
"Madam Corissa! Please, accept this flower from me!"

Corissa looked down at the kneeling man offering her a flower that she recognized must have come from one of the vases decorating the edges of the party hall.

"T-Thank you..." Corissa smiled politely and accepted the flower from the man, making a mental note to return the flower at a later time.

"But of course, your beauty makes my humble offering pale in comparison. You truly are the brightest and tallest flower in the field! Even the flower of paradise on your arm only makes you more dazzling tonight! The innocence and purity in your eyes shines through the wonderfully mysterious mask you have!"

"Uh huh..." Corissa said, completely disassociating from the man and his heaps of praise that she's heard time and time again. She glanced over at the other man that her flirt had come with. This man watched his friend proclaiming his love with a proud look on his face until he noticed Corissa staring at him awkwardly.

"H-He's a good man!" The man's friend wrapped an arm around his friend and pulled him back onto his feet, "He's got a good head on his shoulders and is super cool! Right, man?!"


Corissa sighed and just waited as the two continued to try their best to court her. At least with the normal folk they normally try to use a one liner and then ask her out or something. It still wasn't pleasant but it was quick at least. These two seemed genuine enough but nobles don't usually take failure well so they try extra hard. Corissa could relate but not when it wastes so much of her time.

"Ah! That's right, Madam Corissa!" Her courter cried, "Have you heard about the party's Plus Zero? Everyone's been talking about him!""

"The what?" Corissa replied, finally paying attention again.

All around the party hall, the guests were abuzz with jovial chatter, though the hot topic was not a pleasant one for the princesses that remained.

"You see that weird guy that got kicked out of the party? What a gauche act he was!"

"I'm afraid, you've been outdone, Mr. Adin! The Plus Zero tonight has already left the room!"

"What a dull person that guy was. What was his name? Rockwell? Ah, it doesn't really matter. All that matters is that my drink tastes particularly good tonight!"

"Man thinks he's some sort of hero! Not the least bit of tact and sense in him! Don't you think so, Madam Kaguya?"

"Hm..." Kaguya pretended to give it some thought, "I can't say I see the humor in it."

"Don't you think it's funny to see someone try so hard for someone they don't even know?"

"I'm afraid I don't know most people here all that well either." Momo shrugged, "You included."

"Isn't it entertaining to see someone try so hard to look good for no reason?"

"Oh, I don't know." Helena smiled, "I can't say I wasn't entertained but I don't see the value in poking fun at good intentions."

"He tried to make an enemy out of everyone here! He looked down on everyone of us!"

"Roko didn't do it to satisfy himself. He didn't do it to save someone either. He did it because it was the right thing to do." Corissa replied, "Perhaps you two could learn something from him. Good night."

And with that, Corissa left the two wordless nobles.

Over in a corner of the room, the maid sat there in a depressive mood. The mockery was no longer aimed at her but she couldn't feel comfortable at hearing it aimed at the man who helped her either. It didn't feel right to enjoy the party anymore either. But she couldn't bring herself to leave. After all her friends and family did to prepare her for this party, it would break her heart to leave early even if she couldn't find any enjoyment either.

"AH, I'm tired!"

The maid jumped as Helena plopped herself down on the seat next to her.

"Man, the food table's already been raided to hell and back." Helena sighed, "Who's eating all the food?"

"I think Roko's to blame for that." Melia smiled as she sat down next to her friend.

"Damn. Next time I see him, I'm gonna have to ask him to stop eating everything and save some food for me." Helena smirked before she turned to the maid beside her, "Hey! How you doing?"

"I-I-I'm..." The maid stuttered, "I'm...fine."

"You're the talk of the party aren't you?"


"She was the talk of the party." Kaguya smiled as she walked up to them, "Then someone stole her thunder."

"Roko can do anything but have a normal conversation." Momo chuckled as she joined them, "What are we going to do with him?"

"We all have our weaknesses." Corissa giggled as she arrived as well.

The maid looked around, confused and somewhat frightened by the friendly faces around her. Corissa gave the poor girl a charming smile and asked,

"What's you name?"

"I...I'm K-K-Kitt..." The maid's voice trailed off shyly as she looked down, too anxious to look anybody in the face.

"Nice to meet you Kitt!" Helena grinned, "Having a good time tonight?"


"Don't mind everyone else talking." Melia said, "They're just drunk."

"Was there alcohol out?" Kitt blinked.

"Drunk on the party atmosphere." Momo chuckled, "Honestly, everything's a bit too grand for my liking."

"And too stiff." Helena stretched her arms, "Ahhh, I'm hungry. Wonder when they're going to bring out the main dishes."

"Probably soon." Kaguya said, "The night's still pretty young."

"Would you like to chat with us while we wait?" Corissa smiled at Kitt, "Just to pass the time."

"O-Okay!" Kitt cried, "I'd be happy to!"

From his platform above all the others, Distol watched the party unfold. He hadn't anticipated to have so many people attend his party but the more people there were, the better. With all these people fed well and the night about to cross into midnight, it was time for the main event.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Distol announced, "If I may have your attention please!"

