Enough, Joseph!

But now?

The mysterious man in front of him stood in place, his expression unchanged.

He didn't even cover his stomach.

This was undoubtedly a slap in Joseph's face!

It was as if, you said I would fall, but I didn't.

It was to prevent your deduction from coming true!

Joseph's face was burning. He felt that he urgently needed to find an opportunity to regain his face.

"Cough, cough..."

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said somewhat dryly, "Heh, heh heh, what's so great about this?"

"This mysterious person was still fine after receiving a punch from Pax in the stomach."

"This further proves that this mysterious man's strength is far greater than Pax's!"

"After all, for a normal person receiving a punch on the stomach, who wouldn't feel extremely uncomfortable? Not to mention a heavy punch from a karate purple belt expert like Pax!"

"And this mysterious man, after using his stomach to receive Pax's full strength punch, he was completely fine."

"This is enough to prove that this mysterious man is not an ordinary person at all! His strength is far beyond Pax's! It's even higher by more than one realm!"

"So, even if the mysterious man beat Pax into the air and won, there's nothing to be proud of!"

Joseph stood up and said loudly to the crowd, "Think about it, you're an adult, and you're going to bully a newborn baby."

"Even if you won, can you be proud of that? Will others think that you're very powerful?"

"I'm telling you, no, not at all!"

"Because as an adult, bullying a baby is already a disgrace in itself!"

"More so if you initiated to bully it. That's even less to be proud of!"

"So, although this mysterious person in front of us looks very powerful, he's actually nothing! He's just an adult idiot who takes pleasure in bullying infants!"

After hearing Joseph's words, the surrounding students who were watching also revealed a thoughtful expression.

Although Joseph's words were a little extreme, it didn't seem unreasonable.

On the contrary, what Joseph said was indeed reasonable.

It made them all feel that it was indeed the truth.

At this moment, Fatty Peter let out a cold laugh.

This Joseph was completely changing his concept.

First of all, what he said about Bach Allen challenging Pax first was completely wrong!

Their understanding of these two people was completely limited to the video in front of them.

They didn't even understand the cause of this battle and had directly challenged Bach Allen's judgment.

It could be said that what they did was completely lacking stringency.

And since they were wrong from the start, then the subsequent deductions were naturally all wrong.

What adult bullying a baby, this concept change was too great.

He directly described Bach Allen as an adult bully, and Pax was a harmless and pitiful baby.

He directly created a negative image of Bach Allen, and at the same time strengthened Pax's positive attributes.

This was too impressive, completely standing on Pax's side to defend him.

He directly turned Bach Allen into a big bad person who liked to bully the weak.

But Fatty Peter knew that this was not the case.

And just as Fatty Peter couldn't take it anymore and wanted to explain...

Joseph opened his mouth again.

He looked at everyone's thoughtful expressions and knew that his words had taken effect.

He quickly continued, "In contrast to this mysterious person, Pax, as a weaker party, bravely chose to accept the challenge when he faced an opponent that was so much stronger than him."

"As a weakling, he accepted the challenge of the strong

"Even though he was at a disadvantage in this duel, he only managed to land a punch on this mysterious person from the beginning to the end."

"However, his spirit is undoubtedly worthy of our praise!"

"Because his opponent, the mysterious man, is more than one realm higher than him, and can easily dodge all of Pax's attacks."

"In the face of such a situation, not only did Pax not feel discouraged, he also began to attack crazily."

"Even though his attacks were dodged time and time again, Pax did not have any intention of giving up."

"In the end, when Pax used his ultimate move -- three moves in a row and was blocked by the mysterious person who had investigated him beforehand, Pax was able to immediately comprehend the fourth move and threw a punch filled with his own conviction at the mysterious person!"

"I'm sure that the mysterious man's plan today was to not let Pax hit him with a single punch."

"After all, think about it, when you were fighting with your opponent, you used all your strength to attack your opponent."

"In the end, you didn't even manage to hit your opponent once. Your opponent gave you a mocking smile."

"At this point, think about how much of a blow you will receive."

"Can you accept this blow?"

Joseph directly asked the crowd.

When the students next to him heard Joseph's question, they also showed a thoughtful and fearful expression.

Joseph was right about this point.

If he were to duel with a person, and he was to launch a fierce attack at his opponent with all his strength, he would be surprised to find that his attacks could not hit his opponent even once.

In fact, he would not even be able to touch his opponent's clothes once.

Under such a blow, he would definitely feel very disappointed.

He would even start to doubt his life.

After Joseph saw the expressions of everyone, he knew that his words were effective again.

Taking advantage of this situation, Joseph quickly said, "Then, the truth is already very obvious."

"The mysterious person wants to destroy Pax's belief in this way!"

"Thus cutting off Pax's future path of progress in Karate!"

"What a sinister idea!"

"What a terrifying person!"

A fearful expression appeared on Joseph's face.

It was as if Bach Allen was a terrifying demon.

When the students beside him heard Joseph's words and saw Joseph's expression, they also had the same expression.

This mysterious person was overly calculative and too terrifying!

Only the student who had spoken up for Bach Allen didn't believe Joseph's words.

At this moment, Fatty Peter, who had been silent all this while, finally could not hold it in any longer.

He took a step forward and shouted at Joseph, "Enough, Joseph, stop talking nonsense!"

"I think it's time for all of you to know the truth!!!"