The Iron Gryphon

This was the largest pet shop in the city, with all kinds of pets.

Fang Yuan looked around for a while, then smiled and said, "Do you have any strong defensive pets in your shop?"

"It doesn't matter if it's a little more expensive," Fang Yuan could not help add on.

At this time, Fang Yuan was holding the 100 million honorary citizen prize money in his arms. His mood was drifting, so he naturally spoke with a firm tone.

The shop assistant saw that Fang Yuan was dressed in ordinary clothes, and she did not expect him to be a rich man. The smile on her face slowly became thicker.

"Sir, please follow me." The shop assistant put on a very standard etiquette posture and led Fang Yuan into the depths of the pet shop.

Along the way, Fang Yuan saw many pet eggs that had not yet hatched, as well as pet beasts that had already hatched.

Among them, there were some precious and rare pet beasts, as well as the defensive type pet beasts that he wanted.