This Person Is a Devil

Although they could not see Fang Yuan's entire face, his eyes were enough to show his dissatisfaction.

His sharp gaze seemed to have a faint killing intent and was full of intimidation.

More than 30 trainers with more than 30 gold-grade pet beasts were all tensed up.

Some of them were even lamenting in their hearts. When did their gold-grade pet beasts training fall to such a state.

But now, more than 30 trainers were like fish meat, and Fang Yuan was the chef with the knife. He could strike the knife however he wanted.

"Then how much money do you have?"

"That... 100,000?"


The trainers' eyes widened, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Looking at the one who said 100,000, he couldn't help but curse in his heart. How could he say 100,000? He really embarrassed the golden pet trainers.

"Lord Sweep the Horizon, I only have one million... is that alright?"