The Lost And The Damned

The days after Damon's death the officers of the Ryuji Clan were disoriented, their treasury completely emptied, some of their most influential Officers were killed by the son of the future Chairman Captian.

The Matriarch of the Bushida Family has been getting a rough time by the other Officers as a friend of the Accardi Family and Treasurer of the Ryuji Clan.

Sam was laying on a couch her head resting on a man's lap as he was stroking her hair.

"I-It's not my fault right?" Sam was venting to Shintaro due to Sam losing her spot as Treasurer in the Ryuji Clan and has lost most of her credibility.

While the two were talking three people were staring at them; the two kids who looked at the least 16 were confused the man especially.

The younger man opened his mouth hesitantly stuttering a little.

"M-Manager Ailbe... Are Sam and Shintaro dating by any chance?" The younger guy looks at Ailbe in a confused manner

"After we became adults I slightly stopped snooping on her love life." While the three were spending their time they started hearing yells and struggles.

"Pleaaaaassssseeeeeeeee!!!" Sam pleaded as she tried to press her face against Shintaro's.

"Sam! I'm a forty-six-year-old man and you're twenty-six! It's not like when you were young I'd kiss your owie when you hurt your knee! So please for the love of God I'm too old for this." Shintaro yelled but got overpowered by Sam and she licked his face before cackling.

All Shintaro did was let out a sigh and wiped his face clean.

"You have his laugh but even Kenji knew how to treat people." Shintaro was talking about Sam's predecessor: Kenji Bushida the first Officer of the Bushida Family and Sam's adoptive father.

"Alright, sis! We have to go It's becoming night time and Shining Diamond ain't gonna shine on its own!" Ailbe yelled out as he turned his back and walked off Sam and Akuma following him.

But someone was pulling on Akuma's sleeve, about the same age as him, a girl with blue eyes and black hair.

"Aku... I-I thought we were gonna spend time together." She said in a very shy tone hiding her mouth under the collar of her shirt.

"Sorry Angelica, Sam has been working me to the bone and we have some huge projects going that has the Family and Consortium pretty tensed up so we can't afford to let this slide, I'll make it up to you!" Akuma ran loosening Angelica's grip on his sleeve leaving her water-eyed.

"A-Angelica? But you always call me Angel." Angelica whispered crying silently.

Shintaro noticed Angelica and came to comfort her.

"Hey, hey! We can spend time together!" Shintaro sprinted to Angelica going on one knee and putting his hands on her shoulders and smiled a sweet smile, as Angelica looked up to Shintaro she shyly nodded.

"Come let's grab some ice cream, that'll cheer you up!" Shintaro stood back on his feet and started walking with Angelica.

"D-dad..." Angelica whispered shyly

Shintaro noticed she said something but he didn't know what she said.

"Hm? Did you say something?" Shintaro asked in a welcoming tone.

"Sh-Shintaro, does Aku hate me?" Shintaro stopped walking for a second being surprised by Angelica's question, as shy and timid as she was Akuma was the person she loved the most and he loved her the most as she knew, but when Shinatro stopped Angelica's heart became heavy.

"Of course not, Angelica I'm sure he's just busy, as much of a slacker as Sam is something so big shouldn't for her she wouldn't let slide and she'll need Akuma's expertise." Shintaro tried his hardest to reassure Angelica.

Angelica showed a small but sweet smile.

"By the way, What did Aku mean about 'Consortium' and 'Family'?" Shintaro went back to his calm, straight, and business-like self answering ANgelica's question but Angelica could see something was up.

"I am not sure what he meant by that we can ask him later but let's go grab some ice cream." Angelica nodded, she didn't wanna pry into these things.

As time went by Akuma was checking his clipboard to see if everyone was together until he felt arms wrap around his waist and something soft pushing against his back with hot breath against his neck slowly going to his ear, and the voice said.

"Ara ara~" A familiar female voice whispered into Akuma's ear as his eyes widen and his blood goes cold.

"W-Why do I feel so cold all of a sudden? It feels like ice water is going through my veins." After he said that the voice gave off a familiar high-pitched cackle that was heard from behind him like a hyena's cackle.

"Can you cut it off for once?!" Akuma turned his head yelling because of Sam's behavior.

"Awwwww... Why tho? I l love you." Sam started sounding like a child as Akuma's eye started twitching.

"Leave me the fuck alone you old hag! For a twenty-six-year-old, you act like you're sixteen!" Akuma the actual sixteen-year-old yelled getting lose of Sam.

Akuma just started berating Sam for needing to be more like the owner of a cabaret.

Ailbe was just behind the women Akuma was checking, just staring at the commotion.

"Manager, should we do something?" One of the cabaret girls asked Ailbe feeling bad for both of them.

"Nah! This is how their relationship is." Ailbe just chuckled before leaving them to their fate.

During that time in a prison cell in an unknown location, a man with heavy chains weighing about 100 kilograms on each of his legs, chest and, arms were laying on his bed.

The man has black hair, eyes like blue diamonds, a little facial hair growing on his lip and chin even on the right side of his face where it's burned.

He was dreaming about eight people each of a different kind, a panther, a young crusader, a baby bear, a blank winged angel, a girl dressed like a gambler, a pop star looking person, a caterpillar, and a kid looking like a hobo

To be continued