Burning Bolide

It was early one morning when a knock came at Roko's door.

 "Come in."

 "Whoa, Roko, you're awake!" Helena grinned as she opened the door with a tray with soup in her hand, "Only took you two days this time! Seems like you lucked out!"

 "Well..." Roko sighed, "I can only sleep for so long so many times in a row. Still feel tired though."

 "Well maybe next time we can go on a nice vacation." Helena said as she set the soup down on a table, "Here's some breakfast. You can come down if you want some more."

 "Thanks. I'll eat it in a bit."

 "Oh, I see you've started a fire." Helena said as Roko tossed some more papers into the burning fireplace, "It was pretty cold last night but I figured that was just me and that stupid side effect. So you were cold too Roko?"

 "No. I'm just getting rid of something."

 "Oh really? What's that?"

 "...Just some papers."

 "Wait, is that your RESEARCH?!" Helena cried as Roko began to toss more books and papers into the fire, "You spent almost a week collecting those! Without sleep!"

 "I know." Roko said, "I had the chance to read what I wrote."

 "And?" Helena asked, "What did you find out?"

 Roko took a deep sigh, "Disgusting."


 "The ideas and studies that I wrote down were abhorrent. I didn't like reading them, much less ever consider using them. And it's too dangerous to risk anyone else learning from it so this really is the best thing to do with them." Roko scowled as he looked down at the last and largest research notebook in his hand and tossed it into the fire.

 "Is it really that bad?" Helena frowned, "You put a lot of work into all that..."

 "I know what I did." Roko replied, "And I know what I'm doing now."

 "Well damn." Helena shrugged, "I was looking forward to a copy of that book once you were done."

 "Well it's gone now." Roko said as he picked up the soup and began to drink some of it, "Can't remember all of it even if I wanted to."

 "Can you tell me anything about it at all?"

 "I'd rather not." Roko scoffed, "But I can say that these so called tactics I came up with were way too sacrificial."

 "Of yourself or us?"

 "All of you."

 "Oh." Helena blinked, "I mean...thanks for looking out for us and all but...given how things often play out in your plans already you probably could afford to endanger us a bit more."

 "Are you suicidal?"

 "Are you?"



 "...What are we doing today?" Roko sighed as continued to eat his soup.

 "Today the dark elves are coming back."

 "They were gone?"

 "See, this is what happens when you just work all the time."

 "Alright, I get it!" Roko scowled, "Just tell me why they left!"

 "Romer woke up before you and was deeply concerned with what happened in the raid so he left with Drift and company to talk with their leaders."

 "I'm surprised they're coming back."

 "Oh, Romer said he was definitely coming back as he was sure Rivera was just as concerned about all this as he was."

 "Turns out all you need for two opposing factions to get along is a mutual enemy."

 "You talking about the orcs or the monsters?"


 "Hehehe." Helena giggled, "Let's not forget what we've done here. I'm sure none of this would have taken off if not for you bridging everything."

 "Who are you talking about? Can't be me, the one who completely ignored them after they arrived due to work."

 "Hey, the fact that they're still friends with you should be a testament to how strong an impression you made on them."

 "If anyone's made an impression it's you guys."

 "Okay, why don't we ask the dark elves then? We can go right now."

 "Let's not and say we did."

 After gathering together, Brook arrived to bring them to the castle.

 "You're going to be needed soon anyway." Was what she said.

 When they arrived outside the throne room, Brook told them to wait for a bit as she entered the throne room herself. With nothing left to do, they simply waited around for them to be called. And it was nearly half an hour later that they were finally called inside.

 Inside the throne room was Rivera sitting atop her throne and Romer not far away from her still speaking with the queen. Ohm, Reaumur and Drift were all standing behind the general though they seemed to be more concerned with their aching legs than any of their conversations. When Brook brought the humans into this room, the trio brightened up and offered their hushed greetings as everyone gathered together in front of the queen.

 "You're deeply involved now." Rivera said, "You of all people cannot run away from this anymore. Are you prepared for what that entails?"

