In One Place

"What came to your mind that you wanted to be here, Sean?" Feline took a seat down, next to the woman reading a newspaper. The seats were apart. The atmosphere that Friya could feel... it's uncomfortable. She hissed, trying to contain herself to calm down.

The nervous rose in her chest. Friya wanted the ground to suck her in, but it's impossible. Her mouth had gone dry as its finest. If that Ramyeon noodle touched the roof of her mouth, it'd burn like hell. She didn't know what to do. The comfort she attained by coming inside the booth vanished.

Feline's giggle rose as Sean broke out in laugh. They were both guffawing for a topic Friya didn't even understand. She grabbed the corner of the newspaper, tearing it up, but the footsteps of the server made her jump.

The server came up at her side, holding the tray carefully. She stifled a smile. Friya lowered down the newspaper. Good thing that the server's body was covering her identity. She chuckled, saw the steam of the Ramyeon noodles in an enormous bowl. The server placed a shot glass and two bottles of soju.

Friya swallowed. She looked at the other side as the server bowed down her head. She pivoted her heel around, leaving Friya to enjoy her noodles. Friya cleared her throat. She didn't even know she could eat now while hiding.

"I should switch seats," Friya whispered. Friya's seat was a few meters apart from where the two sat down. They're having a conversation, too, and they didn't even notice Friya. She hissed, looking at the right side corner, and saw a table near the exit.

A server walked along the center alley, and Friya disturbed her. The server turned her eyes, blinking. Friya placed her hand on the side of her mouth, breathing, "I need to change my seat. It's hot in here."

The server understood it right away. She lower down the tray, served the order first, and turned to Friya's meal. She hid herself in that newspaper, and she successfully went out of the table. Friya took a seat down at the entrance and breathed a sigh of relief. The server helped her with her meal, bowing down her head after.

"Thank you," she called out. Friya's heavy heart softened a bit as she heard the giggle at the tent's left corner. She licked her lips in disappointment, retrieving her cell phone. Friya didn't know who to call. She doesn't have anyone besides Louie.

Her friends were far away, living their life off with their own kids and husbands. It's only two of them, and they had little time calling her frequently. She tapped her cell phone, scrolling through her contacts.

She went past Chloe...

She went past Hannah...

They're both busy, for sure. They will not waste time to drive off in the capital, out of their countryside, to accompany her in this little tent. She never wanted to disturb them unless... they'll call her first.

Friya stopped her fingers at Louie's name. How stupid she was to reject that dinner offer. She should have gone then. At least she would not be lonely. Friya sighed as she shook her head, drawling out, "Nevermind. He'll only ignore my call."

But when she picked up the fork from the tissue, her cell phone vibrated. She literally jumped from her seat, holding her chest. It was loud, resonating all over the corners of that tent. Friya swiped the green call button. She placed it in her ear, hearing a man's voice at the other end of the line.

Friya heard Louie's voice. "You wanted to call me, aren't you? Why are you hesitating to do it?"

Friya's jaw dropped on the floor, shaking her head. She stammered, "What did you say? I'm not going to call you, Louie. How confident were you?"

Louie chuckled. He walked to the entrance of the booth. He saw Friya's hair at the transparent wall. She didn't have any clue that he was there, outside of the tent. Louie stopped, saying, "Don't say thank you when I show up in front of you."

Friya sighed. Her temper rose. How could that guy even say that on the phone? Was she busying herself, lying to her own mind that she's not attempting to call him? Louie can read the slightest change in her emotions.

Friya answered, "No, thank you. And why would you show up in front of me, mister?"

Her sarcastic voice made Louie stepped inside. He listened to her voice, even if she's a distance away. He stopped at the entrance, showing himself up to Friya. The woman on the table widened her eyes, the surrounding changed soon. Friya's jaw dropped on the floor as she saw Louie.

He smiled, showing off those gleaming teeth, and waved the cell phone in front of his nose. Friya pressed the hung up button as she croaked, "What are you doing here?"

Louie chuckled, took a sit down, but something caught his eye. At the far left corner of the tent, two lovebirds were having a serious conversation. It's far from where Friya was, but Louie can distinguish whose face it was.

He blinked a few more times, but he confirmed it. It's Feline... with Sean. Friya was going to scold her, but Louie shut her up, addressing, "Did you know that those two were here? Or you followed them?"

Friya got surprised with his question. Is Louie accusing her of being a stalker? Or someone who was following them at first?

"What?!" Friya cried out. Creasing her forehead, she breathed furiously. She wanted to have some decent time for herself, but these people never allow her to. Louie wagged his hands, motioning for her to ignore it.

"What are you saying there? I don't even know that they're going to be here, Louie," she added in an infuriated tone.

"So it's a coincidence?" Louie asked. Friya nodded, picking up the fork, and took a big slurp of her noodles. Louie glared at Sean's back, who was having a lovely conversation with that woman.