Black Iron’s Challenge

"That's right, Fang Yuan, let me ask you another question. What attributes do pet beasts have?"

Fang Yuan shook his head. If not for the old man saying that this was related to his future growth, he would have left immediately.

"Grass, wind, water, fire, earth, gold, light, darkness, void, superpower..."

Fang Yuan counted all the pet beasts he had encountered, and this seemed to be it.

The old man smiled and said, "You have provided a very standard textbook answer, but your understanding of pet beasts and trainers is not enough. It doesn't matter, as you already have the qualifications to challenge Heavenly Secret Pavilion. If you are ready to start, just let me know."

"How many levels are there in Heavenly Secret Pavilion?" Fang Yuan asked.

"As no one has challenged the highest level, so I'm not sure."

Hearing this, Fang Yuan could not help but frown.

"Hehe, young man, if you don't dare to barge in, you can go back now."