The Lies

"That's where you work. I am, too. The TSV Studios," Feline introduced. Sean looked back at her, chuckling. Feline became anxious the moment he stare out once again. She stared at the car following them earlier, and it zoomed past. It's Sean's parents. Maybe they wanted to wait at their house.

Sean sighed as he murmured, "It must be good if I still remember how I work here. This place must be the definition of life for me."

Feline widened her eyes after that. She moved from her seat, in a haste to place her palm over Sean's eyes. Thank God. The buckle of her seat didn't pull her back. Sean saw someone passing by outside, but Feline's palms hinder him from seeing that man. She touched his eyes, Sean closed his lids.

Feline waited for the man to slide in her car before pretending, "There's something on your hair. I picked it out."

She flicked her fingers on air, lying. Sean opened his bewildered eyes. He's confused about what she done. Feline cleared her throat as she turned to him. Sean raised his eyebrows while Feline gritted her teeth. Sean asked skeptically, "What was that? Is there something that came across our car that you... you closed my eyes?"

Feline blinked a few times, trying so hard not to slip. She searched for any distraction around, but there weren't any. She sighed, mumbled, "No. There's something on your lids. I took it out."

Sean gazed at her while Feline was doing the same. Sean nodded, unsure if he should believe him or not. Feline swallowed. She knew if she didn't place her hands on his eyes, he would see him. Friya's brother, Fernand Lee, a detective in Manila National Police Station.

Feline shrugged it off, mumbling, "We need to go. Your parents must wait for you. I'll drop you off. I need to go to work later."

Sean didn't bother to talk it out, averting his eyes in front of the car. Leaning his back on the car while Feline swallowed, he muttered, "Let's go. I want to lie down on my bed."


"Ms. Friya Lee!" The CEO of the TSV Studios, the one-and-only, Mr. Herman, yelped at the door. He peeked his head in the corner, making sure that he didn't disturb any work in progress. The team was sitting down around the table. They all got surprised by his voice.

"Mr. Herman!" Friya shoot up from her seat and bowed down her head. All of them stood up, hearts skipping for a beat, and did the same thing as their leader. Friya brushed the loose strands of her hair behind her ear, asking, "What are you doing here, Mr. CEO?"

Mr. Herman went inside with his hands placed on his hips. Mr. Herman looked around and joked, "We should renovate your office and booth with a bigger one. After all, you're the number one producer of our radio shows for the past years."

Friya's cheeks turned beet red. She's flustered by what he said. It's not that significant achievement after all. She still wanted to be honest with her job. Those skills were the ones that she should apply. Friya knew it would work out.

"This office is small for a top producer like you, isn't it? I should transfer you to another place, with those enormous windows and such," Mr. Herman hollered about. Friya felt humiliated. Her teammates sniggered, happy to hear the good news. Friya turned her head halfway and put on a delightful smile.

"Mr. Herman, we're alright here. We should worry about the rankings first before the office. Maintaining it for the next years would be difficult." Friya placed her hands on her abdomen level. She pursed her lips. Her joy remained the same. It's still there, the passion that she wanted to brew for decades.

"No. I will transfer you to a bigger office on the upper floors. I am sure your teammates will be ecstatic too," Mr. Herman nodded at them. She went on, trying to convince that they didn't need it. But all of them agreed with the CEO himself. Friya flunked her shoulders down, looking at them with that defeated eye.

"They all agree. You should too, since you're the leader of this team." he motioned for her to nod. Friya knew she had no choice but to agree. Everyone clapped their hands, and the CEO spun around, saying that he should prep it up.

"You can transfer later in the afternoon. I should prep it for all of you. Congratulations and continue your hard work," Mr. Herman raised his fist. Everyone shrilled, enthralled with their transfer. Friya beamed at them too, ashamed. The people might say that she asked for it. But it wasn't.

Friya turned to them, wrapped the papers on the table, and she slipped the pen in her blouse pocket. She hoisted the papers up, ordering, "We should pack up now it's the CEO's order."

Everyone exclaimed inside. Friya smiled at them, sniggering.


She dropped the logs of their radio show to the signal providers. She left a note on the top of the stacks before coming out. Friya slipped in a look on her watch and sighed. Sneaking in her hands in her pockets, Friya looked upon the radiating light. The hallways exposed so many employees, darting in and out of their offices.

Everyone was busy right around this year. The special segments were getting ready on the roll, and Friya halted. She observed the outside premises of the TSV Studios. The wind gushed onto the fourth floor. She held onto the railing, looking upon the nearest skyscrapers.

How does it feel like when she's alone? It's tiresome. Overthinking of any things that might make her mind go insane. She's not the only one in the world thinking of what her purpose in life was. Friya tucked in her hands on the railings. Tilting her head to one side, she wanted to be free.

Until, someone soaked her blouse. She stopped from mesmerizing the brightness of the clouds.