
Roko woke up in what he could only assume was an elf infirmary. The most surprising thing was how well he was feeling. I mean he still felt like his stomach had caved in somewhat and his body ached enough that he couldn't bear to move too drastically but there was no sharp or persistent pain eating at him. And the fact that he was still alive and in this infirmary meant that everything turned out fine...right?

All at once, Roko's anxiety brought out the sharp and persistent pain he had been missing but now he could no longer rest. He pushed his aching body up, the arm whose shoulder had once been pierced by an arrow gave out a few time underneath his weight but eventually, Roko pulled himself up and threw himself towards the side of the bed, grabbing onto the curtain as he steadied himself again.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Roko, stay in bed!"

Roko recognized the cheerful voice coming from the bed next to him. Throwing the curtain aside, Roko could see Corissa lying on the bed next to him, a cheery smile on her face.

"Good morning, Roko!" Corissa beamed, "We're in recovery!"

"...I noticed." Roko sighed as he settled back down in bed, "What's the situation?"

"There is no situation! Waur is dead!"

"The orc leader then?" Roko sighed, "Who killed him? It wasn't me."

"It was Varis!"

"Oh. Good."

" don't sound happy."

"Do you know how much trouble could have been avoided if you had just kept Varis by your side then?"

"B-But we had to hold back the orcs! They were invading!"

"I know but do you know exactly how many times a serious battle could have been easily resolved if you had just kept Varis with you?! All of this could have been avoided!"

"But...but I wanted to help."

"Nevermind." Roko sighed again, "Do you know what the state of the city is right now?"

"Well they're rebuilding. It's been a few days since the attack so there hasn't been much progress but there's been a concerted effort to recover."

"Where are the dark elves that helped me?"

"From what I hear, they've been allowed to live in your home for the moment. Mikado and Kaguya's spared no effort making them feel comfortable and safe while they're here. They were told they were free to leave not long after the battle but they actually stuck around and have been helping with the recovery efforts."

"Who convinced them to do that?"

"Is is too hard to believe that they offered to do this themselves?"


"Well." Corissa giggled, "Kaguya and Helena might've have some inspirational words with them regarding you."

"Do I want to know what that means?"

"Nothing harmful, I assure you. Also Momo defeated the giant tentacle monster all by herself if you're curious."

"I didn't even know there was a giant tentacle monster."

"Really? It was that mean old orc's pet."

"I knew about the monsters being the orc's pets but I didn't know there was a giant one."

"Well it was a pretty tough kill. Apparently they were still fighting after Waur was killed."

"How are the other princesses?"

"The other girls had only suffered minor injuries so they were let go after a quick check up. Except for Momo. She was in a much worse shape but it was mostly fatigue so she was let go after a day or two of rest."

"How are you?"

"Me?!" Corissa grinned, "I'm fine!"

"Then why aren't you out?"

"Oh, well...I might've gotten hit pretty hard by the orc leader."

"You were handled even worse than that afterward."

"What do you mean?"

"Nevermind. If you don't know, you don't need to know."

Corissa giggled.

"What?" Roko asked, annoyed.

"No, it's just...did I do good?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, look! I'm no longer on the side watching you recover! I'm in a hospital bed just like you! Did I do good?! Did I fight as hard as you've always been?!"

"What are you, a masochist?"

"What's that?"

"Heyo, everybody!" The door burst open as Helena, Momo, Kaguya all filed into the room, "We heard you're awake so we're here to party!"

"How'd you even know I was awake?!" Roko frowned as everyone began piling stuff on and around his bed, "I just woke up!"

"Roko at this point, you really should stop asking us why we know things." Helena smirked, "But this one time, we have an actual explanation."

With a bark, a dog appeared on Roko's lap, happily wagging his tail.

"Klaus!" Roko said as he began petting the blink dog, "Have you been doing well without me, boy?"

"Wait, his name is Klaus?" Helena blinked, "I thought his name was Shadow."

"He doesn't like that name so I gave him a new one."

"Huh. Well, Klaus, you want a chocolate chip cookie?"

"Dogs can't eat chocolate." Roko said as he pulled Klaus' nose away from the cookie.

"No fair, I want to pet the doggo too!" Corissa yelped, "Klaus, come here!"

Corissa reached her arms out to the dog who snorted and turned away from her.

"Klaus, I have to have a discussion with the other girls so go play with Corissa for a moment okay?"

Klaus seemed to roll his eyes at Roko's orders but obediently teleported to Corissa's lap who gleefully began spoiling the dog with head scratches and belly rubs.

"Need an update Roko?" Helena grinned as she sat down on a chair next to his bed, taking out peach to munch on, "But first, we have a present for you!"

