What Exactly Is His Realm??

At this moment, the sword of Damocles slowly appeared in front of Lin Lei.

The silvery-white Sword of Damocles was currently emanating an unrivalled, terrifying aura.

Waves of astral energy slowly gathered around the sword of Damocles, as though it was now a living creature, slowly absorbing the natural mageforce.

And just as Lin Lei gripped the hilt of the Sword of Damocles...

A terrifying wave of energy, centered around Lin Lei, suddenly exploded forward!

Light blossomed!

Even the sky behind him had transformed into the Milky Way!

This was broad daylight!

A supernatural phenomenon!

An incomparably bright light appeared on Lin Lei's body, then shot straight into the clouds!

The entire Milky Way in the skies was split in two by this ray of light which Lin Lei had transformed into.

Everyone was stunned.

Just how terrifying was this longsword? To be able to just hold it and unleash such terrifying power!