Sky Out

Momo coughed as she downed the third health potion that Rokusho poured down her throat.

"They're both alive." Rokusho reported, relieved, "Thank god."

"Sensei? Roko? Where are we?" Momo coughed as she pulled herself up.

"Just outside the garden." Roko replied as he rested against a wall, scythe leaning next to him, "We had to cut our way out but more importantly, you're safe."

"Sorry." Murasaki groaned as she rubbed her eyes, "We got caught."

"I didn't consider roots growing inside the tree either until right before it happened so it wasn't your fault." Roko nodded, "Don't worry about it."

"Did you save us?" Momo smiled weakly, "All by yourself?"

"The old man helped."

"I barely did a thing." Rokusho laughed, "All I did was run in circles, just like you suggested."

"I'm going to need the full details later." Momo laughed softly, "But for now, we need to get back to taking care of this tree."

"Whoa there." Rokusho tried to gently stop her as Momo tried to push herself back onto her feet, "You got your life force drained. You're not in the best of shapes, no matter how many potions I give you."

"Just give me a stamina potion." Momo sighed, "All I need is to be able to fight."

"Me too." Murasaki added, "I'm not giving up either."

Rokusho glanced towards Roko who simply watched them without any expression on his face.

"Well, we can't cut down the tree the same way as before." Roko said, "We now know we can get caught inside the tree and there are more angles that it can attack from with the inside of its body compared to the roots and branches combined."

"But we still need to cut it down." Murasaki insisted, "You have a plan right?"


"You have a plan right?" Momo asked, "Roko?"

"Honestly, at this point, it might be best to call in the Momokan army to cut it down." Roko said, "Saves us the trouble."

"We can't." Momo frowned, "The army is busy holding back the tree."

"We could get them to come in here and cut down the tree as quick as possible, before it can spread too far."

"And what if the tree just escapes? What if we cut it down but it just regrows somewhere else because we didn't stop it from spreading? What happens to the people then?"


"I know you've thought about this already, Roko." Momo nodded, "Do you have a plan?"

"...We can't risk going in ourselves." Roko stated, "So in order to cut down a tree of that size, we need to reach across the length of the tree with a weapon that can cut."

"And what kind of weapon is that?" Murasaki asked.

Roko tossed a coil of barbed wires onto the ground in front of them, "Wires. We split in two and either start sawing away the tree from one side or we wrap around and tighten it around the tree to try and cut it off all at once."

"That's not much of a plan." Murasaki frowned.

"I'm not a tactical genius."

"No, it's a solid plan." Momo nodded, "But which technique do we use?"

"They both have their benefits. The saw plan is probably the most straightforward and therefore the most effective but we'd end up with one people on each side pulling to cut the tree and only one person on each side to defend them. The encircle plan allows us to group together at a point and pull, meaning we can actually work together to defend and even trade off when one of us gets tired. But the amount of force we need to exert to literally tighten a noose around the tree's neck enough to cut it off is probably too tremendous for us to accomplish even with all four of us pulling."

"So the first plan is our best bet." Murasaki nodded, "But that also puts us in the most danger."

"Don't forget, the old man can't fight so all he can do is pull."

"You know, I'm coming around to doing a little bit of fighting myself." Rokusho coughed, "I'm sure I can use a good exercise here and there."

"No, no, we must respect the elderly." Roko smirked, "You stay out of fighting."

"Now you're just making fun of me."

"Is there no easier way?" Momo asked.

"I already plan on covering the wires in oil and setting them on fire." Roko sighed, "That should help considerably but it won't guarantee we'll actually succeed."

"Plus we have to hold onto flaming wires." Momo grimaced, "That doesn't sound pleasant but we don't have much of a choice and if we be careful we can avoid getting burns."

"I don't see the problem." Roko chuckled to himself.

"Okay." Momo nodded, "We'll use the wire. But maybe we can also cut into the tree as well with our swords? That should definitely help."

"If we run around the tree with our swords, the circle plan could be more effective but only marginally. Same with the saw plan. The effects are marginal but we're fighting for every margin of advantage we can get so we probably should 'prime' the tree by cutting around the place we plan to cut deeper into."

"Right." Momo smiled, "We can do this!"

Roko just stares at Momo.

"Wh-What?" Momo asked.

"Nothing." Roko sighed, "You certainly have a lot of faith."

"If we think we can't do it, then we really won't be able to."

"If only it was that simple. You have to consider the impossible in order plan clearly."

"Your job is to give us the best shot. Our job is to make the impossible happen."

"If you could make the impossible happen, you wouldn't need a tactician." Roko scoffed, "And all wars would end in a stalemate."

"That's why we need you." Momo smiled, "To show us to what we never even thought was possible."

"...You're looking for somebody else then. That's not me."

"Nevertheless, I still value your opinion. We wouldn't have gotten this far without you and that's not even considering your rescue."


"Right, Murasaki?" Momo smiled as she turned to her fellow student.

"Ummm...yeah." Murasaki shrugged, "You're a real valuable asset to the team."

