
Chapter 20

Val continued to kill the demons as more came from the camp, after a while, all 24 of the remaining were either dead or fighting her.

One of which was a large bird demon that was emitting the aura of a peak tier 1.

It seems that the scan Val used from before didn't pick up the bird demon, it was likely that it had been flying at the time.

There were at least 10 demons Val was fighting at once, 2 of which were immobilized on the ground.

A tiger demon, bear demon, and bird demon.

3 demons that were at least mid to high tier 1, Val was currently level 36, 2 levels higher than before as she already killed multiple demons that gave her a lot of EXP.

There are 12 tiers total, the first 10 tiers have 100 levels each. The last two, tiers 11 and 12 were more status-focused rather than levels.

Slicing the smaller pests into black mists leaving behind red and black stones littering the life-drained grass.

The tiger demon was a feral demon, its pride had blinded its blaring instincts as it lunged at Val from the side.

At the same time, the bird demon who was circling from above had dived down, its sharp claws extended outwards at Val, who was preparing to defend against the tigers' claws.

Val, seeing the incoming black blur from above along with her intuition screaming at her to move, shifted her feet down, narrowly avoiding the tiger demon by a hair's length.

A pained roar escaped the tiger's jaw as the tiger was pierced by the claws of the bird demon.

Val extended her wings and flew at the bird demon, who was temporarily down as its claws were stuck onto the flesh of the tiger demon.

Skillfully inserting the burning glaive into the demons' joint in between the wings, she sliced off the connecting bone in a single movement.

The bird, who had tried to fly its way out of its predicament lost one of its wings and fell onto the ground with a loud thump, claws still stuck on the tiger.

Quickly yanking its claw out the back of the tiger demon, some of the tiger demon's flesh ripped out along with it.

Black liquid sputtered about in the air as Val quickly runs over to the charging bear demon, leaping over it and slashing at its rump from behind while the other two are still distracted.

Despite being barely a mid-tier 1, Val was still of a superior species, she was probably of golden blood.

There were different types of blood, inferior, silver, and golden blood. SIlver blood would be of elves, while golden blood is of dragon or titan level.

As well as being a primordial beast, Val's overall combat power was equivalent to a mid-tier 2, directly crossing the large gap of a tier in between.

After Val created the long gash on the bear demons' rump, she kited around the attacking range and ran towards the bird demon who was just trying to balance itself with one wing.

Swiftly cutting off the bird's long head with her glaive, the blade's curve at the end hooking the skull, having it dangle before dissipating along with the leftover blood.

The tiger demon and the bear demon were both furious and at the same time more cautious than ever. Their backs were hunched and muscles tensed, ready to flee at any given moment.

Val looked at the two demons, who once charged at her with fierceness now shuddering when she stared at them.


Their bearings were also disappointing, it seems like demons are the type to oppress the weak but fear the strong.

Spineless cowards.

The bloodthirstiness from before had calmed down, leaving a cold expression on the 16-year-olds face.

Disappointment flashed in her eyes as she moved at a much faster speed, barely visible in the eyes of others.

It was clear that Val had been holding back in the battle before, the superficial wounds inflicted on her flesh were intentional.


The wolf let out a howl of fear and pain as its throat was sliced, its body disintegrating to dust moments after.

While Val killed the wolf demon, the other bear demon had already begun to run away, its size not proportional to the speed it was running at.

Val clicked her tongue, seeing the fleeing demon, and caught up to it in mere seconds.

The silver glaive severed the neck of the bear-like a hot knife running through butter.

After the remaining demon died, Val shaped the mana surrounding the cores of the demons, having them move in the air towards her.

She folded her wings and reverted into a purely human form, pocketing all the 24 red and black gems into a leather-like pouch created from mana, that was hung by a thin strap over the side of her shoulder.

The aftermath of the battle was only dead grass and gashes on the trees.

Val dispersed the burning glaive into mana as she turned around, her black eyes flashing a golden hue.


She stared into the fauna, before calling out the teenager's avatar name.

"Come out, I know you're there."

Seeing as though no one answered her call, she opened her mouth and called loudly.

Leaves rustle before a tall youth with grey hair came out, leaves sticking out of his hair.

His expression was slightly panicked, bowed down before kneeling on his knees, head down.

"A-ah! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to peep! I just heard fighting! Please don't kill me!"

Indrid yelped and said quickly, afraid he would be 'silenced' and killed for seeing the mysterious girl kill so many monsters.


Inwardly, Val was laughing, was she really so scary in his mind?

But her face showed no change, only slight confusion passing her eyes.

"I'm not gonna kill you. Rather, why aren't you getting that bear cub?"

The sun was already hung above them, Val took her time fighting the demons and it already passed from early morning to noon.

Indrid, who was expecting to be decapitated, raised his head with wide black eyes.

"Oh...um...I checked the bears' den and it was abandoned..."