
Roko and company arrived at the next town, close to noon, tired and in a depressive mood. Once the monsters were gone, everyone treated whatever injuries they had suffered and agreed to one of them acting as a guard on rotation as the rest of them tried to go back to sleep. But after what happened, everyone was too paranoid to get much of a peaceful rest. Their trip here was so quiet that when they walked into the town, it was like being dumped into an ice cold bucket of normalcy that they weren't quite ready to receive but was kind of welcome. For a moment, they stood there, readjusting themselves until Roko turned back to them.

"Alright." Roko said, the first he's spoken in a while, "For now, just go find an inn. If you're still sleepy, go ahead and take a nap. If anyone's up for it, have one of you stay awake so that when Corissa wakes up, we can calm her down. She could really use the support right now."

"I'll stay by her side." Kaguya volunteered, "I actually managed to get a good bit of sleep so I'm feeling quite fine."

"Let us know when she's awake though." Helena said, "Girl needs as much help as she can after all this."

"Of course." Kaguya nodded.

"If everything's settled, I'll be off for a bit then." Roko said as he turned around towards the center of the town.

"Where are you going?" Momo asked.

"To get some answers."

"Are you sure?" Momo bit her lip, "You were the last one on guard duty so you must be pretty tired."

"I'll be fine." Roko replied, "I won't be gone long."

In the middle of the town square, Roko found Corissa's parents taking pictures of a mini garden.

"You seem to be enjoying yourselves." Roko said as he approached them.

"Oh, Roko!" Corissa's father grinned when he saw him, "I assume Corissa has explained everything to you then?"

"From how you two are acting, I assume you haven't learned what happened to us on our trip here?" Roko crossed his arms.

"Learned what?" Corissa's mother blinked, "About that fake mercenary company and their bandits or the band of admirers of our daughter?"

"Roko, you look a bit tired." the king said, "Are you sure you're alright?"

"I guess information networks only knows so much." Roko sighed, "Alright, I'll tell you what happened last night."

When Roko finished his story, Corissa's parents looked grim. There were surprised at the appearance of the blob monsters but at the wave of magic energy, they just looked at each other with great concern.

"I assume you know what this magic is?" Roko surmised.

Corissa's parents shared one last resolute look with each other before they replied,

"That...is the magic spell, holy."

"That's what I thought I heard Corissa say as well." Roko nodded, "What is this holy spell?"

"We don't know." Corissa's mother explained, "It's an extremely rare spell that can't be learned like a normal spell. Everybody who's ever had this spell simply seemed to have learned it either spontaneously or as a course of their life."

"Is that normal?" Roko asked, "Just saying the name of a spell naturally?"

"Back in the days of the gods, you would learn the name of the spell when it is bestowed upon you." Corissa's father said, "In modern magic, spells are usually gained through study but in more magically inclined races, like elves, they claim that every person has an inclination towards certain spells. According to the elves, they even have children that simply naturally learn basic spells before they can compose sentences. These spells are rooted deep into the nature of the individual and can spontaneously learned, especially in dangerous circumstances."

"I see." Roko said as he recalled the first time he used scan, "So this holy spell is one of these natural spells for Corissa?"

"It's exclusively a natural spell from what we understand. The fact is that its usage and effects are so strange that we don't truly understand what kind of spell it is."

"Well it disintegrated all the blob monsters including the one that was taking control of her. Without any lasting damage or effects it seems." Roko said, "It seems like it's extremely powerful."

"Its power is extraordinary indeed." Corissa's mother said, "From what we could find, this spell is considered the one and only instance of anti-magic."

"Anti-magic?" Roko frowned, "So it negates other spells?"

"Spells, enchantments, any sort of magic." the queen nodded, "Its ability to destroy those ungodly monsters was also known but not by the public."

"What does that mean?" Roko mused, "Are these monsters magical in nature somehow? Like the elves?"

"No, the elves have disavowed these kinds of monsters as anything from their lands." The king explained, "We truly do not understand why it has this effect on these monsters but it's extremely useful in combating them. That's why we were looking for it."

"You were looking for somebody who could know holy?" Roko raised an eyebrow, "But how did you know Corissa knew it? She didn't know it herself. I know she didn't, I scanned her."

"We knew though." Corissa's mother smiled, "You didn't think we adopted Corissa because she was just cute did you?"

"I mean, she certainly is cute!" the father laughed, "You should have seen her when she was a child! The most kind and innocent child in the world!"

"We have pictures!" the mother grinned, "We should show you! I think I have some on my phone!"

"Stop." Roko said sternly, "Get back on topic. How did you know Corissa knew holy?"

"Ahem." Corissa's mother said as they straightened themselves, "As we've stated, holy is an unusual spell. Most interesting is that their users seem to radiate magic."