"A present?" Roko frowned, "What is it?"

"Here you go!" Helena shoved a small thing box into Roko's hands.

Opening the box, Roko found a new pair of glasses, tastefully crafted with ornate details.

"Your old pair of glasses got broken when the big mean orc stepped on you so we got you a new pair!" Helena grinned, "Try em out!"

"Thanks but I was kinda hoping the poison damage I suffered all the way back in Paramnesia would've worn off by now." Roko said as he tried on the glasses, "Guess I still need these..."

"I still say you got off easy." Kaguya sighed, "These glasses were custom made and slightly enchanted. They won't cast magic for you but it should stay on your face more easily, automatically adjust to any changes in your vision and even tint a few shades darker when exposed to harsh light."

"That's more that what my old glasses did." Roko shrugged, "Thanks, all of you."

"So you said you had some questions?" Momo asked.

"What was Corissa's condition when she was recovered?" Roko asked in a slightly hushed voice.

"Condition? You mean aside from injured and tired?" Momo scratched her head.

"I'm not sure if any of you are aware but that orc I fought was very keen on...having his way with Corissa."

"Ooohhh, gotcha." Helena nodded, "Yeah, when we found Corissa, her clothes had been torn apart and she was almost fully naked. It was quite a sight. You want to see? I got pictures."

"There's no way you got pictures." Roko retorted.

"Darn. Thought I could get you for a moment." Helena chuckled as she put her phone back down, "Anyway, don't worry about it. Doctors say she didn't suffer any further trauma so it couldn't have gone much farther."

"That's good."

"All thanks to you, Roko!" Momo slapped Roko on the unwounded shoulder, "Nice job getting here in time! You're a real hero!"

"I didn't do anything." Roko scowled, "I couldn't even stop that orc."

"Hey now, Roko." Helena said, "You knew you couldn't beat Waur. That's why you sent for Varis. So your goal was just to stall for time and guess what? You did just that!"

"Everything worked out but if it didn't...if I could've defeat him..."

"Roko, the elf queen herself couldn't beat Waur." Kaguya sighed, "There's no shame in losing to someone like that."

"Speaking of the elf queen, how is she?" Roko asked.

"Rivera's recovering but at this point, it's mostly her pride that's recovering." Helena shrugged, "She got the best medicine in the city so it's no surprise she's fine but she certainly doesn't look like she's recovered mentally from that fight."

"Not that most people could tell. She's doing her best to hide it from her citizens." Momo sighed, "She would've won if not for that big monster but I can understand her frustrations."

"Speaking of that monster, I need to talk to the queen about that soon. Among other things."

"We figured you might want to. That's why we haven't said much on them." Helena nodded.

"Why? You didn't have to wait on me, just go tell her."

"But who knows more about these monsters than you?"

"Tch." Roko frowned, "How have the dark elves that helped me been doing?"

"That's one for Kaguya."Helena shrugged, "Kagu?"

"Hmm...well they're alive." Kaguya nodded, "They've taken our advice for fitting in which is to become too indispensable to afford discarding but they've still faced their own sorts of prejudice and dangers. Of course, me and Mikado have taken it upon ourselves to make sure everything's been going smoothly on both sides but it's not a simple fight."

"We've got the knights looking after them right now." Helena said, "Well. All except for Roland. He's been trying to hit on Reaumur."

"Wait, so what's Roland's been doing?" Roko frowned.

"Flirting with normal elves. Been trying to go with that savior of the city title but you remember how I said elves don't really see us as potential mates?"

"Damn. That was his whole reason for coming here."

"I know!" Helena laughed loudly, "He's still in denial!"

"Careful, he might succeed one of these days." Momo chuckled.

"Hey, if he succeeds he deserves it at this rate." Helena shrugged, "I'm not gonna stop him."

"What happened to the body of the orc?" Roko thought to ask, "You said his name was Waur?"

"Can't answer that." Helena held up her hands, "Don't get me wrong, I'd love to but we just don't know."

"Chances are Rivera's taken them but what they're doing with him is impossible to find out." Kaguya added, "Even if we ask nicely."

"Great." Roko rubbed his eyes, "Add that to the laundry list of questions we're going to have to have next time we meet."

"Yeah, the queen's actually been pretty keen on having a talk with you once you're fully healed." Momo said, "Hard to tell what she wants exactly under all that stress but I get the distinct feeling it won't all be pleasant."

"She hardly seems like a pleasant conversationalist to begin with."

"Oh, I don't know." Kaguya smiled, "I think the queen might have a soft side."

"Was it that soft side that sent me into the woods on a trial?"

"Yeah we need to talk about that." Helena bolted up on her seat, "What exactly happened? How'd you befriend some dark elves?"

