Freezing The End

Roko woke up to a clear day in Fuyuki. It was a rather late morning for him but as they would be leaving by teleportation scroll again, there wasn't much of a rush. It had been a day since their battle in the old castle and no details of what had happened there had leaked to the general public. Not that there even was anybody who could have told anybody what had happened outside of Roko, Kaguya and Mikado. Kaguya had returned to the castle, unbeknownst to anybody else, to make a quiet grave in the middle of the castle for Takeko. Roko hadn't seen Kaguya since she left so there wasn't much chance to talk to her about her friend's death.

As Roko returned to his room in the castle with his breakfast, he looked at the black grimoire on his desk. Picking it up, he stared at the ornate pure black cover. It had no title, no blurb, no words that could be read anywhere in or on it. Roko could feel no more power from it, not even any whispers like from before. It was for all intents a normal, albeit unreadable, book.

Roko sighed, "Was this even worth it?"

Roko stepped down the castle hallway, his luggage packed away and stored on his back. It was a bit warmer today but it was still cold enough to dress in large, thick coats. As Roko made his way through the hallway, he spotted Azayaka walking towards him, his eyes looking out the windows at the peaceful land before him. As they grew close to each other, Azayaka turned his attention to Roko as they stopped in front of each other.

"I assume you know everything then?" He asked.

"I assume you know what happened at the castle as well?" Roko replied.

Azayaka chuckled, "Yes. I've been keeping an eye on Takeko."

"You knew about her then?"

"I knew she was getting close to the truth about Kaguya. I didn't know how far it was and what she was planning to do but I had my suspicions."

"Were you planning on doing anything?"

"No. This was not my problem."

"...I assume this rebellion was one big set up as well?"

"Half of it." Azayaka corrected, "Certainly, the power of the Moon Tide group came from the anonymous Takeko's necromancy but their intentions were genuine even if they could never amount to much."

"...You knew about Kaguya's past and you knew this was about Kaguya's past and you did nothing about it?"

"Like I said, it didn't have anything to do to me."

"I'm impressed." Azayaka said, "It takes a certain kind of mindset to learn about what Kaguya had done and still support her in the end. Accepting what she's done...takes a certain kind of gray morality." Azayaka said as he turned to look out the window at the white snow.

"I'm clearly not the only one." Roko replied, "You know as well and haven't done anything."

"Outside of blackmailing her for this temporary position you mean." Azayaka chuckled, "Though it's not exactly a strong blackmail at that."

"Do you actually plan on giving up the throne to Kaguya once she graduates?"

"Absolutely. I've done all that I wanted with the crown. It will be a relief once it's off my head and I can live a normal life again."

"You don't plan on helping her?"

"Help? Why would I help her? I'm not nearly smart enough to offer advice for a country. If I thought I could advise her, I wouldn't have blackmailed her. No, I'm washing my hands of all this once that girl is on the throne."

"...You don't plan on revealing her secret?"

"No. Not at all. I don't condone what she did but I don't have any grudge towards her. If she doesn't undermine everything I've spent these past few years making, I have no reason to risk my own life by dredging up an age old curse that could very well kill me."


"You seem dissatisfied." Azayaka noted, "Are you angry with me?"

"Not for anything you've done." Roko replied calmly, "So it's nothing you need to worry about."

"Hmmm..." Azayaka raised an eyebrow, "I know it might be hypocritical of me to say this. But if you don't mind, do consider helping Kaguya once she ascends the throne. Who knows, it might be to your benefit."

"I don't give a damn what benefits it might give me." Roko scowled, "But I have no plans on leaving her all alone if I can help it."

"Alone is it?" Azayaka smirked, "So that's how it is. Well, you certainly don't owe this country anything so there's no reason for you to help her."

"I don't owe you or this country anything." Roko said as he shifted his backpack up on his shoulder again and walked past Azayaka, "But I owe that girl a lot."

In the castle courtyard, Roko could see Kaguya standing there, alone. It seemed like she had just returned but Mikado was nowhere to be seen.