"Somehow, I doubt that."

"More importantly." Momo stepped in quickly, "We need to move quickly, so Sensei! One stamina potion if you please. And one for Murasaki as well."

"I don't have an infinite amount of these." Rokusho sighed as he dug around his pouch, "Here. One stamina for the two of you and one mana potion for the princess. I have a feeling we're going to need your spells. Just be aware that I'm starting to run out of potions here."

"Noted." Roko said standing up and grabbed his scythe as the girls downed their latest set of potions, "Now the only problem is execution and prayer."

"Those are problems?" Murasaki said.

"To any plan, yes."

"Any other problems?"

"Me coming up with a better plan."

"Even that's a problem?"

"If I come up with it during this plan, then yes."

Roko sliced through the roots blocking their path to the garden. The layers of roots that normally blocked their path did not move or regrow as they normally did. This could only mean that the tree was getting tired or the tree is inviting them in. Both human actions that Roko could understand with the tree's sudden change in demeanor but still something surprising or worrying if there was some sort of eldritch god responsible for this flora. When they stood in front of the tree again, the gash they had created was still left unhealed and the burning wire Roko had used to distract the tree now hung from its branches, their flames extinguished. The tree itself made no movements, none from the roots or the branches even as Roko and company drew closer. It was an eerie silence that seemed to make the air heavy as they approached it, casually and without any direct signs of confrontation.

"It's strange that we got this far without being attacked." Murasaki said as they stood in front of the tree, "What do you think it is going on?"

"Maybe it wants to make peace?" Rokusho chuckled.

"As it has not retreated any of its roots or branches, I'm going to have to say that's a no." Roko scoffed, "At the very least, it should stop trying to spread itself and if that did happen, the entire Momokan army should be storming into here with all their weapons and free time."

"...Do we really have to cut it down?" Momo asked.

"Are you seriously asking that?" Roko frowned.

"'s just so peaceful right now." Momo sighed, "It's really a beautiful tree. I can see why my sister would be upset if it was chopped down. Maybe we can talk to it?"

"If you find out how to talk to a tree, I'd like to know." Roko crossed his arms, "And your sister can find a new tree that doesn't stab its roots through people's chests."

"Well, that's true..."

"And also doesn't capture people to drain them of their mana."

"Okay so maybe this tree has to go."


"Let's just start already." Murasaki said, "Hand me the wire."

"We're priming it first, remember?"


"So who shall do the priming?" Rokusho asked.

"Me and Murasaki should do it." Momo nodded, "Even after getting drained, we're still in better shape. Plus, its my spell we're going to be using."

"Go ahead."

"Ready, Murasaki?"



Momo and Murasaki became surrounded in blue light as they drew their sword and shot off in different directions. Each of them stabbed their blades into separate sides of the existing wound and ran off around the tree, dragging and cutting the tree apart as they circled it. The roots reacted, rising up from the ground at an alarming speed that Roko had never seen before. They lashed out at Momo and Murasaki, able to catch up to them in their hastened state and forcing them to dodge about as they tried to continue their priming.

"This isn't good." Rokusho gulped, "Those roots are way faster now. I don't understand how or why it's become this fast but it's going to prove to be a problem if we try and execute our plan now."

"Still, we can only execute it to the best of our ability." Roko said as he reached for his hip and removed the wire from his belt, "There's not time to rethink our plan."

"Hmm. Looks like we're starting early."

Roko tossed one end of the barbed wire to Rokusho and the two took off to separate sides of the tree as well, dragging the wire out between them and lodging it inside of the wound. They continued to push forward, pulling against the tree as the wire scratched and cut into it. Roots came out to try and meddle with the wire but Roko took out a match and lit the wire on fire, sending the roots recoiling and the tree began to shake and stir, a small shrill cry cutting into the rumbling air.

Push and pull. Push and pull. Roko thought as he gritted his teeth and struggled to put his next foot forward, We have to move the wire back and forth to further cut the tree as much as we can.

They had chosen the saw plan as it was the most reliable but it really was a blunt force, inelegant plan that Roko was too tired to perfect or think of an alternative. And if Roko cared about elegance, maybe he would care. But there was a part of him that thought that if he was that kind of person, he would have a better plan right now. Maybe they would have cut down this tree already. It was a small thought but it was on the verge of becoming a wish. If only he was little better than he was now.


Momo reappeared at his side, slicing away a few roots that were preparing to attack Roko.

"We've cut around the tree as deep as we can!" Momo reported, "You can switch off for now!"

"Flame's starting to die down a bit." Roko said as he handed the wire to Momo, "We won't be able to use fire anymore soon."

"We'll have to just rely on our other tricks." Momo smiled as she began pulling the wire, "Like this. Rally!"

Gold light infused with Momo's body and the tree cracked and creaked as the wire dug further into the tree, deepening their cut by a wide margin.

"Our progress is going to become skewed if you're the only one with rally." Roko said as he removed the scythe from his back and faced the regenerating roots.

