What’s Coming Up?

Special Limited Time Class Session!

Come join us in front of the Paramnesia Wildwoods and take part in the repopulation efforts by sponsoring the growth of a new form of life that will make the forest a little less lonely!

Starring a celebrity guest instructor, Zoologist Stephen Urwin!

Learn about new exotic animals and how to care for them in this rare opportunity!

Was what was written on a few dozen flyers hung around the school. The girls were abuzz with talk about this strange new opportunity, the only problem being that this course would take place during a holiday so they would have to give up going home to take part in this week long course. Fortunately for Roko, he had no such home to return to so he was able to attend this special class with no problems. The inconvenient timing of this class clearly had an effect as there was only a handful of students who stayed to take part in this class. Of these participants, Roko could see his friends among them, talking excitedly about what would happen. Before long, the rattling of a covered cart announce the arrival of their celebrity instructor, dressed in an exploration outfit as Zadkiel followed alongside him, having a cheery little chat before they stopped in front of the forest and turned to address their class.

"Everyone!" Zadkiel grinned as she drew everyone's attention, "I thank you for forgoing your time home to take part in this special class! Unfortunately, there were circumstances that prevented us from rescheduling to a more convenient time. As you all know, unknown events have occurred that lead to the extinction of all life in the Paramnesia Wildwoods. As you are all no doubt familiar with the Wildwoods yourselves, I'm sure you understand my concern upon hearing about this news. As such, we have taken action to repopulate these woods for future generations. Here to help out is our newest temporary instructor."

"Ello everyone!" The explorer stepped forward with a friendly grin, "Name's Stephen Urwin. Some of ya might know of me. I've been hired by Lady Zadkiel ere to head the efforts to introduce new life back into these woods. I'm honored to be given this opportunity and I'm glad to see so many of you are interested in these efforts. Paramnesia was a unique environment filled with many different kinds of life all living in harmony. It is my job to help any and all new life that would call these woods their home. And each of you are going to be a part of it."

Stephen grabbed the cover over the cart and threw it off, revealing a bunch of eggs resting inside.

"These are special eggs. Each of these will hatch into a new life that will become a part of this forest. Until these babies are ready to be released back into these woods, it is each of yall's job to help nurture the egg and whatever hatches from it. Your headmaster believes this is a rare opportunity to interact with such special creatures and I for one am almost jealous of what you all will accomplish by the end of this week. If any of yall have any question or trouble, I will use my expertise to help each and every one of you. Anytime, anywhere, if you need a little bit of help handling your magical beast, I and Zadkiel will be open to help."

"Now, that's enough talk." Zadkiel clapped, "I'm sure some of you are anxious to get started now so one by one, come select an egg from this cart. You will be the parent of whatever hatches from your egg and I expect you will handle such responsibility with proper effort."

The student's talk became an excited buzz as everyone lined up to take an egg from the cart. Both knights and princesses were invited to take an egg and when it came time for Roko to get one for himself, the total had dwindled though there was still a good amount to choose from. Each of them had different colors and markings, none of them seemed to be repeats of another. Roko didn't know which to pick but it ultimately doesn't really matter so he just picked up a random egg and walked off.

With eggs in hand, the students had broken up back into cliques, talking excitedly about what they think would hatch and what they would want to hatch. Roko held up his own egg and stared at it curiously. Back in his old world, in his old lonely apartment, he was able to have a pet for himself but he never did bother getting one. He thought about it but it always come down to needing more money to support another life so he just focused on his data management. He probably passed the point where he had enough money to afford a pet a while ago but he didn't feel ready to get a pet. And now he was holding the egg of an unknown practically mythical creature in his hands.

"Hey! Roko!"

Turning around, Roko could see Momo, Kaguya, Corissa, Helena and their knights all approach him, each holding an egg of their own.

"I thought I saw you here." Helena grinned, "What do you think? Pretty exciting isn't it?"

"I suppose." Roko replied, "I really don't think I'd be a good parent though."

"You raised Aida pretty well, I'd say." Kaguya giggled.

"I did no such thing."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Roland said as he spun his egg around on the ground, "It's probably going to be a rabbit or something so don't get too excited."

"Actually it can be anything." Zadkiel said as she walked up to them, startling the knight who quickly picked up his egg and stood up, "Including some species that will be introduced to the Wildwoods for the first time."

"Are you sure that won't cause an evasive species to start spreading?" Kaguya asked.

"Each of these animals have been specially hand picked to avoid that."

"Still, not all animals are born from an egg." Momo said, "There can't be that much variety to these eggs."