The talking all around the room suddenly died down as everybody gathered in front of the platform where their host had not moved at all.

"The night has only just begun and I find I must apologize to you all for not mingling with such wonderful guests myself. I'm afraid neither me nor my father had much of a social disposition. Still, it is my hope to properly send off my father with all the respect he was due. These flowers on your wrists were a discovery I made after several months of research. Discovery, cultivation and experimentation. These flowers that look like Paradisea, I call them..."

All of a sudden, roots sprouted out from everyone's corsages wrapping around their arms, embedding the tips into their limb and digging underneath their skins. Screams erupted from the crowd as everyone began to feel their life draining from their bodies.

"Parasidea." Distol said as he watched his work unfold, "Sorry, but your lives will be forfeit for a greater purpose."

All the party attendants were laid across the ground, struggling to move as they grew weaker by the second. Even Corissa's group could barely keep themselves propped up by their arms as the flowers drained their energy.

"Oh no." Helena grimaced, "Looks like Roko was right all along."

"Not that that's surprising now is it?" Kaguya smiled weakly, "Still, what can we do?"

"It's a good thing we somewhat anticipated this then didn't we?" Helena said with a sly smile, "I'm sure Roko already has a plan now! Right Roko?!"

"Oh no..." Helena gasped, "Roko got kicked out. I forgot."

"How'd you forget?" Kaguya frowned.

"We need to do something." Corissa yelped as she struggled to stay up, "Everyone's going to die at this rate!"


Everyone looked up as Momo struggled to her feet, red light surrounding her body. She didn't seem wholly unaffected by the effects of the Parasidea but she was strong enough to grab onto these roots around her arm and try tugging them off. Try as she might though, the roots refused to budge. Trying to remove the flower directly didn't result in anything. It seemed pretty strongly attached and it draining her strength probably didn't help either.

"We can still cast spells?!" Helena cried, "Hold on! Ice!"

A layer of frost appeared over the flower but just as easily disappeared under the flower's draining aura.

"Dammit, this never works!" Helena scowled.

"Huff...huff..." Momo looked down at the Parasidea, trying her best to think of a plan, "...Rally."

Power surged into each of her friends, giving them enough strength to pick themselves up again, though they were losing strength again just as quickly.

"Get everyone out of here." Momo said, "Maybe the effects will be weaker if we get away. Maybe we can find someone to get rid of them outside."

"What are you going to do?" Kaguya asked.

"...Someone has to tackle the problem head on." Momo fixated her glare at Distol who watched her with a cold stare of his own.

"You want to fight him?!" Helena cried.

"He's not going to let us just leave now is he?" Momo scowled.

"What makes you think you can leave in the first place?" Distol scoffed.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!! Somebody! Somebody help, this girl! She's-"

The scream drew everyone's eyes to one guest in particular. One guest convulsing on the ground, two Parasidea flowers on her hands and both draining her of her life rapidly.

"Kitt!" Corissa, Helena, Melia and Kaguya quickly rushed over to their friend.

The four tried desperately to remove the roots but succeeded no better than their attempts to remove their own parasitic flowers.

"Oh no." Corissa yelped, "Oh no, ohno, ohno. We have to do something, quick!"

Momo gritted her teeth and lunged at Distol, leaping straight up to try and attack the mastermind directly. But just as she was about close enough to grab onto him, something crashed down in front of her and sent her flying away again. Momo's friends cried out in shock and rushed to see if she was okay but Momo was already pushing herself back up to glare at the man standing in between her and Distol. An old man. The elderly butler that had kicked Roko out of the party was now standing in front of Distol, his hands now equipped with gold steel gauntlets that had left a bit of a sore spot on Momo's cheek.

"Apologies." The butler said as he straightened up, politely holding his hands behind his back, "But please stay there and allow your lives to be given up."

"The staff is in on this too?" Helena moaned, "This can never be easy can it?"

"Heh. That's just fine by me." Momo grimaced as she stood up, "I'm better at fighting humans than I am at plants."

"Quite the bravado for someone who's getting their life drained." The elderly butler mused, "But I'm afraid I can't allow you to interfere."

"I may be losing strength, but you don't look all that young yourself."

"Hmph. Perhaps I should leave this to the youngins then." The butler raised one metal fist and snapped his fingers.

From the shadows leaped out two more people, a pair of butlers arriving in similar uniforms and near identical faces but with seemingly different temperaments.

"Good evening." The one carrying a large broadsword pushed up his glasses, "I am Joseph. I'll be your opponent this evening."

"I'm Jeremy." The other snarled as he hefted a three sectioned staff on his shoulder, "This won't be much of a fight but I'm still not going to be holding back."

"...Let me guess." Momo said, "Twins?"

"No, Joseph here's about a year older than me." Jeremy scowled.

"Well." Momo grimaced, "Doesn't seem fair when you two have a weapon and I don't but I'll win regardless."