"Yes. Most humans, being not naturally magically inclined, do not radiate magic. However, magical creatures live in areas where there is a higher concentration of magic. These creatures naturally give off their own sort of magical aura and holy seems to be such a powerful spell that its users tend to be similarly gifted."

"So elves radiate magic too?"

"A little."

"And Corissa radiates magic?"


"...Is Corissa half-elf?"

"Honey if Corissa was half-elf, how would we have find her in a human village? Elves are notoriously elusive and keep to their own. That's not even mentioning how Corissa doesn't exhibit any sort of physiologically elven traits. Aside from being drop dead gorge-"

"Okay, point taken." Roko sighed, "Then I guess the only question left is why did you send Corissa to come follow me?"

"We were hoping you could do some research on holy in the elven capital for us." Corissa's father explained, "We were going to ask you to help Corissa realize this spell but it seems that has happened already."

"So now all that's left is figuring out the true nature of this holy spell." Roko nodded, "Are we sure the elves would even have information on this? They magic is different from ours and while holy may fall more in line with their kind of magic, it's also extremely rare from what you've told me."

"It is an extremely rare spell." Corissa's mother restated, "I would be surprised if you found anybody else who could use holy as well. We've been looking for records of any previous holy users and their activities but the last user was nearly a decade ago. In fact, Corissa's probably the only user of holy we've found since the gods disappeared. But records can only get us so far. We need to learn how exactly this spell works and the only other place that could possibly help with this is the Capital of Magic, Magus Alterna."

"And as Corissa's parents, I hope you understand that we'd rather not have her treated like a test subject there." Corissa's father said.

"I've never heard of this Magus Alterna place but I think I get the picture." Roko sighed, "So that leaves the elves as our only hope huh?"

"Yes. Will you help us? Help Corissa?"

"Can I write about it for my dissertation?"

"I...don't see why not?"

"Cool. I mean, I would have done it anyway but at least I don't have to worry about finding a topic anymore."

"Well, that's a relief." Corissa's mother smiled gently, "Knowing that we have your help is quite reassuring. We honestly didn't know how you would have responded to our request."

"I have no reason not to help you." Roko shrugged, "I'm just as curious as to the true nature of this spell as you are. If we can harness it, it would be a powerful weapon against those monsters. I assume that was your intention in seeking out a holy user?"

"Erm...well..." the king coughed, "Yes but we were hoping to apply her powers to help people around the world."

"No need to defend yourself in front of me."

At that moment, Roko's phone began to rung. Excusing himself for a moment, he answered the call, talking for a brief moment before hanging up and turning back to the pair of royalties.

"Corissa's woken up." he reported, "I can bring you to the inn where we'll be staying for the night. You're free to come see her, I'm sure Corissa would be happy to see her parents after what happened."

Roko found the inn where they were staying and told Corissa's family to go meet her ahead of him.

"You're going to need to explain the situation to her aren't you?" Roko had said, "I already know the gist of it so go ahead and have a little private time with your daughter. I'll be there in a bit. I just have something to do."

After leaving the queen and king to their princess, Roko borrowed the inn's kitchen and appropriated some tea, sugar and milk. Once his preparations were done, Roko walked up to the room where Corissa was being kept and knocked on the door. The king's voice welcomed him in so Roko stepped inside. Corissa was sitting up on the inn bed, a smile already on her face as her mother patted her gently on the head. The princess's face brightened when she saw Roko,

"Roko!" Corissa exclaimed, "I'm so happy to see you! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Roko almost scoffed, "The more pressing question is whenever or not you're okay after everything. Here."

"I'm fine!" Corissa said as she accepted the drink from Roko, "Ah! Is this your world famous milk tea?!"

"It's not actually world famous is it?" Roko frowned.

"It's getting there." Corissa smiled as she took a sip, "Thank you! This tastes delicious!"

"Right, well I assume you're caught up now? On what happened and why you're here?"

"Yes..." Corissa looked down, "Um...I'm sorry for attacking everyone. I didn't hurt you too badly did I?"

"It's nothing compared to Kyousei's attacks." Roko gingerly touched the shoulder wound he had received trying to stop Corissa, "You aren't suffering from any side effects from being controlled yourself are you?"

"No, I feel perfectly fine." Corissa bit her lip, "Perhaps even better than I felt yesterday. I don't understand why."

"Well, you did sleep for a really long time."

"But why did those things attack us? Why did it pick me to control and not anyone else?"

"...Sometimes people just get unlucky." Roko replied, "There's no point in thinking about it any further."

"Roko's right." her mother said gently, "No one's to blame for this incident."

"You actually saved everyone including yourself." Roko added, "If anything, you're the hero in this story."

"I...I didn't even know what I was doing..." Corissa sniffed, "I was just...trapped in my own mind. Unable to stop my own body from killing everyone. I...I just..."