"Like I said, anything can hatch from these eggs. Including animals that aren't normally born from an egg."

"Wait, really?!" Helena cried, "How'd you do that?"

"I have a friend who helped...externalize the developing babies of certain animals into egg form. Rest assured, it's perfectly safe and will develop in to perfectly healthy babies."

"What kind of person knows magic like that?" Momo chuckled.

Zadkiel just winked.

"So..." Roland looked at his egg, "You're saying I could hatch a dragon?!"

"There ain't no dragons in these eggs." Stephen laughed as he walked up next to Zadkiel, "That would be ridiculous."

"Sir Stephen." Kaguya bowed, "I've heard of your work. I'm pleased to be working with you."

"Golly, so am I." Stephen replied slightly nervously, "Can't say I've ever had such royal students before."

"I've always been a fan of your work." Momo offered a handshake, "Your knowledge and the way you handle animals is inspiring."

"Aw shucks." Stephen shook her hand, "Thanks."

"So do you know what's going to hatch from this?" Roland asked.

"Nope." Stephen answered, "I'm sure even Zadkiel doesn't know."

"I bet Roko could figure it out!" Helena turned to Roko, "Right?!"

"Well I could." Roko replied.

"You can?!" Everyone cried in shock.




A chorus of ohs echoed around the group with Stephen being the only one still confused.

"So...do you know what your egg is going to be?" Helena asked.


"What is it?!" Corissa asked.

"I think I'll keep that to myself." Roko shrugged.

"Can you tell me what my egg's going to be?" Roland asked.

"Roko, don't tell him." Helena said as she turned Roland around, "He needs to learn some responsibility."

"I know what responsibility is! Don't you imply that I don't!"

"If anybody else wants to know what's in their eggs, I can do that for you." Roko offered.

Everyone looked down at the eggs and then looked around at each other, none of them volunteering.

"Well there you have it." Roko sighed, "Each of you have fun finding out for yourself."

Everyone looked down at their egg with a mix of anticipation, excitement and worry.

"Can you give me a hint?"

"Knock it off, Roland!"

A few days later, everyone reconvened in front of the forest, many of them with a new pet in hand. There was a wide array of feathered, furred and scaled creatures everywhere. Everyone seemed happy with what they got or at least used to them. Today, they were supposed to introduce these new animals to the Paramnesia Wildwoods. Off in the distance, Roko could see Momo playing around with her new pet.

"Hey." Roko said as he walked over to her.

"Oh! Hey Roko!" Momo grinned as she waved around a stick, "How are you doing?"


"Have you met my new buddy here?" Momo said as her pet began licking her face, "He's so cute."

"I can see that." Roko said, "I'm surprised that they would add an animal as simple as a dog to the mix."

"Actually it's a wolf." Momo said as she rubbed the belly of her very dog like wolf, "It's a bit plain but I'm quite glad actually."

"Why's that?"

"Well, remember the name of my country?"


"Yes. Most people believe it's a portmanteau of Momo for Pink and Kami for God. And for the most part, that's what we tell most people. But it's actually supposed to be Momo and Okami for wolf. The legend behind the creation of my country involves the appearance of a pink wolf. This wolf is like a god, Momokami's guardian spirit."

"And the origin of your name?"

"That's right." Momo smiled, "So this good little boy is like the reincarnation of my country's protector. Or so I like to think."

"Have you come up with a name for him?"

"Yep. This is little Akagami." Momo said as the wolf playfully bit her fingers, "He's a strong little fella."

"Is he?"

"Yep. Here. Akagami. Time to fight!"

The wolf stood up and bit onto the end of the stick that Momo offered him. He growled and began swinging the stick around as if it was a weapon, slashing the air with great adorable ferocity.

"You taught him that?" Roko raised an eyebrow.

"Yep! This is a secret fighting style designed for dogs from my home country." Momo said proudly, "Allegedly it's how our old god used to fight and was secretly passed down in the royal family."

"You remembered how to teach him?"

"No, I borrowed a special book from my parents."

"Oh, you guys talking about the Godfang Style?"

Roko and Helena turned around as Helena and Roland walked up to them, Helena's pet standing on her arm.

"Hey Helena!" Momo greeted.

"Hey Momo. How's your puppy?"

"Same as ever. Very diligent." Momo said as she took the stick from the wolf, "I swear, these animals are more intelligent than normal pets."

"Sure seems like it. Like parent like child I suppose."

"Well your falcon looks pretty cool just like you as well!"

"I guess." Helena sighed as she scratched the head of her gray-ish blue falcon, "Kind of a boring pick to be honest. I was expecting a little more."