 "A soldier's duty is to be the first shield for their people." Romer said as he looked down at the magic phone in his hands, "Their leaders are the second. This is nothing new for me. So long as I can hold a sword, I'll continue with my duty."

 "Very good." Rivera nodded, "Then let us protect our forest together."

 "Getting along now?" Helena grinned, "Glad to see two old enemies putting their differences aside!"

 "Well our hands are a bit tied at the moment." Rivera sighed, "Not to say we're not getting along but...let's just say that we don't mind the forces pressing us to work together."

 "Are these forces named Zadkiel by chance?" Roko asked.

 "That is one of them." Rivera massaged her temple, "One of the louder and more annoying ones."

 "Haven't met this man myself." Romer added, "Nor even talked to him. From Rivera's reaction, I'm not sure if I want to."

 "If you do, I recommend not calling her a man."

 "Oh. Okay?" Romer looked confused.

 "Regardless." Rivera sighed, "Our next point of discussion is regarding you humans."

 "Need something done again?" Helena asked, "Or did you find out some new stuff about the orcs and monsters?"

 "No, that business has been thoroughly sorted." Rivera explained, "There's still a bit more information we have to gather but outside of that, we're free to refocus our efforts. A very impressive outcome all things considered. The monsters have been ousted and we didn't even lose a single soldier."

 "Wait, we didn't lose a single elven soldier?" Roko frowned, "How?!"

 "Turns out those monsters may be good at eating magic but they're not as good chewing through armor." Romer smirked.

 "Seriously?!" Roko cried.

 "Maybe you should start wearing armor, Roko." Helena giggled.

 "Maybe YOU should." Roko scowled.

 "There's still a monumental amount of psychological trauma that my soldiers have gained." Rivera sighed, "A strange predicament but early signs are that they can be dealt with by therapy."

 "So it's a trade-up." Kaguya smiled, "We may have suffered more physical trauma but we're pretty free of mental trauma."

 "Kind of rude thing to say, Kaguya." Momo said.

 "Yes, I suppose not all of us were quite free of mental trauma. Right Roko?"

 "Leave me alone." Roko growled.

 "If you're quite done, I'll leave it to Romer to explain his proposition." Rivera said, "This has little to do with me after all."

 "Thank you, queen." Romer nodded as he turned to Roko's group, "Humans! You've done exceptional work in the past month, from our first contact with each other to the rebuilding of the elven city to your efforts in the raid. While the elves have surely showered you with praise and thanks, the dark elves would like to offer our own humble thanks. You've done nothing but the impossible since we first met and now that the vast majority of our problems are behind us, we, the dark elves, would like to extend an invitation to you to visit our village."

 "You want us to come visit your home?!" Helena gasped, excited.

 "Yes." Romer smiled, "No pending business either, the council and Polaris just wish to meet you for themselves. Think of it as a cultural exchange."

 "We'd love to have you visit our home!" Reaumur added enthusiastically, "We've done a lot together but we've never really had the chance to just hang out!"

 "You'd be guests of honor for sure!" Ohm grinned, "You're already kind of well known in our village already!"

 "We've already made some preparations for your stay." Drift nodded, "Of course, in the end it's your choice if you wish to come or not."

 "Well, I'm convinced." Helena smiled, "What about you Roko?"

 "I see no reason not to." Roko replied.

 "Yay!" The three dark elves gave high fived each other once they heard Roko's agreement.

 "Then I suppose this is where we part." Brook said, "I know you're not going to be staying there all the time but I hope you'll check up on us once in a while."

 "Actually, Brook." Rivera spoke up, "Why don't you go with them?"

 "What? Why?" Brook looked confused, "The humans can take care of themselves and I still have work to do here."

 "I'll handle it myself." Rivera said, "Go with them to the dark elf village. Trust me."

 "O...kay…?" Brook looked a bit skeptical but made no further comment.

 "I assume this is okay, Romer?" Rivera continued, "I'm leaving my daughter in your hands, general."

 "I'll be sure to take exceptional care of her, queen." Romer bowed.