"You're back." Roko said as he walked up to her.

"Oh. Morning Roko." Kaguya said as she looked up, "I see you're ready to leave. Mikado is busy getting everything ready for me. But I have the scrolls ready. We can leave at anytime."

Roko nodded as he carefully studied Kaguya. She sounded normal but her eyes were red and her cheeks were puffy, sure signs that she had been sobbing inconsolably. Roko could only imagine the kinds of thoughts that have been tormenting her but he felt like he had a good idea of what they were. He wanted to say something, tried to think of something to say but he didn't know where to even start.

"You have the book right?" Kaguya spoke first, startling Roko.

"Yeah." Roko replied as he looked back at his backpack, "It's just kinda stuffed in there. Should be fine there."

"Are you sure you feel okay?" Kaguya asked, genuinely worried, "No weird voices or anything?"

"I'm fine. The book hasn't done anything since we got back."

"Hmm. I wonder if giving it to the headmaster is even the right move."

"True, after everything that's happened, destroying it would be the best option." Roko nodded, "But I'm certain that that bastard knows more than she is letting on. I don't know what she's thinking but I think it's worth following her for now."

"What if she wants to use the book to take over the world or something?" Kaguya smirked.

"If she does, I'd hate to see what kind of ridiculous world she'll enforce." Roko scoffed.

"True, that world would be either horrific or surprisingly mundane with no in between." Kaguya laughed, "Well, I'm sure we can trust her with it."

"Though she might not trust us." Roko grumbled.

"Hmmm, I'm sure Zadkiel is already quite impressed with your performance." Kaguya smiled, "If she wasn't she certainly has to be now that you managed to recover a grimoire. I'm sure the day she actually tells you something about these strange creatures and magic is sure to come soon."

"I should hope so." Roko sighed, "I honestly don't know if I need to or want to learn anything more about this eldritch magic but if there's anybody who could possibly know how to get me home or at least know someone who could send me home, it would be her."

"You want to go home?" Kaguya asked.

"I'd like the option open, at the very least."

"Mmhmm..." Kaguya said, hiding a flickering smile on her face, "Well, it's true, out of everybody I know who could know something about that, Zadkiel would be my first guess. Her mastery of spacial manipulation and teleportation magic has been nothing short of revolutionary. That's not even mentioning the fact that they're an accomplished Senumsacra."

"Senum- what?"

"Hm? Did we not talk about this before?"

"If I had to guess it's a mage title?"

"Yes. If I recall correctly, we only went up to four elements back when we were discussing the kidnapper incident right? Then I'll give you a proper explanation now. One element mages are Solum. Anybody can become a Solum. Two elements are Gemelipara. Some people become Gemelipara for convenience. Three elements are Trismegistus. Most magical students and some military career soldiers might become a Trismegistus. Quadrifarius are four elements. Many students dedicated to magic get up to this point. Five elements are Quinregalis. Many highly skilled mages are Quinregalis along with other spells. All of the top mages in the world are Senumsacra. That is not to say that those who are Senumsacra are great mages. But most if not all mages of well renown know all six elemental magic. Many don't get up to this point because learning so much fundamental magic usually invites more danger of miscasting your spells. But apparently it give them perspective on the functional roots of magic. That said, most of these mages aren't just Senumsacra. They often know other spells on top of the fundamental elemental magics."

"Got it." Roko nodded, "So Zadkiel is a big deal."

"She's a big deal among the big deals. Pretty much legendary." Kaguya nodded, "Only someone like her would have the power to establish a school that operates as needlessly complex as Memoria Auspice."

"I kind of got that feeling just by living there." Roko grimaced, "I assume most schools aren't like that?"

"Most schools can't even do one of the space warping magic that surrounds our school. It's almost impossible to tell where exactly on earth the school was originally built on, much less find it." Kaguya sighed, "Why she is so interested in this strange magic, I'm not quite sure and the fact that she's been making you deal with them...If it had to do with your situation, that would be worrying."

