

Current status of our Main Character.

Complete with title effects, skill descriptions, and more to come.


Last updated at chapter 22

You have been warned.

[ Host Status ]

[ Name : Valerie Aether Nihilm ]

[ Shown Title : The Traveler, Val ]

[ Title equipped : Traveler ]

[ Titles : Child of ???, System Administrator, Traveler, Linguist, Devil's Valkyrie, Heartless Killer, World Hopper, Reincarnator, Primordial, Big Bully ]

[ Age : 2/6/0 ]

[ True Age : 2/6/16 ]

[ Species : ??? ]

[ Race : ??? ]

[ Class : N/A ]

[ Affiliation : N/A ]

[ Level : 56 ]

[ HP : 100% ]

[ MP : 100% ]

[ EXP : 32.51% ]

[ Skills ]

[ Innate : Flight, Night Vision, Perfect memory, Beast Tongue, True sight ]

[ Passive : Regeneration-Intermediate, Conceal-Major, Adaptation-Minor, Translator-EX, Bloodlust-Major ]

[ Active : Emotional Detachment-Major, Devour-Minor, Mana manipulation-Major, Mana Infusion-Minor, Physical Enhancement-Minor, Transformation-Minor ]

[ Affinities ]

[ Darkness-100% ]

[ Space-92% ]

[ Star-71% ]

[ Fire-25% ]

[ Light-23% ]

[ Time-15% ]

[ Chaos-8.99% ]

[ Order-4.99% ]

[ Void-6% ]

[ >collapse/expand< ]


[ Titles ]

[ Traveler ]

[ Description : Someone who has traveled from one end of the world to the other. Usually an impossible feat for someone in a continuously growing world. ]

[ When equipped : AGI is enhanced by 1%. When traveling long distances, unexpected inconveniences are less likely to happen. ]

[ Linguist ]

[ Description : Someone who has learned at least 2 or more languages, can speak, read, and write fluently. ]

[ When equipped : Learning capacity and speed increases by 10%, and for every other language learned another 1% increase. Doing anything related to languages will be significantly easier. ]

[ Primordial ]

[ Description : The first one of its kind, usually impossible to 'obtain' under normal circumstances. ]

[ When equipped : 10% increase in overall combat power. Others of the same kind will instinctively revere and respect you. An ancient aura will be exuded and can scare non-intelligent beasts of weaker blood. Can be toggled on and off. ]

[ Devil's Valkyrie ]

[ Description : On Earth, you have amassed a worldwide reputation of a ruthless devil. Though your peerless beauty doesn't stop you from gaining fans and followers. ]

[ When equipped : 7% increase in agility, people are more likely to follow or fear you. You will also radiate a strong aura of slaughter aura and ruthlessness. Those who look at you will undergo a test of will, those who fail will feel pressure when interacting with you. ]

[ Heartless Killer ]

[ Description : You have killed more than 100 people in cold blood. Feeling no sympathy, even to the innocent. Your reputation is feared across the Earth. ]

[ When equipped : 2% increase in strength. Gruesome sights will not shake your heart. ]

[ World Hopper ]

[ Description : Someone whose seen the bigger picture, and has traveled in between worlds. One can truly be said to be free by then. ]

[ When equipped : 5% increase in learning and mana capacity. Spacial manipulation is slightly easier. ]

[ Reincarnator ]

[ Description : Someone who has been reborn, complete with their memories and their originals character. One has escaped the wheel of fate and cannot be tracked by the fate system, including prophecy and divination techniques. Every reincarnator can either be utter trash or the best genius under heaven. ]

[ When equipped : 50% increased luck, exudes an otherworldly aura. Chances of getting into 'cliche' scenarios increase drastically. ]

[ System Administrator ]

[ Description : The Administrator of the system. Can edit the source code and has absolute power over the system. But with great power comes great responsibility, Admin will need to protect the system from bugs and viruses. Passable to those who are deemed qualified by the system and the Admin. Others with systems of their own will feel a certain suppression when nearby. ]

[ When equipped : 10% increase in overall combat power, 100% increase in computing power. ]

[ Child of ??? ]

[ Description : ...Child of ??? ]

[ When equipped : 15% increase overall combat power. Though if enemies of ??? find you, they will try and hunt you down to kill you. Lower lifeforms feel suppressed when near you, weaker lifeforms may feel the need to worship you and fear you. ]

[ Big Bully ]

[ Description : Someone who has murdered beings of 10+ levels under their own en masse. ]

[ When equipped : Those who are 10+ levels below you will fear you, those who are weaker will stay away from you. An overbearing aura is released around you. ]

[ Skills ]

[ Flight ]

[ Description : An innate skill of the ??? species. The winds will make way to the king of the sky and assist them in flight. Automatically activates when wings are in use. ]

[ Night Vision ]

[ Description : An innate skill of the ??? species. In dark places, everything will be as visible as it was in the daytime. The colors will be muted. ]

[ Perfect Memory ]

[ Description : An innate skill of the ??? species. They have perfect memory and a very large memory capacity. Everything can be recalled as though it happened yesterday. Although nothing can be forgotten, it can only be sealed. ]

[ Beast Tongue ]

[ Description : An innate skill of the ??? species. Are able to converse with all beastial creatures, this includes beastial demihumans. ]

[ True Sight ]

[ Description : An innate skill of the ??? species. All illusions and hallucinations are seen through. The origin shall be revealed. Passive, and can be toggled on and off. ]

[ Regeneration-Intermediate ]

[ Description : A passive skill that uses the surrounding mana to stimulate cells to heal faster. ]

[ Conceal-Major ]

[ Description : A passive skill that conceals the user's aura and presence. Can also hide spatial fluctuations and life signature. ]

[ Adaptation-Minor ]

[ Description : A passive skill that allows the user to adapt to their environment in shorter amounts of time. ]

[ Translator-EX ]

[ Description : A passive skill that is able to translate all existing languages. This includes text, sound, and more. ]

[ Bloodlust-Major ]

[ Description : A passive skill, after killing a lot, one can gather a lot of bloodlust and killing intent. They can be used to put invisible pressure on others. Starting from bloodlust-intermediate, the bloodlust and killing intent can gather into tangible liquid. Bloodlust-Major is able to condense into solid objects. Can be toggled on and off. ]

[ Emotional Detachment-Major ]

[ Description : An active skill that lets one detach from worldly emotions for as long as needed. When emotions are peaked, the skill will activate on its own. Long-term detachment can affect the psyche and mental state. ]

[ Devour-Minor ]

[ Description : An active skill known to be found in Levathians, the World devouring species, and the Taotie. Lets the user devour the life force without direct consumption. Devouring too much at the same time may cause one to implode, or hibernate to digest. ]

[ Mana manipulation-Major ]

[ Description : An active skill that can bend mana to ones will. The higher the stage, the more delicate the control and the more mana is willing to listen to the user. ]

[ Mana Infusion-Minor ]

[ Description : An active skill that can infuse mana into inanimate objects and enhance properties. Can be temporary or permanent, other factors depend on the level of Mana Manipulation. ]

[ Physical Enhancement-Minor ]

[ Description : An active skill that can infuse mana into one's own body and enhance it. Can affect strength, agility, endurance. Speed of natural healing will increase. The more it is used can be permanently enhanced, only ever so slightly. ]

[ Transformation-Minor ]

[ Description : An active skill that allows the user to transform into a different form, Terra, Aero, and Lympha. Beasts who can use this will have one form be replaced with a humanoid form. ]

[ Current forms unlocked : Humanoid ]