The Final Challenge of Water Arcane Realm

At this moment, it was the last event of the sports meet, long jump.

The opponent of the iced seahorse was the jumping frog. As the name implied, the jumping frog was best at jumping. It was often used to send ropes to the top of the mountain when mining in the deep mountains and forests. It was not good at fighting, but it was the best partner for many people.

The long jump of the jumping frog was 12 meters. Based on its height, this was an extremely exaggerated result.

The long jump here did not only calculate the length, but the length being divided by the height to calculate the score. The jumping frog was 0.5 meters tall, so its score was 24 points.

The length of the seahorse was 80 centimeters. If it wanted to surpass the jumping frog, it needed to jump at least 17 meters.