"...If there's some sort of connection between me and all this Lovecraftian stuff, then that would at least tell us something about whatever is behind this magic."

"Ever brave as always, huh Roko? Or do you have reason to believe this mysterious force has nothing to do with you?"

"In all my life, I have never had reason to believe or demonstrated anything that could remotely resembled the kinds of things I've seen. That goes for this life and my old life. That doesn't mean I'm innocent but if there is something about myself that has changed or that even I don't know, I'd like to learn about it."

"Even if that mean you have to die for our sake?"

"As the original inhabitants of this world, you have every right to get rid of me for the sake of your world."

"Can't you complain at least a little?"

"I'll save my complaints for God, if I ever meet them."

"Hmm. Meeting a god is not unheard of but exceptionally rare. If anybody in modern day was to meet one, I wouldn't be surprised if it was you."

"Right, I forgot gods exist in this world."

You along with most people, I suspect." Kaguya smiled, "I doubt the kids of today know about gods of any sort."

"Well, in some circles, the absence of gods could be a good thing if you consider taking charge of your own fate and doing things of your own merit."

"Who are you, so wise in the ways of philosophy?" Kaguya asked jokingly.

"Just a passing by alien."

"Well I hope you stick around for a little longer." Kaguya smiled.

Silence settled over their conversation as the two continued to wait for Mikado to arrive. Kaguya's expression had shifted shockingly quickly from the jaunty, friendly expression she had so naturally had to a depressed brooding as she returned to her thoughts, the weight of which dragged her head and eyes down. It was destructively sudden, one moment Kaguya was normal, her eyes even losing their puffiness and regaining some light and life only for that to all drain in a second of silence. Roko was equal measures shocked, sad and impressed. For someone to act so normal so well for so long without involving her own feelings was something Roko didn't think he would ever be capable of doing. Kaguya's ability to hide her feelings so well was a testament to how much she must have trained to stand in the royal court. To push aside her own feelings and effect a comfortable and logical exterior, to force her own mind to be comfortable and logical, belies a control over her own emotions that must have taken a lot of training and heartbreak to attain.

While Roko was busy reconsidering his opinion of Kaguya, the princess spoke up again, "Do you think I should have died?"

"What?" Roko blinked, pulling his mind out of his own thoughts again.

"I...I don't deserve anything. I don't deserve to be alive, I don't deserve the throne and I don't deserve to be here when Takeko is not."

"...I'm not going to say that it was a shame that Takeko died. Or that it would have been nice if she hadn't." Roko chose his words carefully, "I might not be the right person to ask for help either as I'm not someone who believes the best solution to any or all of life's problem are non-violent. I'm not someone who fits in with the ideals of society. In a perfect world both you and I probably wouldn't exist. But that isn't the kind of world we live in and that is not the kind of world we can or even should make. We live with incomplete information and are unable to make perfect decisions. We make mistakes and harm those around us while trying to do right by them. But no matter how many mistakes we make, we can only move forward. Because all people deserve happiness. And while it would be best to not disrupt someone's happiness for the sake of your own, people cannot find happiness isolated like that. I'm not saying what you did was right. I'm not saying what you did was acceptable. But in the end you can find happiness. You should find happiness. No matter what happens to you, no matter how much of the world you make your enemy, you have that right to pursue happiness. But in the end you have to allow yourself to be happy."

Kaguya stared down at the ground as she let Roko's words sink in, "Do you think Takeko would want me to be happy?"

"If you have friends and family, they would be happy if you're happy. If you have enemies and detractors, your happiness will frustrate and displease them. If you don't want to kill anymore, if you don't want to let those deaths go to waste, find enough happiness for both yourself and for them."

"...Right." Kaguya nodded, her expression growing more relaxed, "I...I don't know if I can let myself be happy right now...but I do want as many around me to be happy."

