The Audience Is Not Optimistic

"He couldn't be thinking of dodging at the last moment, right? Just like the previous few times!"

"Yeah, he dodged quite a few of Pax's attacks like this. When he was about to be hit by Pax, he suddenly moved and dodged."

"Then that should be it."


When Pax's fist was still 20 centimeters away from Bach Allen --

"There's only such a short distance. has the mysterious man not moved yet?"

"F*ck, this is already close to his limit, right?"

"It's so obvious and so close. Even if the mysterious man is blind, he should have definitely noticed it, right?"

"But why didn't he move? What's the reason?"

"Didn't I tell you before? That mysterious man likes to dodge when others are about to hit him."

"But, isn't he about to hit him?"

"Uh, I don't know..."

When Pax's fist was still ten centimeters away from Bach Allen's stomach --

"F*ck, F*ck, it's about to hit his stomach! Why doesn't this mysterious man have any reaction? !"

"F*ck, is he really blind? He can't even see this?"

"It's really going to hit him! It's really going to hit him!"

"You have to know that there is a limit to a person's speed. When Pax's fist is so close to his stomach, even if you reacted, it would be difficult for you to dodge it!"

"This mysterious man is really too confident..."

"Yeah, it seems like he has absolute confidence in his speed."

The surrounding students discussed animatedly, but all of them expressed that they thought Bach Allen would dodge this attack.

All of them thought that Bach Allen would definitely not take this punch head-on.

After all, using his weak stomach to resist someone else's full force punch was a very stupid action.

And when Pax's fist was still ten centimeters away from Bach Allen's stomach --

"F*ck! The distance between Pax's fist and this mysterious man's stomach is only about ten centimeters!"

"Why hasn't this mysterious person dodged yet?!"

"Is he blind? At this distance, even a blind person should have noticed it!"

"F*ck, even if he wanted to dodge, it would be difficult!"

"It seems that this mysterious person is really confident in himself!"

"He didn't dodge when his fist was only 10 centimeters away from his stomach. He's really playing with his life!"

"D*mn, he's really too confident!"

Even at this time, everyone still thought that the mysterious man would take action next and dodge Pax's heavy punch.

However, reality had exceeded their expectations.

When Pax's fist was only nine centimeters away from Bach Allen's stomach, Bach Allen still did not choose to dodge.

Then, eight centimeters, seven centimeters, six centimeters..

"F*ck, why isn't he dodging yet? Is He playing with his life?"

"F*ck, this mysterious man is really too arrogant. At this distance, even if he wanted to dodge, it would be too late."

"Sigh, maybe he's just that confident, full of confidence in his own speed."

"F*ck, the audience is already so anxious, but this mysterious man is still so calm. I'm so done on him!"

Amidst the students' discussion, Pax's fist continued to move towards Bach Allen's stomach.

Five centimeters!

Four centimeters!

Three centimeters!

Two centimeters!!!

"F*ck, there's no way he can dodge this, unless he's not a human, but the Flash!"

"This mysterious man is too arrogant, he will pay the price for his arrogance!"

"His stomach is such a fragile part, yet he didn't pay attention to protect it properly. Does this person have any combat skills?"

"It's over, it's over. He had such a huge advantage in the beginning, but he was careless at the last moment."

"Sigh, what should I say about you, mysterious man..."

Just as almost all the students watching were sighing and feeling angry at the mysterious man's recklessness.

A voice sounded --

"Uh, but, didn't the title of this video say that the winner is this mysterious man, and Pax lost..."

When he said this, everyone instantly fell into an awkward silence.

Yes, the title of the video clearly said that Pax lost in the end.

Since Pax lost in the end, then who else could it be if the final winner wasn't the mysterious man?

"Ahem, even if Pax lost in the end, the final winner is the mysterious man."

"However, the mysterious man's arrogant behavior is still not worth learning from. At the same time, it is worthy of our condemnation."

A student coughed and cleared his throat as he said awkwardly.

After he said this, he immediately received the approval of the others.

"That's right, that's right. Even if the mysterious man wins in the end, there's nothing to be said. It can't cover up the stupidity of his behavior!"

"That's right. Using his stomach to receive the enemy's heavy punch, is there anything more stupid than that? I think there isn't."

"Right, even if he wins in the end, after his stomach is hit by this heavy punch, he will definitely be injured and feel very uncomfortable! The battle that should have been won easily will instantly become a disadvantage, and the outcome will be reversed!"

"That's right, that's right. From the battle between the mysterious man and Pax previously, this mysterious man's strength was originally above Pax's. In fact, he was even much stronger than Pax. This can be seen from the way he dodged Pax's attack previously!"

"That's right. The opponent that could have been easily dealt with, but because of his carelessness, he received a heavy punch from him and was directly injured, putting himself in danger. Such a person, even if he won the battle in the end, he wouldn't be able to win the respect of others!"

"That's right! This mysterious man really underestimated his opponent. Using his own stomach to withstand the heavy punch of others, how could there be such a reason?"

"That's right. After receiving this heavy punch, this mysterious man will definitely be beaten until he feels very uncomfortable. Perhaps he will even vomit out the food from last night. This way, even if he wins in the end, it will still be very ugly!"


Those students who did not think highly of Bach Allen spoke one after another, leaving the previous student at a loss for words.