Breaking the Formation

"Tear it apart, headwind butterfly!"

They did not care about anything else and directly launched merciless attacks at Fang Yuan.

Soon, the four moths flew into the air and used their wind arrow skills. Their target was obviously Fang Yuan.

However, they did not succeed because Ali's wind blade skills were faster. Although it did not destroy any of the moths, it interrupted their charging process, causing the arrows to disappear before they could form.

Ali ran over, picked up Fang Yuan and threw him onto its body.

Just because it interrupted their skill did not mean that they would stop attacking.

Fang Yuan also understood it. Ali was not very heavy now, but it was more than enough to carry him. Fang Yuan thus stuck his body to Ali's body, dodging the arrows that flew over one after another.

"Ali, use your wind chasing skill to increase your speed!" Fang Yuan said.