Drunkard Words

Louie tried to hug her, but Friya pointed at Sean and yelled, "You were the one why I'm crying right now! You were the one why I'm still lonely."

Louie closed his eyes. He hissed, clicking his tongue at the floor of his mouth. He gave up from ceasing her from what she's doing. Sean's jaw dropped on the floor, befuddled about how Friya accused him. Louie didn't know how he should convey his surprise into words. How can Friya pertain to those words?

Sean didn't know what he should answer. He bit his lip, uncertain about her statement. Or was it because she's drunk? Louie tried to drape his arms again on her shoulders, but Friya thwack it away. Friya pointed her finger to Sean, shrieking, "You're the reason I'm in pain right now! You... Sean..."