"It's not that exciting a story." Roko sighed.

"We'll be the judge of that."

"Alright then."

"Wait, I want to listen too! Klaus go over to Roko for a moment!"

After another day or two of rest, Roko was feeling well enough to immediately head to the throne room as per the queen's request. Upon entering the throne room, Roko could see the elven queen sitting on her throne, her brow furrowed and head resting pensively on one of her hands. Like the girls had warned, she looked in no way happy nor did her temperament show any hint of improving. Well, their conversation topics weren't going to improve anyone's mood so might as well get it over with.

"Good afternoon, Queen Rivera." Roko approached her cautiously.

"Roko." The queen heaved one more sigh before she bothered to look up at him, "I'm glad to see you're well. We have much to discuss."

"Indeed we do. How shall we start? Shall we take turns?"

"Turns?" Rivera raised an eyebrow.

"I'll start. How have the dark elves that accompanied me been treated thus far?"

"Right into that one huh?" Rivera rubbed her temple, "Your...friends have been fine. There were tensions but your human friends have done their part in mitigating it. There's no longer any open hostility from our people though I can't promise that it'll last."

"That's what I've been told as well, but for what it's worth, I want to hear you give your promise that harm will not come to them during their stay here."

Rivera's eyes narrowed as she glared at Roko, "You want me to give them protection? I figured your friends were doing that well enough on their own."

"There's a difference between a group of humans harboring some helpful dark elves and an endorsement from the queen herself." Roko replied, "Of course, I'm not going to make you do anything specific nor try to force you or any other elves to take any action. I just want your verbal acknowledgment."

Rivera considered his words with a suspicious look in her eyes, "So you just want me to declare that the dark elves are under my protection?"

"Declare it to me." Roko clarified, "And I don't need you to say that you are protecting them. Only that violence and mistreatment will not be tolerated."

Rivera took a moment longer to consider but as she did, a slight smile began forming on her face, "So all you want is the ability to say that I advocate for fair treatment for the dark elves so you can repel any aggression from the elves?"

"Hopefully I won't need it." Roko shrugged, "But it should be pretty good deterrent."

"...Hmph. Of all the things you start with, you start with this?" Rivera smiled, "Very well, your dark elf friends have been nothing but helpful so I'd be happy to oblige."

River stood up and declared to no one else in particular in the room, "So long as the dark elves remain allies to my city and her people, I will not stand for mistreatment to them. Will that do?"

"That'll do." Roko nodded.

Rivera sat back down on her throne with a less heavy sigh.

"Now it's your turn." Roko said.

"Oh. Hmm..." Rivera thought about it for a moment, "I think the most pressing issue is the orc raid we just suffered."

"I tried my best to help but I'm afraid I didn't amount to much." Roko shrugged.

"Nonsense, I've seen records of your fight."

"There were records?" Roko scowled.

"Of course. We were in the middle of a commercial district. There were cameras. We're still in the middle of consolidating all the footage."

"Great..." Roko growled.

"That's why I must know." Rivera's eyes narrowed down on Roko, "How are you casting MY magic?"

Roko sighed. The queen's eyes bore down on him suspiciously, almost accusatory but Roko had been expecting this level of hostility. Fortunately, Roko's already prepared for this.

"I would tell you." Roko replied, "But as per our agreement, I'm free to keep this secret until I'm fully confident in the results of my research."

"You wish to hide this from me?"

"I've promised to give you the full extent of my research but only once I've reached a satisfactory conclusion." Roko repeated, "This was my condition in exchange for undergoing the hero's trial."

Rivera sat back on her throne, glaring at Roko with unmitigated suspicion, "You're saying there's more to research after...replicating my magic successfully?"

"There is. And I will explain it to you once I've made sense of it myself."

"...Alright then." Rivera said almost playfully, "Then let us discuss your trial itself."

"...What part?" Roko frowned.

"How about the part where you allied with dark elves?"

"I saved them, they returned the favor." Roko shrugged, "What next, are you going to complain I got a blink dog to follow me around?"

"No, but I am questioning how to treat your trial after receiving so much help."

"Treat it however you like, I'm still not talking." Roko crossed his arms, "My agreement was that I'd undergo the trial, not necessarily succeed it."

"Tch. Are you sure you're not secretly a prince or a son of a bureaucrat somewhere?"

"Hardly. If you're done trying to dupe me, can I have my turn now? It has to do with the hero's trial."

"What is it?" Rivera asked.

"During my trial, specifically once I had placed my Sanctuary Lily on Lady Brea's grave, I was interrupted by the appearance of an orc and it's monstrous pet."