 "Very good. I'll have the carriages prepared by tomorrow morning. Take the rest of the day to prepare for your trip. This is a hard won vacation for you humans. I expect you to act appropriately."

 "Yes mom."

 "I am not your mother."

 The humans were immersed with chatter as they made their way back to the lodge. As their group walked in, Treesa was there to greet them as she was sweeping the floors.

 "Hello everyone!" Treesa chirped, "Are we all having lunch here today?"

 "I'll do the cooking this time, Treesa." Corissa smiled, "Please don't worry about it."

 "Oh? What's the occasion this time?" Treesa asked.

 "We're just going to be on a little trip for a while." Helena explained.

 "Really? To where?"

 "The dark elves' village." Roko said.

 An awkward chill fell upon the room. Helena had made a token attempt at dancing around the topic but Roko simply presented the situation unceremoniously to the xenophobic elf. Everyone watched anxiously for Treesa's reaction and at present, the elf didn't seem happy by the news. She didn't exhibit any severe reaction but it was clear she was not taking the news well, her breathing becoming irregular. The group waited silently, anticipating some sort of response from Treesa, After a brief moment, Treesa looked up at them with a calm smile.

 "Roko...I have a favor to ask of you."

 "We all know each other here." Roko replied, "Just tell me what it is."

 "I...want to come with you."

 "What?!" Everyone aside from Roko gasped in shock and looked at each other, unsure of how to take this request.

 "I've been thinking about what you said." Treesa said as she gripped her arms together, "If what you said is true...I want to prove that I can move past my feelings. I admit that the dark elves haven't done anything to warrant my hate. And I know I wouldn't want...someone like that to hate me so..."

 Roko took a deep breath and leaned forward on the table they were sitting at, placing his hands in front of him, "Who are you trying to prove this to?"

 Everyone turned to look at Treesa again.

 "...To you...and to me...and no one else."

 Everyone turned to look back at Roko who silently considered Treesa's request with an unreadable poker face, "...Alright."

 "Really?!" Treesa cried, shocked.

 "We leave in the morning. If you have extra things you wish to bring along, I'd start preparing now."

 "R-Right!" Treesa nodded, "I'll start right now!"

 And with that, their inn keeper ran off towards the stairs.

 "Was that a good idea?" Helena asked.

 "Treesa's restraint is greater than her aggression." Roko explained, "She couldn't actively hurt anybody no matter how much she wants to. We don't have to protect the dark elves from her. We just need to give her room to shake off her own shackles."

 "And if she snaps?" Roland frowned.

 "Then we'll stop her." Momo smiled, "No problem there."

 "Not to pretend I'm not on board with this idea..." Kaguya said with a sly smile, "But Elven/Dark Elf relations are at a crucial reconciliation point right now. Wouldn't any outburst Treesa could have cause damage to these perceptions?"

 "In the small chance that'll happen, we just explain and apologize when necessary." Roko replied, "Equality should be given equally and should people wish for such a thing, they should be given an equal chance. Some people may not want that and will never join us. But if what we want is for everyone to be treated as equals, then we should treat even those who oppose our ideals as equals first. Even if they separate themselves from us that doesn't change how we should treat them. This is not a matter of equity. It's the least that everyone should be treated. Their rights as sentient people."

 Helena let out a chuckling sigh, "Well, I'm convinced."

 "I trust Roko's judgment." Momo nodded.

 "I have full trust as well." Kaguya agreed.

 "So I'm the only one with a bad feeling then?" Roland frowned, "I'm not even sure I got your little speech but whatever. If this goes bad, it's on your head."

 "That's fine. If they blame me instead of Treesa then all the better for their relations."

 "Probably should've asked Rivera about this first though." Kaguya said.

 "We haven't asked permission so far. Why start now?" Helena chuckled.

 "I feel sorry for her." Kaguya sighed with a smile on her face, "She's had to deal with so much since we came here."

 "We've arguably had to deal with more." Momo said.

 "Let's not start getting into competitive misery." Kaguya laughed softly.

 Early the next morning, three carriages arrived in front of Treesa's lounge. And in short time, Roko and Brook would arrive from the castle and the knights would arrive from their inn. And once the dark elves arrived from Roko's house, everything was set for their departure. Except for their one unexpected addition.

