Little Iron Gryphon’s Troubles

After waiting for almost ten minutes, they still couldn't match up successfully. Fang Yuan looked at the battle points regretfully. There were only 2,000 points.

No wonder no one could get the [ Flaming Heart ] on the leaderboard. They had only fought for a short while, and there was already no one in the arena hall. How could they possibly get it?

Fang Yuan didn't know that his battle methods had thoroughly frightened pet trainers of this level. They didn't dare to continue fighting at all. A battle that instantly killed wouldn't give them any battle experience.

It was even less likely to bring them the joy of fighting!

After exiting the arena hall, Fang Yuan looked at his system interface and imagined the little silver becoming a platinum-quality pet. That scene when the [ Storm of Destruction ] came down...

TSK TSK TSK, just thinking about it was enough to make people excited.