"You just naturally casted holy?"

"Yes." Corissa nodded, "I don't know why, the word just came from somewhere deep inside me."

"That's pretty much the same as me with scan." Roko nodded, "Can you cast holy now?"

"I...don't know?" Corissa replied, "Does your spell say that I can?"

"Scan? I can try." Roko said as he casted the spell, "...Yeah. Holy is now listed as the only spell you know."

"S-So I can cast it?" Corissa asked, "I can control it?"

"That depends on you. Can you try casting it now?"

"Umm...on what?"

"Here." Corissa's mother snapped her fingers and summoned a small flame, "Try it on this."

"O-Okay..." Corissa held out her hands, "Holy!"

The flame kept burning, not even flickering from any sort of interference.

"Ooohhh..." Corissa looked down, "I guess I can't use it after all."

"Perhaps there are some requirements that need to be met before using it?" Corissa's father mused.

"You certainly have the spell if my scan is to be believed." Roko said, "Don't worry about it. I'm sure that when you absolutely need it, the spell will work."

"Thanks Roko." Corissa smiled softly as she picked up her cup of milk tea again. "You always know how to make a girl feel better."

"I sure do not." Roko said as Corissa's parents looked at him proudly, "At any rate, if you're feeling alright, then I'll go check on everyone else. It's almost time for lunch so I'll bring you something in a bit."

"Wait!" Corissa cried, "Let me make lunch!"

"You want to make lunch?" Roko turned around.

"Yes! I caused everyone a lot of trouble so please let me make up for it at least a little bit!"

"...Are you sure you're up for it?"

"I'm feeling great! I feel like I can fight a dog! Not...like a doberman or a like a husky but at least like a pitbull! Except maybe like a small one. And a bit less vicious."

"So like a pug?"


"You want to fight dogs?" Corissa's father asked, confused.

"N-No, it's just a simile! As a frame of reference! But if I had to fight a dog, I can probably beat one with the power of scritches and belly rubs!"

"Even when you're trying to act tough you still end up cute and wholesome." Roko sighed, "Fine, I'm sure you can borrow the inn's kitchen and use some of our supplies. I'll just go shopping for more supplies until you're done."

"Yay!" Corissa smiled as she quickly gulped down her milk tea and got out of bed, "I'll work on it right away!"

"Why don't you leave the shopping to us and go help Corissa?" Corissa's mother suggested, "I'm sure she could use the help."

"Why me?" Roko growled.

"I hear you're quite good in the kitchen yourself."

"I'm am horribly average in the kitchen."

"Well she could always use the extra hand. Also, we'd like to try your world famous milk tea ourselves."

Roko groaned and left the room, heading off to the kitchen.

Not satisfied with just making lunch, Corissa went on to make dinner as well, determined to make up for getting controlled and attacking the rest of their party. In the end, she used up the vast majority of their supplies, thereby necessitating their group to stay another day and restock again. But the party they ended up having blew everyone's fatigue away and the trauma of their desperate struggle just the night before became a deceptively distant memory. All except for Roko who felt quite exhausted helping Corissa in the kitchen all day though Corissa seemed quite happy to spend all her time cooking. At the end of the day, Roko was quite ready to retire to his room but he was requested to meet up with Corissa's parents in one of the inn's rooms. So in the middle of their supper party, Roko left to head to this room. Inside, he found Corissa sitting there patiently.

"Oh, Roko." She said as he stepped in, "What are you doing here?"

"I was told to come here by your parents?" Roko explained as he closed the door behind him, "Do you know what they wanted to talk about?"

"No, I was just told to come here too." Corissa replied, "Maybe it has to do with holy again?"

"Maybe." Roko said as he sat down on a chair, "We'll just have to wait for them to explain themselves."

The two of them sat there for several minutes. After what felt like half an hour, Roko finally spoke up, "What's taking them so long?"

"Maybe they're still partying?" Corissa suggested.

"They're the ones who told us to come here." Roko scowled, "I'll go and get them."


Roko stood up and walked to the door going to open it only to find it locked.

"What the-" Roko frowned as he continued to jiggle the doorknob to no effect.

As he continued his efforts, a paper suddenly slid into the room from under the door. Roko bent down and picked up the paper, thoroughly confused and hoping this paper might clarify anything. On the paper it said: "You cannot leave this room until you two kiss."

Roko ripped the paper into pieces.

"Something wrong, Roko?" Corissa asked.

"It's fine." Roko called back, "I just have to..."

Roko kicked the door, aiming close to the doorknob. When that didn't work, Roko slammed his body against the door over and over until it finally broke open.

"I'm going to go kill your parents now." Roko gasped.


And with that, Roko ran off. Corissa walked over to the scraps and curiously began rearranging the pieces until the message was restored.

"Oh." She blushed.