The Space of Infinite Possibilities

The Scarlet Tribe continued to advance in the southwest direction of the demon world. They would arrive at the address of the Green Tribe that Fang Yuan was familiar with.

There was actually no lack of battle pet beasts in the demon world. It was just that Lutania seemed to have its own deterrent effect on most of the pet beasts. Wherever it passed, it was not threatened by any pet beasts, which made Fang Yuan feel a little bored.

He originally thought that after coming to the demon world, he would experience all kinds of battles. Now, it looked like it was just a boring journey.

"What do you want the holy relics of the eight tribes for?" Lutania had lived for so long, but it could not understand Fang Yuan's real intention. This man looked young, but after going through the trials of Heavenly Secret Pavilion, the feeling he gave to Lutania was completely different.