The Final Strengthening

Fang Yuan...

Fang Yuan...

The soft calls woke Fang Yuan up from his dream.

"Where am I..." Fang Yuan felt a sharp pain in his body. He then remembered that he had been pierced through the chest by Lutania.

"Am I dead?" Fang Yuan tried to move his body. His whole body was numb as if he had been electrocuted by Pick. He could not move at all.

He could not stand up, but he looked at his surroundings. This was an empty space. There was no sky, no earth, only darkness.

"Fang Yuan..."

The voice came from the darkness again.

"Who is it?" Fang Yuan tried to answer the voice. He only felt that his eyelids were very heavy and he could not open them. But he knew that if he closed his eyes, he might never wake up again.

"Fang Yuan... Please remember who you are..." the voice finally had a new content.

"Who am I..."