"I gave one to Murasaki before we split off." Momo replied.

"Well, even if you didn't, all that would mean is that we'll meet back up somewhere off to the side of the tree rather than right behind it." Roko muttered as he sliced away a few roots that approached them.

The roots had stopped being quite as fast as before, something that set off alarms in Roko's head, but there wasn't enough time to process what was nagging him nor did he have enough information to draw a conclusion worth sharing. All he had to do was keep the roots off Momo as they made slow progress in cutting down the tree. Roko was managing the defense well until a root managed to grab his scythe and began to lift him up.

"What the-" Roko cried as he struggled to keep his hands on the scythe as he was pulled up with unnatural strength, "I can't...cut free..."

"Roko?!" Momo cried out, "Rally!"

Power entered Roko as he made another attempt, this time slashing his scythe free from the root. As he landed on his feet, another root was already swinging where he would land. The root slammed into Roko with force strong enough that Roko could feel it through his armor and send him flying and tumbling across the ground.

"Roko?!" Momo yelped.

"Focus!" Roko said as he pushed himself back up and swung his scythe, cutting away at another root, "I'm fine. Continue. I can handle it."

Momo looked conflicted but nodded and returned to cutting the tree with invigorated effort. Roko faced the roots once more with his scythe in hand. The roots watched his movements, careful about approaching him but still creeping forward without reservation.

"I should thank you." Roko said, "If you had captured me along with Murasaki, I wouldn't have gotten this far. Maybe you didn't find my mana that appealing but I guess I'll never know. At the very least, I can make you regret not killing me when you could."

The roots charged and Roko raised his weapon.

Roko could hear the chirping of birds as he sliced away at the roots. They had made substantial progress, the cut they were working so hard to deepen was nearly halfway through the foreign flora. As Roko and Momo began to come around the edge of the tree, Murasaki and Rokusho came into view. Murasaki was holding the roots back with her sword as Rokusho strained his body trying to pull on the wire.

"Master?!" Momo cried, "Why are you pulling? I used my reinforcement on Murasaki!"

"I'm too old to jumping around, swinging a sword!" Rokusho cried, "I'm too old to be doing this too but it's better than being idle!"

"The roots are much stronger now as well." Murasaki called, "If one of them hit sensei, every bone in his body would break."

"I noticed." Roko said, "Looks like we won't make it before dawn."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Momo smiled.


"Sensei! I didn't want to do this without warning you first but now that you're here, it should be fine! I'm going to use my other spell!"

"What other spell?! You have fou-"


Electricity ran down the wire and zapped Rokusho who looked surprised but endured the lightning as well as his old body could handle. As for the tree, the lightning blasted apart chucks of the tree as the wire surged forward, cutting away at its flesh until the spell stopped.

"We made a ton of progress!" Momo chirped, "Sensei, are you okay?!"

"I think my heart stopped like ten times." Rokusho gasped.

"Switch off then." Roko called, "Murasaki, take the wire and regroup with Momo at the center. We're switching from the saw plan to the circle plan. With only so much of the tree left, it should be more effective."

"Right! Murasaki, let's cross over each other and pull like there's no tomorrow!"

"Yes sir, Lady Momo!"

Momo and Murasaki ran towards each other, ready to cross the wires until a giant root suddenly burst from the ground, rising into the air and cloaking everyone with its enormous shadow.

"What's it trying to do?!" Momo cried as the two stopped in their tracks.

"That's too slow to hit any of us. It could block our path but that still allows us to use the saw plan like we've been doing. Then the only thing left it can do is-" Roko's mind raced through the possibilities but like many times before, his mind came up with the answer too late.

The root smashed into the ground, breaking the stone pathways of the garden into large chucks, stirring the earth to burst up from the earth and shake everyone hard enough for them to fall to the ground.

"Oh no!" Momo cried as she slipped and the wire fell from her hands. She tried to make a desperate grab for it but the quake tossed it around too erratically as it fell to the ground and was covered it in soil.

"Noooo!" Momo dove and tried to dig the wire back out of the dirt.

"Momo, watch out!"

Momo jolted as a small root burst out of the earth where she was digging, barely dodging its attempt to pierce her head.

"I got it!" Momo called as she pulled the root away and grabbed onto the end of the wire again.

But Roko kept running towards her, deftly weaving through the rumbling earth towards Momo for some reason. Momo turned around and saw why the earth had not stopped rumbling. The giant root that had destroyed the ground was now pulling itself back up out of the dirt, tearing its way through the ground to smash into Momo. Momo froze, her mind split between jumping out of the way or keeping hold of the wire. Unable to make a decision and unable to make a move, Momo's mind was preparing to get hit when Roko arrived next to her and threw her off to the side.


The root burst out of the ground and smashed into Roko, forcing him upward as the root dragged him up and up before it finally flicked him into the air. Roko was thrown upwards, flying up through the branches, up past the highest floors and up through the open roof, into the sky above everything. And then he began to plummet.