"Missus, I think the weapons are the least of your problems." Jeremy scoffed.

"Whatever." Momo cracked her knuckles, "Which one of you are going to be first?"

"First?" Joseph said, "I'm afraid we won't be taking turns, ma'am. What fools do you take us for?"

"Oh..." Momo blinked, "Great."

The two butlers charged at Momo as she quietly applied stronger enhancements on herself. With the Parasidea draining her energy, her magic abilities were limited and firing lightning bolts that could miss could easily drain her storage. So Momo raised her fists though she had only been briefly trained in combat with them. Nothing quite as graceful as anything she could do with a proper sword but she'll make do.

First was Jeremy who swung down with his staff. Momo reinforced the defensive magic on her arms and caught the staff with her hands. Normally she wouldn't even need to use reinforcement magic to stop the attack but now she was struggling to hold the attack back. Momo scowled and pulled the staff to the side, aiming to throw a kick into the butler's side when she noticed the other brother flanking her from the side, ready to slash her with his sword. Momo twisted the staff up and over her body, using it to block the attack. Joseph levered the broadsword under the staff and swung up, throwing both Momo and his own brother back as he forced them upwards. Without missing a beat, Joseph closed the distance between him and Momo, swinging his sword back to slash as Momo was recovering. If she wasn't being drained, Momo could have reacted to the attack to either block or dodge but as it stood, she couldn't even prepare a protect or haste spell in time. For a moment, Momo could only see herself getting slashed until,


Joseph's sword retreated and blocked a blast of ice from across the room. Joseph flung the ice off his weapon as he turned to glare at Helena who held her aim at the butler fearlessly.

"We're not going to just let you gang up on Momo like that!" Helena cried.

"Helena, no!" Momo yelped as Joseph turned towards her friends.

Momo tried to jump in front of Joseph but Jeremy was quicker, swinging in front of her and pointing his staff at her to hold her at bay. Momo struggled to get around Jeremy, left to only watch as his brother closed in and prepared to swing his sword down on her friends.

"Now Melia!"


The ground in front of Helena suddenly erupted upward, catching Joseph's sword mid-swing and trapping it in the middle of a thick slab of dirt.

"Gotcha!" Helena crowed, "Don't underestimate us just cause we don't know how to use a sword! That includes Momo!"

"My apologies." Momo smiled, relieved.

Joseph looked at his trapped sword and began to slowly pull it out. Helena jumped on top the wall of earth and pointed her finger down at the butler, "Going somewhere?!"

Helena shouted out her ice spell but Joseph quickly retreated as the ice froze over the sword handle, leaving it difficult to access.

"Ha hah! Try fighting us now!" Helena cried as she continued to aim at Joseph.

"Where does she get the energy?" Melia mumbled, "Like, seriously this time. Where is it coming from?"

Joseph stood up, fixed his collar, tightened his gloves and snapped his fingers. His sword teleported out of the stone slab and stabbed into the ground next to him. He smashed the ice with one punch and pulled his sword out of the ground.

"Nobody told me he could do that!" Helena yelped.

"Any other bright ideas, Helena?!" Melia cried.

"Just shoot him!"

Helena and Melia began to fire their respective spells at the butler who danced around their attacks, never getting hit but unable to get close.

"You're going to run out of magic very quickly like that!" Kaguya said.

"Well we can't just leave Momo to fight two of them at once!" Helena yelled back.

"Calm down." Kaguya said as she crawled over to them, "You can use your magic to create a difficult terrain for him to approach."

"Oh! That's true!" Helena cried, "Melia!"

"About that." Melia grimaced, "I'm a geomancer, not a lithomancer!"

"What's the difference?" Corissa asked.

"Geomancers manipulate existing earth and lithomancers create earth." Kaguya explained, "Stronger terramancers can do both, naturally, but most practitioners tend to fall into one or the other at the beginning."

"Yeah and there's not a lot of earth for me to manipulate here!" Melia called, "We're several meters above ground level and there's not a lot of natural earth on his party floor! I have to create these rocks I'm shooting and they're not very big, you'll notice!"

"What determines which type you are?" Corissa asked.

"Is this really the time?!" Melia cried.

"Sorry!" Corissa yelped.

"It depends on which type of magic you're drawing from." Kaguya explained, "There's magic that you generate and magic generated from your environment. Geomancers manipulate the natural magic while lithomancers create the earth using their own magic."

"Oh. Okay."

Corissa stayed timidly back, unsure of how she could help. She didn't know how to fight and she didn't know any magic. Well...she knew one spell, the problem was using it. But perhaps from what she's learned…

Where does my power come from? Corissa thought as she closed her eyes. From outside or from within?

She reached out to the world for any sort of magic familiar to her. She looked deep inside herself for the source of her magic. It was a bit of a mess and she knew she wasn't doing it properly while the Parasidea was draining her but Corissa tried to focus. Trying to find something. She didn't what she was looking for she just need something. And when she thought she found it, she whispered it.