 "Where's Treesa?" Helena asked.

 "Haven't seen her since yesterday." Kaguya replied, "Has she been preparing this entire time?"

 "Here I am!"

 To everyone's shock, Treesa came around the back of the lodge with her own carriage and horses.

 "I'm ready to go!" Treesa smiled, "I figured the best way to get along with strangers is through their stomach so I'm bringing a ton of supplies so I can show them some good old elven cooking!"

 "Uhh...alright then." Helena blinked, "At least you got your own carriage for everything."

 "Roko, who's that woman?" Reaumur frowned.

 "She runs the inn that the princesses have been staying at." Roko explained.

 "And she wants to come along?"

 "Will that be a problem?"

 "Eh...I'm sure it's fine." Ohm shrugged.

 "The covered carriage might be a problem." Romer noted, "We might have to check it."

 "Really?" Momo said, "It should be fine. Treesa's not a threat."

 "It's not like I doubt you but if we don't check it here, it's going to checked when we get to the village anyway. It's an unregistered cart carrying cargo after all. Have to make sure nothing unsavory's found it's way on board. Nothing invasive I assure you."

 "It's fine." Treesa nodded, "This was a last minute decision after all. I understand."

 "Right, then." Reaumur said, "Do you mind if I preform the search?"

 "Not at all." Treesa climbed down from the carriage, "Please. Go ahead."

 "Alright. Come on, Penny."

 Penny barked and followed Reaumur into the carriage.

 "Hm. I'm not sure how I feel about you adding one extra guest to this." Romer frowned, "It's certainly not an issue but having to explain to the elders...and then there's Rivera..."

 "Think of this as training for her." Roko suggested.

 "Training? For what? Her cooking?"


 "Hmmm...I guess that's fine then." Romer shrugged, "Regardless, we need to decide who's taking which carriage now. Drift and company will be with me in the lead cart since we'll be guiding the way but what about your group?"

 "I'll stay in the second carriage." Momo said, "If trouble shows up, I'll be there to deal with it in a flash!"

 "Roland and I will take the second cart as well." Helena nodded, "Should be plenty of room for all of us and our stuff."

 "Brook, do you an idea of where you wish to ride?" Kaguya asked.

 "Doesn't really matter to me." Brook replied from behind her mask.

 "Then why don't you ride the third cart with me?"

 "That's fine."

 "Right, that just leaves you two." Helena said as she turned to Roko, Corissa and Varis, "Where do you guys wanna go? Might be a bit of a tight squeeze depending on what kind of company you want."

 "I'll ride in Treesa's cart." Roko replied, "It's going to be the last cart from the looks of things and we need somebody there if something ambushes us."

 "Fair." Momo nodded, "But if we do get ambushed, do you think you alone can handle it?"

 "I mean assuming that we don't get separated, it should be fine right?"

 "Yes but how much damage can you really prevent with just yourself?"

 "What are you suggesting?"

 "Take Corissa and Varis with you."

 "Are you serious?" Roko frowned.

 "What's the issue?"

 "There's a ton of cargo there already and you're trying to squeeze three more people in there?"

 "Hey Treesa, can you fit three people in your cart?!" Helena called.

 "Huh? Oh sure! No problem."

 "There we go." Helena grinned.

 "You know, if there's not enough room, Corissa can ride with u-"

 "Shut up Roland."

 "Between the three of you, you should be able to cover our back pretty solidly." Momo smiled.

 "Alright, whatever." Roko sighed.

 A bark drew their attention to Klaus who was standing right next to Roko, tail waging.

 "You want to go with Roko as well, boy?" Helena chuckled, "Sure! Go ahead!"

 "You know I could've said that too right?" Roko frowned.

 "Oh, I'm sorry I figured you would've been more interesting in debating the pros and cons first."

 "What am I, am ethicist?"

 "Roko, you are the entire synod."

 "Okay, the search is done!" Reaumur announced as she climbed down from the carriage, "We can leave now!"