"Yes, I've been told as such from your dark elf friends." Rivera nodded, "It's how you became aware of the invasion and immediately made your way back."

"As I'm sure you're aware, these tentacle monsters have the ability to eat magic."

"Yes, it's made a mess of the magical bindings around the forest." Rivera rubbed her eyes, "It's going to take centuries to rebuild the network."

"There is a greater concern regarding these monsters." Roko continued, "And that is that they have a tendency to explode in population. I've seen them leave a forest utterly extinct of other animals and all they need to propagate is to convert dead matter such as corpses."

"Do they now?" Rivera frowned.

"Please refer to Zadkiel for more details." Roko said, "However, this raises an alarming concern regarding the grave of Brea."

"Oh no..." Rivera's eyes grew tired as she realized what Roko was about to say.

"Given this information, I believe it's important to relocate Brea's grave." Roko said regardless, "As well as begin a campaign of killing these creatures on sight before they can establish a foothold in this forest."

Rivera breathed the heaviest sigh Roko had seen yet, covering her face with her hands before replying, "I agree with your campaign to cull these monsters but moving the entire grave?"

"These monsters eat corpses. If they could be taught to eat magic, what would happen if they ate the corpse of a powerful mage like Brea?"

"I don't even have to imagine. The thought of those monsters exhuming Lady Brea's corpse alone is horrifyingly insulting as it is." Rivera sighed again, "I'm inclined to agree with you but understand this is an elaborate operation you're proposing. Moving the grave of a hero is not a simple task both logistically and in the eyes of the people."

"If it was possible to just hide the grave using spatial magic, I would suggest that." Roko nodded, just as tired as the queen was, "However if these things can eat through magic, they would be to eat through any magical enchantments we devise. Therefore our safest option is to change the physical location."

"Mmhm..." Rivera nodded her head looking slightly more pale and sickly than when Roko first walked in, "Perhaps if we could raid the orc's base we could remove their supply of monsters but we don't know where that is."

"I...I might actually have something that could help." Roko realized.

"Really?!" Rivera bolted up in her seat as Roko reached into his pocket.

"I got this piece of paper off the orc I killed." Roko explained, "It's utterly unintelligible to me but maybe you can figure it out?"

"Let me see that!" River said as she used wind magic to float the piece of paper over to her. Once it was in her hands, she studied it furiously but Roko couldn't tell if she actually understood anything until she sighed and spoke up, "No, this is unintelligible to me too. I'll get some researchers to look over it though. This has potential."

"I hope it does help." Roko nodded, "Killing the monsters at the source would certainly help even if I don't know if it'll actually stop them. I still insist our previous precautions be considered. Though should you find their base, I want to join the raid as well."

"You want to raid the orc camp?" Rivera raised an eyebrow, "Why?"

"Aside from helping out whatever humans might still be there and killing all of those eldritch monsters..." Roko sighed, "There are some details that I'm privy to that I might notice."

"More secrets?"

"I'll tell you if I find anything."

"Hm. Fair." Rivera nodded, looking slightly better than before "Then is there anything else we have to touch on before I...get back to work?"

"Did I pass the hero's trial or not?" Roko asked, "This has no effect on my agreement but it does effect whenever or not I can get into those forbidden archives."

"Ah...yes. That was what this was all about." Rivera said, "...I have trouble finding fault with your run. You've completed it faster than anybody before you in only a week so-"

"Wait, I was out there for a week?!" Roko cried, "I could swear I out there for like four days at most!"

"The forest has that kind of discombobulating effect on people." River nodded, "You completed it quick and not even with the most help in the trial's history. What's even more, you discovered a plot against us and ran right back to help out. I would be out of my mind to claim you failed the trial. So yes. You succeeded and have my permission to access the archives. I'll inform Branch but it might take a few days for you to actually be allowed in given our...situation."

"Ah. I suppose that's true."

"I'll try and have the information you want gathered up in about three days time. You should be allowed in after that."

"That seems pretty quick. Are you sure you don't want me to help out with rebuilding instead?"

"Hmph. As much we could use all the hands we can get, I'm quite interested in where your research will lead you. So I'd like for you to focus on that for the time being."

"But to be clear, it isn't my magic you're interested in." Roko remarked, "It's Corissa's isn't it?"

"...I've seen the power of holy for myself now. And while it's quite minuscule in power, I can sense how much of an...aberration it is. But I can also see how powerful and useful it could be if it was mastered in the hands of someone like Corissa."

"So you want me to help her out."

"I believe you were the one who wanted to help her out?"

"Technically it was her parents who wanted me to help her and I'm just obliging." Roko shrugged, "But I'll see what I can do."

"Good. Because after all that's happened, I feel like we might need a power like holy again soon."