
Bestiary [ Intelligent Races ]

A bestiary, the intelligent species edition. Will add a bestiary for non-intelligent beasts if deemed important in the future.

Species are defined as intelligent when there is an established hierarchy among said species and is born with intelligence to a certain degree.

PLEASE NOTE : This will not be consistent with the novel, for example, even if no dragons have shown up in the novel, they will still appear in the bestiary. Although there will hopefully be no major spoilers.

Some things to note : Here, the details are pretty rough, like there is no solid information about, say, wolfkin or foxkin, only beastkin. And dragons will have no details about amphithere's, only dragons.

Will be listed in order of :











Last updated : chapter 22



They are the majority of the population, or rather a majority of organisms of VANHA have human blood or take a humanoid form.

( pureblooded humans and half-humans are a majority )

Humans first appeared after the demon invasion.

They have an average lifespan of 150 years and have high fertility rates.

Humans can learn nearly everything, but their talent is limited, their upper limit is the 6th tier, although it can be surpassed with special means.



Elves resemble humans, but they are generally taller, more beautiful, and have long ears. High Elves are also a type of elf, but with longer ears.

They are a race that appeared after the Gods melted the ice.

With a lifespan ranging from 800 to 1000 years, they mature slowly and have low fertility rates.

Talented in magic as well as alchemy, the Elves are purer and dislike complicated things, and are a more straightforward, get-to-the-point type of people.

Although tend to be more peaceful and level-headed, if you are defined as an enemy by them, they will spare no mercy.

Lumped in under 'demi-human but they don't like being called that.



Not to be confused with a dragon fae!!

The faes are also referred to as spirits, born from an element( can be variant ), or a combination of elements, they have no fixed form and are generally small in size.

( Ex. for combination, Fog spirit, Wind + Water elements )

( Ex. for variant, Ice spirit, water variant )

More appeared after the Gods first melted the ice, there were existing ice, fog, space, time, etc. faes before the ice melted.

After the demon invasion, many died and the race went into hiding.

Fae's lifespan has no limit, so long as the element still exists, their powers grow as they grow older.

Can be called upon using Allos Kosmos, the Elven/Spirit language.



There are only 2 dragon types, 'true dragons'.

Wyrms, Amphipteres, Quetzalcoatl's, Eastern Dragons, Drakes, Hydras, Faes, Kirins ( Qilins ), Wyverns, Cockatrices, and Western Dragons which all fall under the umbrella term 'dragon' due to their numbers but only the Eastern and Western dragons are 'true dragons'.

They are of the first races to appear in VANHA, but at the end of the demon invasion, there were only 8 dragons left.

Their fertility rate is the same as elves, but their eggs rarely hatch in the first place.

So instead, the dragons mated with other races as well, to make sure that the draconic bloodline never ends.

Born as tier 3 organisms and can access all 6 elements, not including elements like 'void' and such.

Lifespan is unknown, as their powers grow as they get older, which equates to more lifespan, like the faes.

Generally depicted as greedy, arrogant, proud, and hard to please.

This is mainly because dragons require large amounts of mana to grow and feed.

Crystals are the most common item that contains mana, so dragons have lots of them, causing many to think that they are greedy.

They have 2 hearts, one for blood and the other for mana. The dragons' heart contains their essence and a lot of mana, it will still beat so long as there is mana in the air.

Dragons have their own draconic language, Kiralyi, which they automatically receive from blood inheritance, along with other things.



First appeared on the surface with humans after the demon invasion.

Their numbers are not few but their lifespan is around 200 years.

Talented in weaponsmithing and blacksmithing, not a very combat-oriented race.

Not much is known about the dwarven race, but it's almost general knowledge that they're quite hot-headed and like to indulge in beer.

Also under the term 'demi-human



Humans with animal characteristics, such as horns, wings, tails, ears( the animal type ), and/or other body parts.

Can shift into their other half and/or hide their animalistic features at a higher level.

Lifespans range from 150-200 years.

Talent depends on their animalistic side like dragonkin can manipulate multiple elements, but whale beastkin are strength-based.

Although they look human, beastkin don't have human roots.

It's unknown when they first appeared, as they first revealed themselves to the world during the war, as they were hiding as their animal forms.



Not to be mistaken with demons!

Similar to divines, they live in a separate dimension ( not a plane ) but interfere with the main plane more than Divines

Humans with horns of varying sizes indicate their rank/general strength.

Like dragons, there are rarely any pureblood infernals, and most are under the umbrella term of 'infernal'.

Purebloods have silver hair and wine-red eyes. Have ( retractable ) wings ( any kind, can be feathered, scaled, etc. )

Whereas the impure blood contains Imps, Succubi, Incubi, Vampires, etc. all have some form of infernal ancestry or bloodline.

Like the name says, their attributes lean to fire and darkness but not absolute.

Alignment is mostly Chaotic Neutral.

Their lifespans vary from race, Imps can live for 10 years whereas Succubi/Incubi can live for 500 years.

Purebloods can live for more than 10000 years.

The original purpose was to punish, but humans twisted it so that they are evil and steal souls ( cannot ) so they are generally unwelcomed.

Infernal language has an 'auto-translate' function but will mess with the psyche ( slowly ) when non-infernals hear it.



Like infernals, they live in separate dimensions ( not planes ) and rarely interfere with the main plane.

Divines are worshipped as Gods and can gather faith, but that's not the essence of their species.

Similar to dragons, there are rarely any pureblood Divines, and the Infernals and those with ancestry or bloodline of Divines are also included in the umbrella term.

This includes Angels, Holy beasts, and such.

Features usually include golden eyes, white or silver hair/fur with gold patterns of some sort.

Some will have blue or purple eyes, golden hair, platinum hair, pink patterns, etc.

Lifespan depends on the race, Angels can live up to 1000 years, but Holy beasts depend on their beast type.

Purebloods live to 10000 years old.

Divine language, like Infernal language, has an 'auto-translate' function.



Humans with aquatic features such as webbed hands, glowing eyes, fish scales, a tail, extra fins on tail/back, etc.

These Merkins are known for their ferocity and they are very protective of their kin.

Mostly known for their beautiful features that can rival elves, the merkin is also known as the pearls of the sea.

Merkin uses vibrations in the water to communicate, however, if the water isn't stable and they can't, then they are able to flash patterns on their tails.

Tears of a Merkin are very rare, only said to come when they are first born, and after they die. Like a dragons' heart, the tear of a Merkin contains its essence.

Still unknown how they procreate, their lifespan can go up to 500 years but fertility is only slightly higher than elves.

Although they are the uncrowned rulers of the sea, they follow the rule of a narwhal beastman.

Every 1000 years, there is a merkin with rainbow scales ( Think of translucent, color-changing ) and they will be the strongest of the race, their ruler. Unknown if it is true though.



Not to be mistaken with Infernals.

They are invaders of another world, corrupted by/with ###

Always black in color and has red eyes, emits a weird otherworldly scent.

Strong demons can mask their scent and blend in with natives.

Two types, feral and intelligent demons.

Feral demons are driven by instinct and attack on sight.

Intelligent demons are smarter and will usually rule over other demons.

No known lifespan.

When dead, the demon body will dissipate into the air, and leave behind its core of condensed mana.

Because the mana is condensed into a core, most demons can't use mana or spells but their bodies are much stronger and has high endurance and stamina.

In the last demon invasion, the elven king fought with the demon king, which shows that demons have some sort of hierarchy among them, though not well known to others.