"Then you have your work cut out for you." Roko scoffed, "Everyone has a right to find happiness for themselves. Finding happiness for others is infinitely more difficult."

"Well, I have a good teacher in that regard." Kaguya smiled.

"Milady." Mikado called as he finally arrived with several cases of luggage, "We're ready to leave."

"Finally." Kaguya's smile brightened, "Then let's go back."

Kaguya handed the teleport scrolls to Roko and Mikado before taking some luggage for herself and opening her own scroll. As Kaguya stepped through the portal, Roko turned to look at Mikado who was watching her with a glowing, proud smile. He noticed Roko watching and bowed gratefully before stepping through his own portal. Left alone, Roko stood there for a quiet moment.

"You want to say good bye as well?"

At Roko's words, an elderly old janitor stepped out from behind a pillar and walked over to him.

"So yer leaving eh?" Hase said as he fixed his janitor hat on his head.

"You didn't want to say good bye to Kaguya?"

"Me and her haven't come across each other this entire trip. Wouldn't make much sense for it."

"Was that on purpose?"

"...Did you find out who the killer was?"


"...Will ya tell me who it was?"

Roko paused for a moment before answering, "Kaguya."

Hase pulled the brim of his hat over his eyes, "So it's true."

"You knew?"

"...Suspected more like." Hase sighed, "I didn't want to believe it but I knew Kirito and his investigation pretty well myself. Enough to start making conclusions of my own but I never could figure it out myself. The day Kirito died, he asked me something about loyalty and duty and I told him, 'Both of those are to yourself' . Next day, he was dead."

"From what Kaguya told me, he gave up his life to keep Kaguya's activities a secret."

"That sounds like him." Hase chuckled, "So he was torn between his loyalty to Kaguya and his duty as an investigator. If Kaguya didn't have the guts to kill him, he probably would have exposed her immediately after."

"Do you not hate Kaguya?"

"Me? I'm a killer as well you know. Not like I got much of a hill to stand on."

"There's a pretty big difference between a soldier and a serial killer."

"Is there? We've robbed people of the same opportunities and life. The only difference is that the ones I've killed were a smidge more prepared for it than normal people. But if they were anything like me, it doesn't actually amount to much. Death's not a trip you can come back from. No matter how much you prepare in advance, you don't know what you're in for until you're already there."

"...Do you plan on revealing Kaguya's secret?"

Hase rubbed his chin curiously, "Hmmm...everything I've ever learned and stood for tells me that I should."

"I'm not going to stop you if I do." Roko said, "I might warn Kaguya though."

"You trying to get me killed?!" Hase laughed, "But no, I probably won't."

"Why's that?"

"Well, I can't say I don't understand why Kirito and Kaguya did what they did. This country...despite protecting it for a number of years, we never were able to calm the turmoil from within. The feeling of culling the bad blood and bringing a stillness, however suffocating, was a peace that the people might have forgotten. That many might have never seen. The thought of the people of this country forgetting what peace a mortifying concept."

"I can't even imagine that." Roko nodded.

"Heh, you've lived a fulfilling life then." Hase chuckled, "If our people could one day have a life like yours, our fighting will finally have meaning."

"...You don't have any reason to do this, but I will ask. Are you going to help Kaguya?"

Hase took a deep breath and let out a thoughtful sigh, "That's one hell of a question."

Roko stayed silent as he allowed Hase to consider his answer.

"...I think...I understand what Kirito was thinking." Hase finally replied, "For someone like Kaguya to go so far, we adults couldn't help but feel responsible for it. But watching her talk to's not the visage of a remorseless, unstoppable monster. Those feelings of PTSD and guilt...she must have been fighting a war all by herself this entire time. If this old man can lend such a young soldier a hand, I would be quite happy."

"I see." Roko nodded, "Then, I'm glad to hear Kaguya won't be alone when I'm not there."

"Well, I don't think I can sling a speech together as well as you." Hase laughed.

"Don't remind me of those." Roko growled as he opened his own scroll, "I'll see you again sometime."