practice martial arts, can even break an iron door with one punch and break a big rock with one punch after reaching a certain realm!"

"Legend has it that there is a higher realm above this, but I don't know about that," the student who explained shrugged and said with a face full of yearning.

The other students expressed their doubts to him, "Is what you said true? Why do I feel that you are lying to us?"

"Yes, yes. Breaking the iron gate with one punch and crushing a big rock with one punch. This is f*cking something from a novel, right? How can it be true?"

"It's definitely a lie."

The student who explained looked at them disdainfully, then said indifferently, "Hehe, it's up to you whether you believe it or not. However, the fact that Pax single-handedly defeated two knife-wielding hooligans is something that practically the entire school knows. If you don't believe it, you can ask around yourself."

Seeing this student's disdainful expression and his attitude of letting them to choose to believe or not, the few students actually began to believe it.

"Wow, is what he said true? Is there really such a powerful person in this world?"

"I think there should be. After all, this world is so big, it's not strange for anyone to appear. After all, I still believe in the existence of aliens."

"Speaking of aliens, have you heard of Area 51?"

"Area 51? I've heard of that. According to some people, it's an alien research base!"

"F*ck, I say, are you guys getting off topic? We're talking about Pax's karate and his duel with someone else, okay? Why are you suddenly talking about aliens?"

"Ahem, Joseph's right, we're getting off topic."

"But then again, since Pax is so powerful and can take down two thugs with knives by himself, why would anyone take the initiative to duel with him?"

"I'm not sure about that," a student shrugged and replied.

Then, as if he had discovered something extraordinary, he pointed at the title on the phone screen and shouted, "Wow, look, it's already written on this title. Pax was defeated in the end!"