"It seems bigger than a normal falcon." Roko noted.

"Yeah, it's probably a dire breed, like Momo's wolf. Still..."

"Hey, at least it's better than Roland's." Momo smiled.

"Yeah, I guess."

Everyone turned to Roland who was holding a bowl filled with water and what seemed like a half fish and half goat creature floating there.

"I got a sea goat." Roland sighed, "This is so lame."

"It's pretty cute." Momo said, trying to stop herself from laughing.

"I have got to have the worst pet out of everybody."

"I dunno, I hear Kaguya and Mikado's aren't that impressive."

"You're talking about us now?"

Kaguya and Mikado arrived with Kaguya on top of her horse.

"Feel like I haven't seen this guy in a while." Helena patted the horse as Mikado helped Kaguya down, "What came out of your egg?"

"This little guy." Kaguya snapped her fingers and from her robes scurried a rat or weasel creature that cuddled up in Kaguya's hand.

"Aw, that's cute." Momo said as she reached out to give the little animal some chin scratches, "What is it? Is this the fire-rat that you wanted?"

"No it's more shrew or an ermine perhaps?" Kaguya shrugged, "I'm calling it Lavellan."

"My falcon's not going to eat it right?" Helena asked.

"I dare say let it try. I doubt my darling Lavellan will let itself get eaten like that."

"If you own it, then I believe it."

"Oh yeah, we never got the names of your animals." Momo said, turning back to Helena and Roland, "What did you name them?"

"I'm thinking Aves. That sounds nice." Helena replied.

"Goaty Mcfishtail." Roland said unenthusiastically.

"I feel sorry for your pet." Kaguya sighed, "If no one else, you as their parent must show them love."

"That right? And what did you get, Mikado?" Roland scoffed.

"I got a turtle." Mikado said as he held up a turtle shell.

"That sucks." Roland said, a hint of a smirk cracking on his face, "Did you name it?"

"I'm not quite sure myself." Mikado shrugged as the turtle poke his head out of its shell, "I'm waiting on Kaguya to come up with something for me."

"You can do it yourself." Kaguya said, "In fact, if Roland doesn't come up with a better name for his pet, I'm not going to come up with one for you."

"Aw." Mikado sighed, "It's all up to you now."

"Hmph. Why does anybody else care?" Roland scoffed, "Still, I guess a goat fish is better than any plain old turtle. Maybe I'll give it some thought."

Mikado's turtle and Roland's sea goat stared at each other in silent communication. The two just kinda regarded each other curiously with slow movements until Mikado's turtle's tail poked out from the back of the shell. Except instead of a normal tail it was a long thin snake that also joined in on the staring. Seeing the snake head, Roland's mood turned from slight optimism to frustrated bitterness again.

"Goddamnit." he said.

"So the only one left is Corissa right?" Helena said, "I've got to say, I'm most curious about what Varis hatched. I hope he hatched something cute like a bunny. That'd be funny."

"I-I'm here!"

Right on time, Corissa and Varis arrived on the scene. With Corissa riding the back of a white unicorn.

"WHOA!" Everyone immediately began crowding around the duo, "You hatched a unicorn, Corissa?!"


"Amazing!" Helena cried, "That's super rare ain't it?! Even rarer than a carbuncle?!"

"I know I've never seen one before!" Momo reached out nervously to touch it, "So cool!"

"Only pure maidens are allowed to ride its back is it not?" Kaguya smiled, "No surprise that you were able to ride such a majestic creature."

"To think they would find the egg of such a creature, it's astonishing." Mikado nodded.

"I for one knew she was a pure and innocent maiden all along!" Roland shouted.

"Ummm..." Corissa laughed nervously, "Actually this is Varis' pet."


"This guy?!" Roland pointed at the unreadable black knight, "You've got to be kidding me!"

"That is..." Kaguya looked bewildered, "Certainly unusual..."

"There's no way this guy is pure and innocent." Roland said as he whacked Varis' armor, "Are you sure you didn't mix the eggs up or something?"

"They're pretty distinct." Corissa nodded, "And I've kept an eye on my egg this entire time."

"So I assume the one in your arms is your own egg?" Kaguya asked.

"Yes..." Corissa looked depressed, "No matter what I do, I just can't seem to get it to hatch."

"Well at least you're not the only one." Helena smirked.

Corissa looked up and spotted Roko who was standing there with his own egg tucked under his arm and her eyes brightened up.

"At any rate, it's about time to head into the forest soon." Momo noted, "Let's get ready to head in. Our assignment isn't an easy one."