Elemental Energy Sphere

Lin Lei let out a sigh. Looking at the mageforce-infused runic paper, he couldn't help but scratch his ears and cheeks.

If the remaining runic paper wasn't enough, then there was nothing he could do. After all, everyone had already paid the entrance fee for the runic paper. If he had to make so many runic papers, he would probably have to pay a huge price..

Seeing the faces of the many cultivators all lit up with joy, Lin Lei began to laugh as well.

"Cough, cough."

A clear, clear cough rang out, and everyone fell silent. Their gazes were all focused on Lin Lei.

"Everyone, is there anyone who would like to step forward and share his insights with us?"

Lin Lei's words made everyone rather confused. In front of Lin Lei, who would dare to step forward to speak about these techniques or magic? Wouldn't they be making a fool of themselves?

Seeing that the crowd had instantly gone silent, Lin Lei instantly understood the error in his words.